What really bad coffee / espresso beverage did you used to swear by, but now can't even think about drinking?

And furthermore, what are you drinking now?

For example, I used to down 3 or 4 (to lapse into Starbuckease) a quad tall 4 pump vanilla breve with whip lattes nearly every day when I worked there for 4.5 years.

I tried one about a year ago just for old times sake and nearly redeposited it on my shoes. It was like hot, melted ice cream and was soooo sickeningly sweet. I've been apologizing to myself about it ever since.

Now, I'm all about straight shots. macchiatos and sometimes a 5-6 oz capp if I need something sweet (hold the whip).

We all evolve. It's good to remember where you came from.

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I can't believe I'm about to admit this.... but it was a (sorry for the *BKS usage) "Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel, extra vanilla, and whip cream...stirred". Now it's only straight shots, chemex, or 6 oz. caps. Thank goodness I got the picture!
I'm sad to say this...

an iced kicker from Dutch Bros.

Which come to find out is 4 oz. of half and half, 2 oz. of irish cream and espresso which can sit for up to a minute and they'll still use it.

In my defense I was in high school and they were two dollars. Young and naive. It's sad. And you couldn't pay me to drink one now.
And even before that, even though you're too embarrassed to admit it, you were getting the kickers right along side me.

Collin said:
I vaguely remember the days of gauging my barista skills by how many flavor combinations I had beneath my belt to rattle off to customers. Somewhere in the mix I managed to make myself believe that the essence of our Hazelnut flavor was more pronounced when accompanied by 30+ grams of white chocolate powder then drowned with 20 ounces of sea foam-esque milk and 3 or 4 shots of something resembling espresso.

Oh the folly of youth.
actually, i don't find espresso sitting to be that bad of a thing, depending. james hoffman has a good video where he talks about letting his espresso cool down a good bit before drinking, and for iced drinks, i'm not sure it matters that much. especially if you're using espresso a couple days off roast (which is an unfortunate necessity sometimes) that half a minute to a minute of sitting will let the gas escape and get you back to your normal 60ml double.

that said, i stir it and drink it hot as soon as the extraction is done :P

Ann Schneider said:
I'm sad to say this...

an iced kicker from Dutch Bros.

Which come to find out is 4 oz. of half and half, 2 oz. of irish cream and espresso which can sit for up to a minute and they'll still use it.

In my defense I was in high school and they were two dollars. Young and naive. It's sad. And you couldn't pay me to drink one now.
In junior high I used to drink Hazelnut White mochas from Sbux, I swear, since I've worked at a legit coffee shop, everything from that place tastes like sugar and scorched milk.

Now I'm happy with the occasional FP, and americanos. I drink lattes too, but I try to make coffee the main part of the drink.

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