Hi, I'm a student at MATC. I'm working on a marketing degree and plan on graduating this spring. I'm currently doing an internship and I need to learn as much as I can about WIFI useage in specialty cafes. I was hoping someone would like to discuss WIFI use with me. I know very little about WIFI and even less about specialty coffee. I'd like to know which cafes charge for usage and which ones don't. Is one cafes WIFI better than another? Why? What are some of the major drawbacks or problems you have encountered with WIFI? Is there a minimum purchase to use WIFI? Do you have a problem with "squatters" or people using WIFI and not making a purchase?

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Search BX for previous discussions on wifi or wi-fi or wi fi and your questions will highly likely all be answered.
In our cafe we don't usually have a problem with "squatters" per se. There are the people that come in and will hang out for 3,4, or 5 hours, which is fine as long as they get a drink. We do however get drive-by-WIFIers. Who just pull up and park outside, you can usually see their computer screens. I just run back to my laptop which is in the backroom and block their IP address. The WIFI is for customers and patrons. If someone is working who doesnt know what to do, they just walk out and politely inform them that the WIFI is just that, for customers. And that they are more than welcome to come try some of our coffee!

We don't charge for the WIFI, but it is considered polite to get a drink if you are going to take up a table. We are not a huge cafe as far as seating goes so customers who purchased drinks get priority over "squatters."

So to make this easier for you to glean info from:
1) Do we charge for WIFI? No, not technically
2) Is our cafe's WIFI any better or less than anothers? Depends on ISP, bandwidth, etc
3) What are some of the major drawbacks or problems you have encountered with WIFI? Sometimes we get campers which is annoying but is going to happen. However, we also get some awesome customers based solely upon the fact that we have WIFI that isn't charged for. There is a guy who tips every morning twice what his "small coffee" costs him. We like this man.
4) Is there a minimum purchase to use WIFI? No
5) Do you have a problem with "squatters" or people using WIFI and not making a purchase? Not directly, people not making a purchase is not the problem.
Thanks for the reply. I'll have to check the archives and see what I can find out. This is very interesting.

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