bX'ers - I am asking for your help in kicking off and then spreading the word about a fundraiser tied in with the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s Western Regional Barista Competition (
WRBC) called
Baristas for Bikes.
The goal to get all competitors who enter the WRBC (March 28-30), attend the Pre-Competition Training with Heather Perry (March 1), and really all Baristas in the western region (or everywhere!) to participate and demonstate to the media and the general public what a great group of people Baristas are.
It’s pretty simple – the challenge is for each Barista to raise enough money to puchase a bike ($120) through
Bikes to Rwanda. That’s twelve customers and friends at $10 each – do-able. Can you imagine if just 10% of the Barista Exchange community participates?! We really can make a difference.
Bikes to Rwanda’s aim is to provided is to provide cargo bikes to co-operative coffee farmers in Rwanda. (They had been using bikes made from wood, including the tires to haul green coffee beans). The goal is to improve the quality of life in the communities through a bike workshop and maintenance program that provides transportation resources for basic needs and enhances production of quality coffee.
Once each Barista decides to take on the challenge I’d like to get a quick email (or café/shop) with the barista’s name, café name and location so I can get an estimate on how many Baristas plan on participating. The larger the number of participants I know are working on gaterhing sponsorships the better chance I have of getting some media attention for the Barista community.
Attached a PDF file with more information about Baristas for Bikes and the sponsor form.
More information and the sponsor form is attached and can be found
Question? Don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks for your support.
info@wrbc2008.com or kerrylaird@pacificbaycoffee.com