I need to buy a new 5 kg drum roaster, and i would like to know your experienced opinion.
My approach is to find the best compromise between price and quality, but I'm able to consider the most expensive choice since I'm looking for quality first...I'm willing to economically dedicate the most important "slice" of my business plan for the "best" roaster available.
I just finished to read the Willem Boot's article on Sept-Oct Roast magazine issue about what to consider before making a conscious decision.

I'm evaluating all the model from the main manufacturer like Ambex, Diedrich, Giesen, Toper, US Roaster corp, Brambati, Petroncini, San Franciscan, Has Garanti, Ozcaffe, Scolari engineering, Wampa, Coffetech, Sivetz, Joper, Gothot and........PROBAT.
It seems that the best roasting companies lean towards Probat (like sweetmaria's founder Tom Owen...my "morning star" for this business), but I saw great roasting company using Diedrich, Gothot and others as well.

I want to know why Probat is the most expensive, and I would like to know it from a technical prospective, please don't just tell me that "they are the market leader".
Are their drum better? Why?
Are their airflow better? Why?
Are their components material better? Why?
Are they burner better? Why?
Do they roast the beans better? Why?
:-)  :-)
Talking about a very important aspect of the purchase for me, that is the full roast profile automation system, it seems that they don't offer the best choice out there.
For example, it seems that the "logofile artisan" system from Praxis International is much more extensive.
I'm also looking with interest at the evolution of the "artisan" opensource roast project http://code.google.com/p/artisan/

Thanks for your help.

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My honest feeling is that it is probably because of the same reason people still buy mercedes benz when you have lexus.


i own three different toper roasters (10K, 15K and 30K) and could not think of switching to any other brand.

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