Hi Everyone,
In 2008 I inherited a small coffee farm in Central America (Antigua, Guatemala). The farm (the land that is left; about three acres) has been in my family for four generations (the land was bought by my great-grandmother).
Since it came into my hands, I have been dealing with legal issues and getting the farm cleaned up and more coffee plants added (Arabica Typica, Arabica Bourbone and Arabica Caturra) along with learning about the farming process.
I am also looking into getting a organic certificate from AnaCafe and the Smithsonian bird friendly cert.
So! my question is this: I want to sell the coffee directly to Roasters in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have about 1200lbs of green beans that will be ready in Feb.of next year. My farm is processing the coffee which is all shade grown within the city of Antigua (so it is Estate Coffee).
What is the best way to contact roasters and what information should I have for them? Where do I find the going rate of coffee prices for my specific area?
I know that I don't have enough poundage to ship my beans in a single container so I am looking at other options for getting it to the Bay Area.
Anyway, can anyone get me started?
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