Hi! I have a client that is looking for a bagel supplier or bakery in Northern Il. She is opening a small coffee shop in a upscale area and needs a good supplier for bagels. Any suggestions? She is about 45min south of Milwaukee.

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We are in a in Chesterland Ohio, a very small town and I had trouble finding a bakery to deliver to me. I had several that would and when they went out of bussiness I had to try some thing else. I now get my bagels frozen form Sams club and scoop and bake muffins and a few struddle from my food supplier. I am selling twice as many bagels as when I was getting them in everyday. And I am selling about 600 muffins a month.
I would suggest that she uses our coffee, she's right in our neck of the woods. Beyond that Deerfields bakery is very good, So is JR's out of Chicago. The bagel pickings are slim around here, you can find some good stuff in Highland Park but they are all small local guys that don't really wholesale. We use Costco bagels witch are I think Einsteins recipe.
I'll second that vote for the Einsteins bagels from Costco. We tried all of the local bakers and these won hands-down. Even better than some standalone bagel shops. Ridiculous but true.
Thanks everyone - I'll pass that along to the client! Jason, could you email me (mike@SelbySoft.com) some contact information for yourself? I'll pass it along!

Are these frozen bagels or the made ones in Costco's bakery?

They are the frozen ones. I have since changed bagels I get them from Instant Whip They get them from just bagels in the bronks. New York My bagel sales have always been good but now they are outstanding over 25 a day. They have over 10 varities.

If you were asking about the Sam's ones, Kathy has your answer as well as a pretty good newer option.

If you were instead asking about the Costco ones I was referring to those many years ago, those were the ones from their bakery. We didn't have an oven at that point, so in-house baking wasn't an option. We don't buy anything now - out of business since Christmas 2011.

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