
I am working on creating a page for Baristas and Shift Leads to report daily operations. This is what I have so far:

weather / events / holidays

*86 /  broken equipment 

training / notes

sales - last year vs. today

espresso calibration parameters (six slots for each barista)

confirmation that task lists have been completed

What do you have in your log books?  Do your employees follow through in completing them?

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Simple is better. We use laminated sheets that we mount in specific areas of our restaurant (kitchen/bar/cashier/FOH). These have a list of preopening-midday and closing tasks. Using a whiteboard pen that is attached to the lists (so cant wander off) the staff tick off each task daily. The day manager signs off and the afternoon manager then checks- makes sure his staff complete the tasks and likewise signs off. Next day the day managers checks the afternoon shifts completed everything- wipes the checklist clean- adds todays date starts over.

After a while the tasks are part of the daily routine- and its rare that these are missed.

We do use traditional log books but in all honesty Whatsapp and Slack (an excellent application) have both replaced written communication except when it relates to compliance issues (safety, firstaid documentation etc).

Slack looks like a great app. Thanks for the recommendation!

I took out the sales reports for the baristas and made the following form for espresso calibration:

Roast date


dry dose



liquid weight

It took a month or so of constant reminders to my staff to make sure it was being used consistently.  I feel much more informed about daily operations and my baristas are starting to realize that issues get resolved much more quickly if I know about them. ;-)

Having a constant record of espresso parameters is very insightful for making sure my baristas understand calibration.

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