Difference betyween
Coffee House
Coffee Bar
Coffee Place

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It can be called a "coffee shack" for that matter.......the only thing that is relative is the bean and the method in which it's served.
What about Coffee Fortress? I'd like to go to one of those...
Coffee Brothel
coffee public swimming pool.
Nice reply!

Taiya Jarva said:
cafe isn't always specific to a business where you can get coffee- cafe is any place that has a half-service kitchen. they can serve food from a small menu, coffee, deserts, etc. I think that's why we see a lack of "cafe's" specific to coffee, these days. they want to eliminate the confusion.
coffee houses seem to serve a bigger selection of coffee drinks, as well as some coffee retail products. most offer some sort of hangout type atmosphere. couches, computers, music stages, etc.
I have never been to any place that specifically calls themselves a "coffee bar" though O.O
Coffee ballroom.
Totally non-standardized. I would not assume that there's any more or less product quality, selection, merchandise, at any of these place-names (except perhaps Jared's coffee brothel). Its all about what the owner wants to do, the feel they are trying to invoke. I'll give it a go, though.

Cafe being the broadest of terms, to me generally implies that food is available.

Among baristas, the term "espresso bar" or just "the bar" is often used to refer to the place within a cafe where the machine is. The counter and workspace with the equipment are the bar. That said, I suppose an espresso bar could also refer to the whole place, and could include much smaller "establishments" as well, like stands, carts, and kiosks.

FWIW, our place is called The Coffee Garden partially because it includes a nice outdoor patio with tables - kinda like a German biergarten, only for coffee.

Me? I'd really like to find a good coffee emporium.
As we are looking at opening a shop in the next year or so, I find this an interesting topic!

I agree with Taiva a Cafe seems to refer to a food establishment more than a coffee spot! A clearly defined name I believe will help establish our philosophy or identity!

Brady said:
Me? I'd really like to find a good coffee emporium.

Brady I like coffee emporium, would you care to further define?
Derryl Reid said:
As we are looking at opening a shop in the next year or so, I find this an interesting topic!

I agree with Taiva a Cafe seems to refer to a food establishment more than a coffee spot! A clearly defined name I believe will help establish our philosophy or identity!

Brady said:
Me? I'd really like to find a good coffee emporium.

Brady I like coffee emporium, would you care to further define?

I visualize a tiny, dusty, disheveled, warm little nook on a shady street corner. Various outstanding coffees in jars scattered around and mixed with all manner of coffee gadgets, brewing devices, books, stacked to the ceiling. Cozy (well worn) mismatched furniture. Staffed by a couple of eccentric yet friendly couple baristas, sporting bowler hats or Einstein hairdoes, Rollie Fingers mustaches, etc. Beautiful, cantankerous brass lever espresso machine hissing away on the bar, producing amazing shots. Picture any of the magic shops from Harry Potter and you get the idea. The key word is magic.
They may be all one in the same but for my two cents I would think that a Coffeehouse would be a serious coffee-drinking establishment with a couches-type atmosphere like on "Friends". A Cafe is a place that is less than a full-fledged restaurant, but more than a diner-type place, and that may or not feature coffee. A Coffee Bar is a serious coffee-drinking place that's not as decorated or mismatches as a Coffeehouse could be. I would picture it being smaller, wood floors, stark decor, and not much room to sit down. And my opinion is that a Coffee Place is what customers call their favorite Coffeehouse, Cafe, or Coffee Bar! :)
I'll only address Cafe and challenges having the word in the name of the downtown location we purchased three years ago caused, location since renamed. We were as much or more thought to be a food establishment than a coffee establishment. Do you have hamburgers, french fries, omelettes, hashbrowns etc. were all too common questions (all answered no). In our neck of the woods most "greasy spoons" have Cafe in their name. Nothing wrong with them, they just not be what we want to be thought to be!

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