Tibet was slammed with  7.1 magnitude earthquake that leveled 70 to 90% of the area. For some reason, the media is not reporting on the severity, nor are musicians playing a prime-time benefit to raise funds or awareness. That said, I feel it's important to bring it up.

I work with a foundation out of Berkley called Seva, and they have an outpost in Tibet they established in 1995 with the purpose of restoring eye sight to the blind ... they are there today helping in any way they can. The following is a letter I received a few days ago from Jack .. one of the Seva.org guys ... hopefully this will help bring to light the desperate need of attention the Tibetan people are in today.


Dear Brian,

The images and stories reaching us from the Tibet earthquake area of Yushu report that 70-90% of the community’s wood and mud structured homes were destroyed and according to the Red Cross 70% of the schools collapsed. Estimates of the dead are now reaching over 2000 and another 12,000 suffered injury. One bit of good news to emerge today is that contrary to earlier reports, the hospital in Yushu was not destroyed, though it did suffer cracks and damage, and only one hospital staff member was reported to have perished. Like you, we are left with great concern for the people of this region.

Seva has worked in the area for many years sponsoring eye camps to help restore sight to those blinded by cataract and other eye diseases. We know that Dr. Dorjee, an ophthalmologist, and his Seva-supported team were in the earthquake region conducting eye camps just 90km away at the time of the quakes. He and his team immediately rushed to the disaster zone to offer medical assistance and are said to have rescued and treated some 800 victims by last Friday, April 16th.

Upon learning of the quake, Seva Tibet Program Director, Kunga Tashi, filled 3 rental trucks with medical relief supplies, food, water, tents and blankets, and began the estimated 30 hour trip from Seva headquarters in Lhasa to the quake region. Although Seva immediately provided an initial block of emergency funds to Kunga before leaving on the trek, additional money is needed to continue to provide for these people left homeless and exposed to temperatures that plunge well below freezing at night, especially with weather forecasts predicting snowfall to the area for the next couple of days.

Fortunately, before joining Seva, Kunga was the head of the Swiss Red Cross in Tibet, so he is very experienced in relief efforts and was also involved in the earthquake relief in 2008. Kunga has begun distributing the goods through monasteries and local associations who have access to the earthquake victims, so as to avoid individuals that rob relief trucks in order to try to sell the goods in town. We have learned that medical supplies have pretty well reached the area and the greatest needs are now for more tents, zamba (Tibetan barley) and yak butter, as the instant noodles distributed through food relief efforts give many nomadic people stomach aches. According to our Tibet office, a second convoy of four trucks loaded with supplies arrived early this morning in Yushu.

Additional news from Kunga reports back that he made contact with 2 colleagues we had not heard from since before the quake. Dr. Sona Yangzom and nurse Dolma, both trained by Seva at our partner hospital in Nepal (Lumbini Eye Institute), were working in the area when the quakes struck. We are very grateful that Kunga was able to confirm their safety.

Seva has been touched at a very personal level by the destruction to this region. As one of the only American NGOs in the area and with over 15 years of working in Tibet, we have built relationships that we can not turn away from. We are also in a unique position to offer aid and assistance through these partnerships and our Tibet staff.

In Seva's first communications to donors following the quake, we asked for support to rebuild eye care services to the area and to treat those who suffered eye injuries. We are still committed to doing this, but as we learn more about the utter devastation this region has suffered from our team on the ground, the Seva Berkeley office has decided that we must also raise funds to provide immediate aid and relief to the region.

In the first 24 hours following the earthquake, our initial efforts brought in over $10,000 to help restore eye care services. Today, we are reaching out to you, and a small group of supporters that we know have a special place in their hearts for the people of Tibet, to ask for your support to raise an additional $10,000 for emergency relief supplies. With your help and our network of partners ready to deliver supplies, we will continue to provide much needed aid in the form of food, blankets and tents for shelter.

I thank you for your consideration in making a special gift to the people of Tibet, above and beyond your usual generous gifts to Seva.

You can mail your donation to Seva, phone it in by calling Julie Nestingen, Deputy Director of Development (510.845.4178) or donate online by clicking the Donate to Tibet button below.

(Button omitted .. links to here .. https://secure2.convio.net/seva/site/Donation2?df_id=3020&3020.... )

Yours in service,

Jack Blanks, Executive Director 
Seva Foundation 
1786 Fifth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 USA 
jblanks@seva.org | office + 1.510.845.7382| mobile + 1.510.502.3926 |www.seva.org|skype: jack-seva

Compassion in action: Gift of Service!

If you read this far, thank you. Please feel free to repost. I support Seva in every way I can, for they are one of the few foundations that are ONLY in the business to help.


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