I know I ask a lot from you guys but you're all just so helpful!


I'm trying to train a girl how to do proper dosing and she has no idea what i'm talking about. i need some pointers.

she was taught just fill the portafilter and tamp. and thats its lol

I'm afraid I have my work cut out for me on this one.

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Some go by weight and some prefer volume. I eyeball my doses for the most part as I grind just enough per double shot. I try to never have grounds sitting in the doser to stale so that leaves out relying on the doser to do the measuring in my case. I'm not a fan of dosers but they are what they are.


What I recommend doing is find the optimized dose for your coffee, machine, etc. and use a digital scale with at least a 1 gram resolution. FWIW I'm not into measuring/making changes for dosing or brew temperature to a .1 as that is more trouble than it's worth. Let her weigh the doses until she gets the hang of what a 16 gram dose (or whatever it may be) looks like then wean her onto going by volume alone, then check with the scale here and there.

Teach her about distribution, and why it's so damned important in espresso preparation.  I emphasize time and time again how and why (very important, that) distribution is the most important factor in preparation.  So much so, that I'll even demonstrate a non-tamped dose that's been properly distributed.  I always love the shocked look when they don't see anything wrong with the pull.  The aftermath after removing the portafilter, on the other hand, isn't as pretty.  


The question then turns from "why distribute?" to "why tamp?".  One of my favorite terms that always seems to stick: water is lazy.  It likes to go the path of least resistance.  Don't give it a path of lesser resistance, and you'll get an even extraction.  


How MUCH to dose is something else.  Every shop has standards of how much, and of how to achieve their desired dose weight.  If one isn't already in place, develop it and make sure everyone is consistent.  


The biggest problem is that not enough people are used to asking(and answering) a toddler's favorite question: why?

Jason, I seriously want to have you "On Call" at all times to answer questions for me, or explain concepts that I can't seem to get into people's heads.


I'm integrating the "lazy water" explanation into my training now, right alongside my "racist milk" analogy. 

I'm always happy to help, if I have the time.  If you call the number on the AJ Coffee Co site, it rings my cell. :)  I bug Brady sometimes with tech questions.  I did earlier today, in fact.

Nathanael May said:

Jason, I seriously want to have you "On Call" at all times to answer questions for me, or explain concepts that I can't seem to get into people's heads.


I'm integrating the "lazy water" explanation into my training now, right alongside my "racist milk" analogy. 

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