A few days ago a friend pointed out that I should try to get a piston ice-cream filler for festivals. I had no idea what that was. So I looked it up and decided against it. Not really wanting to start an ice-cream factory. However, while looking for it, I ran into this video:


Now that is cool! But, I'm not quite ready to go buy a liquid nitro tank. But she did something at the end that was interesting. What she referred to as "flash boiled" pudding. But, there wasn't a recipe with the video. They just said, milk and cream and some other stuff.

Not knowing much about pudding, I was really skeptical that the mentioned ingredients was all there was too it. So, I had some corn starch, and all the ingredients necessary. So, this morning I did some experimentation.

This is the final result, and I am quite proud of it. 

Warning: If you are offended by the notion of mixing anything else other than milk with your steam wand, then you can do it the old fashioned way and simmer it to set it up.

Mocha Pudding (serves 2)

1 egg

half cup of heavy cream and half cup of whole milk, or whole cup of half and half

4 oz of Chocolate sauce and two tblsp of sugar or 4 oz of powdered coco and 1/2 a cup of sugar

2.5 tsp of corn starch 

1-2 shots of freshly pulled espresso

First I get a steam pitcher (not a nice latte pitcher. Maybe a non spouted bell pitcher), and pour my dairy in. Afterwards, just add the powdered ingredients and the egg. I've always done it this way to keep the powdered ingredients from getting un-mixed in the corners of the pitcher. I then vigorously whisk until all the ingredients are well blended. Then I steam the mixture with a wand until it begins to boil. Be careful...it thickens very quickly, and the glop burns real bad if it gets on your skin...or eyes...

You can let it cool or chill it, or serve it molten lava hot. But either way, some crumbled oreo's on top or whipped cream make a fine pairing.

This is a very quick recipe, and can be made in a couple minutes. So it is an option for cafe sales. Ghiradelli sauce for me is .18 cents a pump. My shots run me about .42 cents a shot. The milk and heavy cream is about .60 cents for me. Use a washable bowl to save paper cost. Eggs for me is about .09 cents an egg. The corn starch usage is very small. Not even worth factoring it in cost.

So, at my cost, I'm at 1.29. At 30% cost of goods, we have $4.30 for mocha pudding. That's about .55 cents more expensive then my signature latte price. 

I would probably be alright with reducing the price to an even 3.25 with a cost of goods at 40%. 

As far as flavor? It is awesome! It tastes like a really fancy chocolate mousse. Don't forget, this is super easy and quick to make! I'm making some for a dinner in a few days. I may mix it with some Baileys after it's chilled just to see if it goes. It may be overkill. 

Lemme know what you think!

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I lied. It's more like 4.60 at 40% cost.


while I can't do this exactly (no eggs) I have done some experimentation of my own today, aiming to make more of a higher-standard hot chocolate (what passes for one over here anyway). I mixed

2 spoons hot chocolate mix

1/2 spoon cornstarch

1/2 spoon cocoa

and added it into (I used scales, will measure tomorrow, when I do pricing)

80g 33% cream

200g milk (we call it full-fat, not sure about the percentage)

1 espresso

10ml chocolate sirup

Steamed it till...steaming, poured it into zombie glass (we used it is summer for frappés, not much use in winter)...which rather surprisingly did not shatter - another part of the experiment - added whipped cream on the top and sprinkled with crushed oreo (so basically what you recommended) and it looked rather good.

It is quite heavy, which is not bad since temperatures here are starting to reach <0 and tastes good, but I think color could be a bit more...chocolate-ish so I am wondering about adding some... no idea what you call it in english, basically heavily caramelised sugar, dark brown liquid...

I am however thinking of getting rid of the hot chocolate mix altogether, today got me thinking and the stuff is basically cocoa(I doubt it is the real thing)+sugar+cornstarch and I think we could mix our own with close to zero effort, with better quality, to our (customers) taste and maybe even cheaper (will have to do some math on that, but all of the above could be fine counterweight)... these are pretty much standard over here, I don't know if it is so overseas, so this may be rather alien thought to you:-)

Molasses. Yea. That would work like a charm. It would also make it a whole lot richer. I'm actually going to try this out. I think making your own Hot Chocolate mix is a great idea! I've thought about it myself. It's cocoa, and powdered sugar basically. I don't see the point in using cornstarch. However, if you put in some shaved chocolate or chocolate bits...it might do wonders. I don't currently use a mix for my hot chocolate, although I used to. Right now I'm using ghiradelli sauce and milk. I dose my sauce in a cup or mug, steam the proper amount of milk, then I pour a tiny bit of milk in the cup and pre-mix till it's less viscous. After it's thoroughly mixed, I pour the rest of the milk in just like I would do for a cafe late. It's not as sweet as our old hot chocolate, but it's much richer and authentic tasting. And the texture is the bomb, and I can pour latte art on top.

You call it a higher-standard hot chocolate. But it sounds like the texture could be very thick. 

Local standard for "Hot chocolate" at this point is basically half-way between chocolate milk and chocolate pudding, now some people are not all that thrilled about it while others like it that way. I come from the first category and I believe most of our customers too, but for this I wished to add some thickness, but not all that much. Consistency for this mix (which of course depends on available ingredients, local cornstarch may be quite different from US one) is roughly like 30% cream, less when warm and not so heavy.

Also, I mixed my own hot chocolate mix yesterday and I am definitely switching if the price is at least a bit reasonable, the stuff is great. 

And I did not mean molasses, but that is not bad idea...not at all...

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