I just recently repierced my septum and so far I've worked one day with it in and made about ten dollars less than normal in tips. So today I hid it in my nose (gross i know) to see if it really makes a difference.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this and if it really does affect tips or did I just happen to have a slow day last time I wore it in?

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People base a lot on visual and perception. Plan accordingly.
It would depend on the shop and main clientele. If a "hip, slick and cool" shop in the heart of Portland or Seattle facial piercings might even be a plus, but in what I believe is a more conservative area like eastern Washington?

Someone walks in and sees a nose ring and thinks to themselves: looks just like that Bull's nose ring I saw out in the pasture down the road only smaller, how cute or maybe just as likely how gross, thinking about bovine instead of relating to you as a fellow human being.
This is off of the piercing point Brandi but not off topic of "visual and perception" Jay. I just heard that the local grocery store ( which we have only one of in this small town of 1500 ) just pulled hemp milk off the shelf which he had just started stocking. Too bad he bent to the local small town conservative pressure to remove it because of the connotation that this has something to do with smoking pot. Now I may be premature on this assumption so I will check with him next time I deliver coffee to his shelves.
All is well though. This means I am the only one in this smallish town to sell hemp milk in a variety of flavors.
As to piercings. I have yet to get one. I'm sure after I get one I will want another. Just like my little tattoo. Now I want a bigger one. My fav bumper sticker says....."If it moves pierce it". Oh how I digress.
If the bulk of your customers do not have piercings, the reaction will be decidedly different than if the bulk of them do. When a piercing or tattoo is visible that's a conscious choice. You really can't complain when the reaction is not the one you want. As mentioned, there are a lot of shops where no one would bat an eye. Know your audience.
honestly, and i'm speaking total honesty here.....as for our cafe- (i am the manager) tats and (most) piercings are pretty much a non-issue- it's common place and norm.
however, and because of my restaurant background,
-----i draw the line at septum piercings. fortunately, my staff understands and are willing to tuck it away.
side nose piercings, eyebrow and lip are accepted- as well as the tattoo on the side of shaved head.
septum piercings draw to much attention to the nostril and gosh, who wants to check that out before ordering?

don't shoot, i'm just sayin!
damn, bro, tone down the chauvinism. it's inappropriate.

Jeff Jaworski said:
You know there's this blond chick up my street who walks for exercise everyday and has this rather conspicuously large barb wire tattoo wrapping completely around on her upper thigh like a garter belt... and it turns me on like no other;)
The perception of tats and piercings can be perceived rather extremely either way by the general public. So people like them, so really do not. It's tricky because imo they can make a girl look much better or worse, though I don't think anyone's gonna argue about the merits of a tongue stud, lol.
Don't be shy and post up a pic Brandi, it's worth a thousand words!

Jared Rutledge said:
damn, bro, tone down the chauvinism. it's inappropriate.

Jeff Jaworski said:
You know there's this blond chick up my street who walks for exercise everyday and has this rather conspicuously large barb wire tattoo wrapping completely around on her upper thigh like a garter belt... and it turns me on like no other;)
The perception of tats and piercings can be perceived rather extremely either way by the general public. So people like them, so really do not. It's tricky because imo they can make a girl look much better or worse, though I don't think anyone's gonna argue about the merits of a tongue stud, lol.
Don't be shy and post up a pic Brandi, it's worth a thousand words!
I wish common sense was more common in the world or is it just an oxymoron? Or is it like spell check? We all have it but how many care enough to use it?

John P said:
If the bulk of your customers do not have piercings, the reaction will be decidedly different than if the bulk of them do. When a piercing or tattoo is visible that's a conscious choice. You really can't complain when the reaction is not the one you want. As mentioned, there are a lot of shops where no one would bat an eye. Know your audience.
thanks erin thats super helpful!

Erin Elizabeth said:
I don't have experience with this exact piercing personally...but I do have a few tattoos that are visible when I choose not to wear full sleeved shirts. I also had a lip piercing for a bit. At the shop, I've noticed it just depends on the crowd, their mood, etc. Some days I will get the nicest compliments on my ink from the older crowd, which is surprising to me. Sometimes I'll notice it makes people curious or is beyond their comfort level...but then they take a sip of the drink and we end up having a nice talk and they see that, no, I am not a creep. As for concrete tip evidence, I can't say for sure. I really only notice a difference between am and pm shifts...and if I am with a new barista in training.

Bottom line...people are visual creatures, they'll judge. It's up to us to let our personalities through, and especially at work, to let the professionalism and coffee L-O-V-E be the main thing to notice. So I say rock your piercing, do what you do best, and the people who don't notice or tip...probably wouldn't have anyway. You know?

I should add that I have noticed differences on days that I wear a collared shirt, tattoos showing or not. People see that and must realize that I am a professional, not just some kid behind a counter that they can shit on. Hmmm.
okay i uploaded a pic in my pictures
as far as the actual topic, i think septum piercings just make people think of boogers. boogers and coffee don't work well together.
All of my working years I have worked as myself, which has had endless hairstyles and colors, facial piercings and tattoos. I am from a small-ish town. I make great tips. Why? I give great customer service. I have become really good at remembering peoples names and what they order. Wrapped up by serving the best I can do, and being open and friendly with everyone. Now I am a shop owner, my septum is still pierced, tattoos I cannot hide. It is 2010 and there are tons of people with piercings/tattoos. My view is that it is nothing new to the customer, do your job really well and you'll make good tips.

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