Hi, all. I got an e-mail that someone added me as a friend, but am not sure how to find here here. I looked up her name, but nothing. Does this show up somewhere I may not be looking?

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Hi Barb, if you look on the right hand side, there should be a spot that shows FRIENDS. Next to that there is a spot that shows (1 request). You can select the request and it should take care of it.
Let me know if that does not work!
Hi Barb,

When you're logged in, you should see a white column to the right with a list of categories. The third link down says "Friends". If you click on that, it should give you the option to view your friend requests.

But if you can't find her through searching, I wonder if maybe she deleted her account? That might be something to consider if you can't find the request under the Friends category.

Hope this helps!

So - it's where I thought it should be, but isn't. I just to the e-mail today saying I should click on the link to accept the friend request. I just don't want her to think I'm blowing her off. We'll all survive, I'm sure. Thanks for the feedback. This is a nice group of folks in general.
Barb, don't feel alone some days will go by before some one asks me to add them as a friend and I look all around till it stares me in the face. When you go to the top of your Barista Exchange page and click on "My Page" then go to the right side under your name you will see a list, "inbox,alerts,Friends-invite. Across from "Friends" you should be able to mouse click to the right of friends and it (I think) will take you to the location where you can click accept to add them to your list of friends. I will request you add me now so you can look for it along with the one you have not located yet...
Yours just popped up with your photo and ACCEPT when I clicked the link, so I think there was just a glitch with the other request. THIS was easy.
I'm still trying to figure out how I fit here. I'm not a barista, but have a product for coffee shops and have been involved in doing artwork for Biggby Coffee for years, so feel very connected to the industry. This is one of the few forums I've found where people chat and connect so nicely, so I'm finding myself drawn to it. We'll see. Thanks for the help.
So nice to meet another coffee/fan , so to speak. I'm new as a professional and what I am finding here on BX is that most here or as it seems so far are new to the industry or young coffee professionals looking for a way to connect and stay connected. Don't anyone reading this get me wrong here, I am making friends with other roasters and coffee professionals that have been in this business many years more than me. It just seems, without doing a pole type count that most of the 8k or 9k on this list are the up and coming shakers and movers of the young coffee generation. I'm excited to be in the creama flow with them.
The social media/networking potential is working beautifully here. Matt Malletto has hit a jackpot with this social media site/experiment. I call it an experiment because that is what we do in the coffee or business world. We try roasting/brewing/tasting etc. till we like what is going on. In business it's about marketing in a big way. Social Networking websites are the cutting edge. Real time conversations are were it's at today and what a better mix than coffee and social media. I'd like to be Matt's banker....<]=^)
Kidding aside, I'd much rather take some more classes from his school. As a new coffee professional/roaster/barista/baker/ahhh, (stop now before I get off track) I need some milk steaming help...not to mention my cup art is stalled at the heart, which by the way falls out of the steaming pitcher by itself after a year and a half of making latte's.
Oh, and to your point, I find by and large coffee people to be the nicest most helpful bunch on this spaceship we call earth. For me they are my family.
Warm Regards,
Ambassador for Specialty Coffee and palate reform.

Barb Hranilovich said:
Yours just popped up with your photo and ACCEPT when I clicked the link, so I think there was just a glitch with the other request. THIS was easy.
I'm still trying to figure out how I fit here. I'm not a barista, but have a product for coffee shops and have been involved in doing artwork for Biggby Coffee for years, so feel very connected to the industry. This is one of the few forums I've found where people chat and connect so nicely, so I'm finding myself drawn to it. We'll see. Thanks for the help.

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