I would love to hear what you guys thought about it. Can you think of a situation in which someone could use this?

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A Christian Church that has taken their after-church coffee meet and greet way too friggen far?

I think that religion has it's place. Mostly in the hands of political Machiavellii to control the bourgeois, but that's just my opinion.

Religion and worship are far too personal things to be blogged about or discussed on a public forum in other than the most general terms.
Anyone who blogs about their religion has either drunk the Grape Flavor-Ade or has deep rooted self-esteem issues.
and anyone who judges a person's self esteem based on a blog is, well, judgmental.
Jared Rutledge said:
and anyone who judges a person's self esteem based on a blog is, well, judgmental.

Very. And I was just saying that in my judgment, there are certain topics that aren't brought up in polite conversation. One's personal business shouldn't be aired to strangers.
While I am not personally a fan of liturgical systems of worship.... I will say this
You should realize that you are publicly writing against religion. You are, in fact, perpetuating the discussion of religion in an open forum!(gasp)...are you feeling just a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?
I suppose it is ok to discuss religion and worship in a public forum but only when it is from your own negative and reactionary perspective?
According to your own logic you have drunk your own grape flavored-ade. Don't forget that we are free to express our opinions in this country...the post you responded to did not attack you at all...it seems that you have some really big issues with religion in general and are using this public forum to express those views.
Your post is more of a personal affront than the blog that you are reacting to.
Either you are ok with discussing these things in public....
your will stick by your public code of conduct and stop posting on this subjects thread.
I will see your continued posting as a good sign that you have changed your mind about discussing "personal" "religious" and "worship" oriented subject in public.

Time will tell i guess...

-Chris Deferio....
(Christopher...by the way...means..."one who bears Christ" I am deeply honored to have that name)
Yes, actually I can think of a way to use this. In fact thank you Billy for posting this. I may ask for your permission one day to use this.
I am a barista and I am soon to be an ordained pastor. These are both parts of who I am and I have never and will never separate them.
Worship can take place in the coffee house setting. For me it happens everyday.
Thanks again Billy. This is well done.
Greg Koukl would be overjoyed.

Deferio said:
While I am not personally a fan of liturgical systems of worship.... I will say this
You should realize that you are publicly writing against religion. You are, in fact, perpetuating the discussion of religion in an open forum!(gasp)...are you feeling just a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?
I suppose it is ok to discuss religion and worship in a public forum but only when it is from your own negative and reactionary perspective?
According to your own logic you have drunk your own grape flavored-ade. Don't forget that we are free to express our opinions in this country...the post you responded to did not attack you at all...it seems that you have some really big issues with religion in general and are using this public forum to express those views.
Your post is more of a personal affront than the blog that you are reacting to.
Either you are ok with discussing these things in public....
your will stick by your public code of conduct and stop posting on this subjects thread.
I will see your continued posting as a good sign that you have changed your mind about discussing "personal" "religious" and "worship" oriented subject in public.

Time will tell i guess...

-Chris Deferio....
(Christopher...by the way...means..."one who bears Christ" I am deeply honored to have that name)
Interesting, if it works for you great. Personally embrace spirituality versus dogmatic religions and their rites.
Chris I'm sorry you feel this way... but keep in mind it is people who have written about their religion who have helped steer it away from the "Machiavelliis" of this world.

Chris D. I'm always encouraged to have you as a brother in the task of bearing Christ in this world. You and all those working at Alliance are in my prayers often. I would love to hear about how you incorporate your faith in what you do.

Sara I too am soon to be a pastor. I'm in school for my MDiv in Chicago. You can use it anytime just look at the terms in my CC license at the bottom of the post.
If there is meaning to be found that drives a person toward a deeper relationship with others, understanding of themselves, awareness of their place in this world, and spiritual well being, (which I prefer this be read as good trajectory toward spiritual growth,) then it is good. I think it is creative. It is an outward expression of how what you do and who you are have intertwined. I think that being deeply connected to your work, especially to a spiritual and philosophical level is a beautiful thing. I do not think that this should derrive such controversy. I to am a follower of the ways and teachings of Christ. I am not litergical either. But I apreciate litergy just as I appreciate art and history. I do wonder why you need or want feedback concerning this. I also find it funny that it is copy-writed. Just an observation. It's always refreshing to here that there are more people out there who are in this service centered business with a spiritually meaningful desire to serve, and not out of a shere need for a paycheck or a good cup of coffee.
Do you or anyone else out there have ways you incorporate the things you care about most deeply into your work?

Joe Marrocco said:
It's always refreshing to here that there are more people out there who are in this service centered business with a spiritually meaningful desire to serve, and not out of a shere need for a paycheck or a good cup of coffee.
I'm sorry but I don' t know how to not laugh at this guy. The Blessing of the Steam? I guess if it makes you feel better than do it, but, I just can't stop smirking. Maybe I'm an a**hole...
Deferio said:
You should realize that you are publicly writing against religion. You are, in fact, perpetuating the discussion of religion in an open forum! (Christopher...by the way...means..."one who bears Christ" I am deeply honored to have that name)

Uhm, I'm sorry if I offended. I was *not* writing against religion, I was suggesting that this in not the place for that discussion. I suggested that this was not the place for a lot of discussions. It isn't the place to discuss that rash on my inner thigh, how I got it, or if anyone thinks that I should stop seeing that woman.
Religion (and I'd be kind of an idiot to suggest that religions isn't good for you, I don't know any of you) is a personal relationship with ones choice of deity or deities. Posting here is either posting something personal and inappropriate, or evangelizing and probably inappropriate.
Of course, all of the Christians will be absolutely fine with the evangelizing, as long as it is Christ Centric.
How will you feel about Pagans, Wiccans, Muslims, or Buddhists evangelizing on your barista exchange site?

Please don't paint me as anti-religious or anti-christian simply because I suggest this isn't the proper forum for those discussions. I suggest this because there is no way that this doesn't become a flame war. And if we're going to get our hackles up and expend a lot of energy here, let's do it about coffee, shall we?

(and it says 'Chrisptopher' and 'James' on my birth certificate too. And I was confirmed 'John' and 'Paul'. Does that mean that I win? ; > )

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