We're thinking adding grean bean espresso to the menu at our coffee shop, but need to learn more about the green beans. Has anybody know how to grind them? What kinds of green beans should be used to make green bean espresso? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Just had an evil thought, could simply send some unroasted Monsooned Malabar! ROFLOL

miKe mcKoffee aka Mike McGinness said:
Heh, I'm a roaster. IF someone really wants to try the stuff I'll roast you a nice slow profiled well pre-1st crack concoction for you. However, I know of two online roasters who offer "white coffee/espresso" and both require that it be pre-ground before shipping so it doesn't destroy someone's home grinder. I OTOH will refuse to grind it for you so it doesn't destroy one of my Mazzers or G3s! :-)

Minimum order 5 pounds -> $60 inc. s/h CONUS. Send Paypal to orders-AT-norwestcoffee.com with "White Stuff" in the subject. Or not...!
I would love to try some and buy 5 lbs from you, but in NEEDS to be grounded up. So if you're willing to risk your grinder, I'm all up for it.

miKe mcKoffee aka Mike McGinness said:
Just had an evil thought, could simply send some unroasted Monsooned Malabar! ROFLOL

miKe mcKoffee aka Mike McGinness said:
Heh, I'm a roaster. IF someone really wants to try the stuff I'll roast you a nice slow profiled well pre-1st crack concoction for you. However, I know of two online roasters who offer "white coffee/espresso" and both require that it be pre-ground before shipping so it doesn't destroy someone's home grinder. I OTOH will refuse to grind it for you so it doesn't destroy one of my Mazzers or G3s! :-)

Minimum order 5 pounds -> $60 inc. s/h CONUS. Send Paypal to orders-AT-norwestcoffee.com with "White Stuff" in the subject. Or not...!
Ha, I'm a fellow bean muncher with green coffee chewing experience as well. Something to consider aside from the terrible taste a tooth-chipping texture is the subtle hint of African slave childrens feet. Keep in mind that that stuff hasn't been sanitized in any real sense until it goes through the heat of the roaster.

Jason Haeger said:
I'm a bean muncher.

I'll munch any bean to get an impression of what the coffee might taste like.

I've munched a green bean. I will not munch a green bean again. Horribly astringent.

I remember reading about white espresso a year or two ago, but it sounded pretty bad (having munched lots of beans), so I never really gave it a chance.
Good Point about sanitizing. Gross, I think I'm reconsidering already. I wonder when you get it through the espresso machine though, wouln't that be sanitizing enough?
Most espresso machines are right at boiling if not several degrees below, so no, running it through the machine won't sanitize. Unless you add bleach to your pre-infusion process. Based on what's been said here, it might even improve the taste.

Migle Douvia said:
Good Point about sanitizing. Gross, I think I'm reconsidering already. I wonder when you get it through the espresso machine though, wouln't that be sanitizing enough?
Yeah, sure, it might break your home grinder, but will it break my shop's Mazzer Major? Serious doubts.

And even if it might, I seriously doubt it would break my Anfim Super Caimano's titanium burrset.
Well tell ya what... give your Majors a run with some gravel and see how they hold up... :) Seriously it's like grinding lava rocks... you know, the things that "De-Stoners" were invented to keep OUT of coffee.

Straight up break on first run? Probably not... last more than a week? Probably not...

But hey if you want to put that kind of load on your motor (not burr set, so much) then go right on ahead, I'd be happy to have you do the experimentation for me, lol.


James Liu said:
Yeah, sure, it might break your home grinder, but will it break my shop's Mazzer Major? Serious doubts.

And even if it might, I seriously doubt it would break my Anfim Super Caimano's titanium burrset.
I probably won't. Just because you can...
I can't believe we are talking about sanitizing coffee beans through an espresso machine. I cannot believe even more so that someone would think that 200 degrees and 9 bars of pressure would not kill bacteria. Even your worst bacterias die at 160-180 degrees under normal atmospheric pressure. Most die before 140 degrees.

Just saying: There are a lot better reasons to not do white coffee.
Joe Marrocco said:
I can't believe we are talking about sanitizing coffee beans through an espresso machine. I cannot believe even more so that someone would think that 200 degrees and 9 bars of pressure would not kill bacteria. Even your worst bacterias die at 160-180 degrees under normal atmospheric pressure. Most die before 140 degrees.

Just saying: There are a lot better reasons to not do white coffee.

I think that:

1. people are confusing sanitizing and sterilizing.
2. some people are also not reading the whole thread and missing that the process that's being discussed is a very-lightly roasted bean, not a raw bean.
3. this is just a questionable idea, no matter how you look at it.
+1 LOL

miKe mcKoffee aka Mike McGinness said:
Just had an evil thought, could simply send some unroasted Monsooned Malabar! ROFLOL

Goes to show who retained the information after getting their food handlers card:-) At least, our locale food handlers card required for a barista same as any other food related job.

Joe Marrocco said:
I can't believe we are talking about sanitizing coffee beans through an espresso machine. I cannot believe even more so that someone would think that 200 degrees and 9 bars of pressure would not kill bacteria. Even your worst bacterias die at 160-180 degrees under normal atmospheric pressure. Most die before 140 degrees.

Just saying: There are a lot better reasons to not do white coffee.

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