This came up today during my visit to one of the various excellent cafes in the neighborhood, Red e. If you frequent any shop that is worth a damn, then you probably also get asked this anytime you order espresso, or any drink for that matter. Since most of us have experience on both sides of the bar, the importance of trying to hone skills and deliver the best product possible is obvious. This means trying to answer as honestly and sincerely as possible, offering constructive criticism if necessary and of course trying not to sound like a dick. But what about all those times when the espresso you end up with tastes like burnt leather or an ounce of lemon juice? Do you always answer honestly or do you sometimes save your barista/friend the embarrassment? When do you 'lie'? What's your favorite fake positive response?
PS Sorry if this has already been addressed in a previous post, didn't bother to check.
PPS Ha, I should also note that this didn't come up because I had terrible espresso at Red e, Mindy and I were just joking about this.
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