So, this is what I was thinking. I have met some really cool people on Barista Exchange. I won't forget the bX Meetup Nick Cho hosted at murky coffee in Arlington last year, and meeting lots of great bX people in real life. Such a cool thing to be able to put a real face with a name, and remind us this community isn't about screennames, it's about people. I have also met a good many people on my own that I met on here. Just the other day I was in a coffeehouse where I met a barista who introduced herself to me on here weeks ago. I met Brendon Parsons from Florida, who did the Southeast Coffee tour, and actually got to hang out with him this weekend, pulling shots and AeroPressing some good coffee. Even people in my own region I didn't know as well.
So, here's the Barista Exchange Project..... Have you met anyone that you wouldn't have known before if it weren't for bX? What about people in your area that you have connected with? If so, got any cool pictures or stories? I wanna hear them! I will start with a pic taken the other day with Brendon Parsons, the college student from Florida who I met on here. Great guy, and lover of coffee in the geekiest ways. He studies the Mark Prince AeroPress methods like a manual, down to the gram. Super nice guy. I got to hang out with him last weekend, and before that, I took a whole day and showed him around all the local Charlotte coffeehouses.
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