I figure this would be the best place for this discussion, can one be too obsessed with coffee? I mean ill find myself pulling a shot of espresso at home, half way threw the shot i think "man thats a good shot" so I scramble to grab my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of it before the shots threw.(is that wierd) In fact now that i think about it, I have about 200 photos on my phone and 190 of them are pictures of latte art, or shots pouring, or something coffee related. Only 10 of them are actually of people. Like right now I wish i was pulling a shot of espresso, but theres only so much i can drink in one day. There is got to be people worse than me, right. So, how coffee obsessed are you? Did you sell your car so you could get a gb5 for your house?

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Haha, stupid nature cant do latte art. Ya I was going to specify at the beginning that i would define obsession as something you would be embarrassed or ashamed to be caught doing. Like when i was panickly grabbing my phone out of my pocket to take a picture of the shot pouring, I had this shot of fear run threw me,"like if someone walks in the kitchen right now there going to laugh at me and think im ridiculous". Thats really what spurred this discussion and thought, like "maybe im too excited about this".

Jason Haeger said:
Obsession is rarely considered a good thing. Do you dream about coffee? Does every conversation you have revert to talking about coffee? Do your friends, family, or significant other complain that they can't hold a conversation with you because you'll shut it out and start talking about coffee? Are you conscious of the swirl as the toilet flushes as though it were the whirlpool during milk frothing? Do you ever see a fallen leaf on the ground and critique its contrast and symmetry and decide that it was a pretty crappy pour?

I have been (but am no longer) guilty of all of the above. It wasn't healthy.

Hi, my name is Jason and it's been (hmm.. let's see..) 3 years since my last obsessive behavior.
Ya, I didnt necessarily mean real obsessive compulsive type behavior. Like I wont pull the same shot 13 times before i drink it, because if i dont my mom will get sick. More like did I really just spend my whole day off reading about coffee(somehow that feels like a waste of a day off). I also think some of the increased passion in me is due to my move across county to a more coffee forward area.

Joona Suominen said:

You guys should be passionate, not obsessed. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a matter of laughter and it's definately nothing to strive for. I've seen people who are actually certain they'll die if they don't take the same route to work every day or people who are constantly afraid of being contaminated if they don't change their toothbrush each day. Being obsessed can even reach psychotic proportions. I've heard a story about a boy who was certain that if he didn't do something (can't remember what excactly) he had to drown himself.

Jason Haeger said:
Obsession is rarely considered a good thing. Do you dream about coffee? Does every conversation you have revert to talking about coffee? Do your friends, family, or significant other complain that they can't hold a conversation with you because you'll shut it out and start talking about coffee? Are you conscious of the swirl as the toilet flushes as though it were the whirlpool during milk frothing? Do you ever see a fallen leaf on the ground and critique its contrast and symmetry and decide that it was a pretty crappy pour?

I have been (but am no longer) guilty of all of the above. It wasn't healthy.

Hi, my name is Jason and it's been (hmm.. let's see..) 3 years since my last obsessive behavior.
Lessee, I have a seventy square foot kitchen, and at least ten square feet of it are occupied by espresso stuff. And that's because some of it is stacked. Good thing that my warming tray is 3.78 sq ft!
Uhm, my truck is worth about $300, and my coffee kit retails at over twelve grand.
My machine is a 4500W, 14 litre two-group wonder; and a 'lesson' for my friends looks a bit like a Phil Harman sketch. "Anal Retentive Barista"
I console myself with the fact that I have yet to want to see the results of any of my half-dozen grinders compared under a scanning electron microscope, nor have I published graphs from the results of my modified Scace device (mine has a +/- 1 psi manometer on a quick-release connection...).

; /body>

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