For those of you who know about starting up a coffee house, I need you! My husband and I are very interested in opening a kid friendly coffee house in our local area, but really have no idea about the overhead, what it takes to get started and how to choose our products. Is there really a chance for us to make it in an economy like this? Advise please! :)

Thank you ahead of time for your generous wealth of knowledge!


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i'm opening one as well, and the biggest piece of advice i can give you is this:

plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan. and plan some more. have most things you want to do set in stone before you even think about getting a place or getting financing. then allow at LEAST 6-8 months.

for instance, when i went to get my city permits, i didn't totally know what i was doing with the space, which made me have to go back 3-4 times to clarify all the info. if i'd known from the start where i wanted to put my bar, machine, plumbing, etc. that's a one-time trip.

how are you on coffee fundamentals? have you had barista experience? or are you more just passionate about the kid-friendly angle? try to strike a nice balance between business sense and barista sense and you'll be ahead of 90% of most coffeeshop owners. if you don't have good coffee, you're far more likely to fail.

also, follow up like crazy with people. i hate it when i have to remind people to do their jobs, but with every single thing i've done that i didn't hire a trustworthy friend to do, i've had to call and call and call and pester people. do it tactfully but be very prepared to bug people way more than you're comfortable with.
Some general answers to some general questions...

A kid-friendly coffeehouse is a marketable concept... though you have to recognize the drawbacks. People that might come into your shop to read, have meetings, work, or have quiet conversation will be put off by a group of noisy little ones and find somewhere else to go. If you pay careful attention to space planning and noise-management you can make it work.

Check around your area for monthly expenses. They vary widely. Plan at least 50-100k for equipment and upfit expenses, depending on the space you choose.

Talk to the roasters in your area. They will help guide you through the process.

If you have no prior experience, at least one of you should get it. Working a coffeehouse is a great fit for some people, but is not for everyone. Figure out if working a shop is something you enjoy, then talk to some owners to see what it is really like. Plan to live there for at least the first year.

A well-run coffeehouse can make it in this economy... but the first year or two can be pretty rough. Good luck.
Thank you so much for the information! That was all very helpful. I worked at Starbucks and ran an espresso stand for 3 years, but a coffee house is very different. Point is taken with the children vs. adult noise situation. We thought we would make it kindof it's own seperate room to cut down on the noise. We were thinking having it up and running next summer, my husband and I own 2 businesses currently, and we are very familiar with dealing with the permits, county, code, ect, plus we will be doing all of the labor as we have building experience. My fear is the day to day "grind" of operating, and expenses on that level. Sounds like we are on the right track though! Thank you again for all of the good feedback. I really appreciate you taking time out to give advice! Good luck to you with your new venture Jared! Thank you Brady for all the specific details. That really is where I am so uncertain, Great advice.
oh nice, if you've got some business experience then your opening process will be more streamlined than mine has been.

one mistake i've seen a lot of coffeeshops making is overinvesting in mediocre food. obviously as a kid-centred place you'll need some munchies, but keeping it simple and quality will cut down on your overhead a lot.
Try going to Coffee Fest ( coffee Lots of good info. The kid thing???? lots of headaches. Insurance, Insurance,Insurance.
Since you already have business you probably already have the banks/loans lined up or at least have a go-to for them.
We have a Ice Cream Parlor on the other side of ours. It's separated by a cement wall. The other customers run from that side. Parents have a tendency to leave the kids on there own and go sit in the coffee house. (just like McD's playroom.. be prepared..

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