which of this models more suitable for cafe ( daily making about 200 cups espresso)
Appia Compact (7.5 ltr)
Appia 2 grp (11 ltr)
Aurelia 2 grp (14ltr)

Please advice

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Generally speaking, I don't recommend any smaller than a 2 group for a cafe.
The Aurelia is the model that passed the grueling testing for Barista Competitions. Don't know how the Appia compares in performance stability. Hence I'd go with the Aurelia.
Both the appia and Aurelia are great. The aurelia really is worth the extra investment. You don't want to plan based on current volume when it comes to purchasing equipment. Plan for growth. I definitely rocommend a three group. If you don't have the space though, the two group is still a great machine. Don't forget about the grinder too. Do you have a grinder yet?? Espresso is only going to be as good as your grinder.
So true, your espresso is only as good as your grinder.

btw. I have an Aurelia and love it.

Joe Marrocco said:
Both the appia and Aurelia are great. The aurelia really is worth the extra investment. You don't want to plan based on current volume when it comes to purchasing equipment. Plan for growth. I definitely rocommend a three group. If you don't have the space though, the two group is still a great machine. Don't forget about the grinder too. Do you have a grinder yet?? Espresso is only going to be as good as your grinder.
Definitely the Aurelia. We just now have three in our Training Center, I train on them in SCAA workshops, and they're used in almost all barista competitions. That ought to say alot. We really put them through their paces last weekend in the Southeast Regional Jam and SCAA Skill Building Workshops, and never had a single issue.
I love our Aurelia Three years on my bar and not one real hiccup.
Jason Dominy said:
...I train on them in SCAA workshops, and they're used in almost all barista competitions. That ought to say alot...

Agree the Aurelia is a great machine. But, it being the current SCAA competition machine simply means:

A) First it was "one" of the machines that passed testing to qualify. No small feat, yet they are certainly not the only machines to qualify.
B) Second they bid/paid the most to be this year's Official Competition Sponsor machine.

Does not mean they are superior to recent previous year's sponsor machines (LM), means they qualified to bid and bid more this time. Personally I still prefer a DB over even the most cutting edge HX machine, ie Aurelia.
I didn't say superior. I use competitions as an example, because they are used with high traffic, in situations that require quality and temperature stability constantly. And in my training experience with these machines, they are smooth and fluid, easy to train on.

To your DB vs. HX point, that's something that could be debated on these pages for years to come with no real clear winner. I have had amazing shots off both. I have heard each is better for different reasons.

miKe mcKoffee aka Mike McGinness said:
Jason Dominy said:
...I train on them in SCAA workshops, and they're used in almost all barista competitions. That ought to say alot...

Agree the Aurelia is a great machine. But, it being the current SCAA competition machine simply means:

A) First it was "one" of the machines that passed testing to qualify. No small feat, yet they are certainly not the only machines to qualify.
B) Second they bid/paid the most to be this year's Official Competition Sponsor machine.

Does not mean they are superior to recent previous year's sponsor machines (LM), means they qualified to bid and bid more this time. Personally I still prefer a DB over even the most cutting edge HX machine, ie Aurelia.
Jason Dominy said:
I didn't say superior. I use competitions as an example, because they are used with high traffic, in situations that require quality and temperature stability constantly. And in my training experience with these machines, they are smooth and fluid, easy to train on.

To your DB vs. HX point, that's something that could be debated on these pages for years to come with no real clear winner. I have had amazing shots off both. I have heard each is better for different reasons.

Agree. Just as I didn't say DB superior to HX, just said that I preferred them! And ditto both capable of stellar shots, I've pulled some damned amazing shots on my Bricoletta HX at home. Have also worked with an Aurelia, which is in an entirely different league than say a La San Marco HX:-)
I would get the Aurelia it's a great machine I have a 2grp myself.
Both machines are great. Any shop necessitating great machines like these is almost guaranteed to need something bigger than a 2 group. Great shops that use great equipment and great coffee, usually perform greatly!
Appreciate for all the advice. Thanks a lot..........great machine ...great espresso.....cheers

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