Hey all, currently our cafe in Newberg is working with an espresso machine that does not quite meet our standard.

I am looking for a used espresso machine with 3 groups and at least 2 boilers. I am framiliar with La Marzocco, so preferably I would like to go that route.

Anyways, let me know if any of you have some connections or advice.
Thank you,

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Marzocco is one of the only manufactures that uses a separate boiler for espresso, most use a heat exchanger and with today's technology they are almost as good. I currently don't have any used 3 groups but will keep an eye out for you. What type of time line are you looking at?
I have an Elektra Modern Extra Maxie 3 group that I'd be willing to part with. Not a 2 boiler but a nice machine none the less.

My guy is also working on a complete Linea rebuild, he's early into it so I'm not sure of where he will be on price but if you can wait a few weeks the machine will be like new, or he could PID it and do a thermal wrap of the boilers.
Hi Tyler,

Most every great roaster can get you one our our machines at a great price. A good simple Aurelia WBC version is a great investment in quality. There is a great white paper on our website www.nuovadistribution.com
Well, it isn't urgent as I need to sell 2 cima, 3 group machines. Seperate boilers is a must for me. So if you could keep an eye out that would be fantastic! Thanks alot! Just keep me posted if you see any set prices.
I have a Lamarzocco Linea 3AV for sale. Built in 2001, its a reconditioned Starbucks machine. PID controller, new un-used steam valves, fresh gaskets and screens. Very reasonable priced. Let me know if you're interested.
I know where there is a 3 group Synesso Cyncro for 10g. Let me know if you want to find out more. I don't know how familiar you are with synesso, but this machine has some mods that make it a little more user friendly than your factory synesso. Modified by the one and only Thomas Reyer.
4 boilers = many options
That Synesso is my dream machine. If you could give me more info on that, that would be amazing! Thank you.

Jesse -D-> said:
I know where there is a 3 group Synesso Cyncro for 10g. Let me know if you want to find out more. I don't know how familiar you are with synesso, but this machine has some mods that make it a little more user friendly than your factory synesso. Modified by the one and only Thomas Reyer.
4 boilers = many options
If you could give me more information on the Linea that would be fantastic! Thank you.

John Laird said:
I have a Lamarzocco Linea 3AV for sale. Built in 2001, its a reconditioned Starbucks machine. PID controller, new un-used steam valves, fresh gaskets and screens. Very reasonable priced. Let me know if you're interested.
THe machine is modified to allow pre-infusion to happen on one group while running at full pressure on another. It also has slightly modified paddle switches that have a distinct switch between pre-infusion and shot.

Tyler Stevens said:
That Synesso is my dream machine. If you could give me more info on that, that would be amazing! Thank you.

Jesse -D-> said:
I know where there is a 3 group Synesso Cyncro for 10g. Let me know if you want to find out more. I don't know how familiar you are with synesso, but this machine has some mods that make it a little more user friendly than your factory synesso. Modified by the one and only Thomas Reyer.
4 boilers = many options

If you want to come by the ABC School sometime you can, we have 10 different commercial espresso machines that you can try out including La MArzocco, Synesso, Nuova Simonelli, Brasilia, Cimbali, Wega, Victoria Arduino, Astoria and more.

- Matt
You can always check with Julian at Nouvo. I belive in a month or so all of the Aurailas that were used for competition will be getting refurbished and sold with a nice mark down. let me know if you would like his info and I will be glad to connect you guys.
Hi Tyler-

If you would like to chat a bit, feel free to give me a call at the shop @ (206) 623-6709. we have a couple La Marzocco refurb.'s available. Or you can email me @
Happy searching!-

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