Im about to embark on a new endevour that will require me to provide enough brewed coffee (caf & decaf) to serve over 320 coffee drinking professionals in abouta  45 minute period. Now I am have no problem serving these size numbers with cappuccinos (although not in 45 minutes, more like over a 2 hour period) and plenty of times I've served upwards of I would say 17 gallons of coffee to a large crowd (which I can handle with a couple of cambros & airpots with 2 good bunn pour over machines and a couple of hours to start brewing coffee) But this is something that I want to make sure Im doing the best possible job so I need a way to brew as much coffee as quickly as possible so I can serve the freshest coffee when the doors open. I dont want to start brewing coffee at 2:30 in the morning so by 6:30 when they get there I've got 35 gallons of coffee brewed & in cambros ready for them. First off, I like my sleep & 2nd, I dont want to be serving coffee that was brewed hours before they drink. I'll be doing this 8 times a year & Im willing to pick up some equipment to do it right if I can afford it! I guess I need a suggestion on a machine that either I can brew enough coffee at the shop & place into Cambros (I guess at least 6 5 gallon cambros) and take it to the location. Or something that would be semi easily transportable to take the brewer to the location with me & brew it there & continue brewing in the 45 minute period to keep coffee fresh & never run out. From what I gather the group shows up about 15 minutes before breakfast starts & I'll need coffee outside in the lobby while they meander. Then the doors will open for the breakfast & I'll need more coffee for the breakfast & during the presentation. The majority of the coffee will be served in the first 45 minutes before the presentation starts. The group that currently does it apparently isnt doing a very good job & thats why Im being called in since I've done work with a few of the people there with the cappuccino bar. Bad looking cambros, bad coffee, running out before its over, etc. Ive been told they provide 6 5 gallon cambros so Im going off those numbers. I've ever heard that occasionally they will run out of coffee in the cambros & throw an institution glass pot on the buffet line for people to pour out of (the venue has a basic pour over brewer available for use) & they use powder creamer. Not the quality this crowd of CEOs & Executives is looking for. So I want to provide the same quality coffee to this group as I provide to my customers regularly (fresh ground, fresh brewed) and Im having trouble working out the logistics of brewing that much coffee while keeping it fresh & great. Any suggestions will be appreciated.




Bella Caffe

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Dang... that thing is serious binness. You know it is when the dispensers are on casters. ;)

I suppose being able to brew 120 gallons an hour and costing $10k seems a bit more reasonable cups per hour production cost than a Clover:)

Jared Rutledge said:
funny thing is, i bet the fetco makes amazing coffee. usually when you're brewing in that large of a batch size, because of bed depth and stuff, you get great coffee. if you can drink it all
Nice. But how about something less expensive to get started with :-) Although I do like the idea of brewing straight into some decent thermal service dispensers & not worrying with Cambros.

Jared Rutledge said:
Get a used Fetco 62 with three phase power. You can brew 6 gallons at a time, 2 x 3, and if it's three phase you get really fast recovery. Fetco makes a number of sprayheads with different hole size and flow restritors so you can really dial in the contact time vs. the batch volume. If you take the time to set it up it makes great coffee. You could fill your cambros in an hour.
email me for discounted prices on Fetco's.

Mitch Buckner - Bella Caffe said:
Nice. But how about something less expensive to get started with :-) Although I do like the idea of brewing straight into some decent thermal service dispensers & not worrying with Cambros.

Jared Rutledge said:

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