Has a customer asked you a question or say something that was completely out of line? Let us know here. The most common questions and phrases will become an article for my blog.


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Niqolai "Roadbike" said:
and I shit you not, coke cola. And then get snippy if you try and explain why that's a ridiculous request.


I do have to say that a soda request shouldn't' be looked on as 'ridiculous'. No more than the designated driver or Friend of Bill's request for a club soda at the bar. There should be something for your caffeine intolerant friends of coffee fanatics' to order off your menu, or for those that just don't like coffee, but are willing to accompany their buddy to your place for his fix.
If someone comes into my shop and orders a "French Vanilla Cappuccino," I'm going to very politely tell them that we make a traditional cappuccino so let me make them something more like what I think they expect. I give them a latte with vanilla and hazelnut. They are usually quite pleased.

Yes, we offer a limited amount of flavored syrups. We're in the suburbs of Houston where SBux is king. Guess what? Business is increasing weekly and people are thrilled when they taste our stuff. We've done this by accommodating the uninformed. It's working.

Allison K. said:
The best advice I can give on that is if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Let them order a Venti or what ever. Educate them about why your coffee is better. The important thing is that they are coming to you instead of Starbucks. Who cares what you call it? You know what they mean, let it ride dude.

Niqolai "Roadbike" said:
Three things that blow my mind. The requests for ventis (though at least that means the Starf*cks customers from next door have made the jump), bottled water (and getting really offended when we hand them a glass), or, and I shit you not, coke cola. And then get snippy if you try and explain why that's a ridiculous request.

Now THIS is how we convert new customers to indy shops.

Jeremiah Perrine said:
If someone comes into my shop and orders a "French Vanilla Cappuccino," I'm going to very politely tell them that we make a traditional cappuccino so let me make them something more like what I think they expect. I give them a latte with vanilla and hazelnut. They are usually quite pleased.

Yes, we offer a limited amount of flavored syrups. We're in the suburbs of Houston where SBux is king. Guess what? Business is increasing weekly and people are thrilled when they taste our stuff. We've done this by accommodating the uninformed. It's working.

Allison K. said:
The best advice I can give on that is if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Let them order a Venti or what ever. Educate them about why your coffee is better. The important thing is that they are coming to you instead of Starbucks. Who cares what you call it? You know what they mean, let it ride dude.

Niqolai "Roadbike" said:
Three things that blow my mind. The requests for ventis (though at least that means the Starf*cks customers from next door have made the jump), bottled water (and getting really offended when we hand them a glass), or, and I shit you not, coke cola. And then get snippy if you try and explain why that's a ridiculous request.

I asked my customer if she wanted her latte for year or to-go. She wanted it in a to-go cup but she's having it in the house.
She said the paper cup would keep her drink warmer. On my second effort she agreed to have the drink in a ceramic cup. Where's the logic that the coffee is warmer in a to-go cup?
True. Maybe she thought that a lid keeps coffee hotter? Still an ignorant assumption.

Edmond Keung said:
I asked my customer if she wanted her latte for year or to-go. She wanted it in a to-go cup but she's having it in the house.
She said the paper cup would keep her drink warmer. On my second effort she agreed to have the drink in a ceramic cup. Where's the logic that the coffee is warmer in a to-go cup?
The lid helps to insulate. I know the paper cup saps heat from every other part but I think that's the "logic" behind it. Double cup it and you have a pretty well insulated drink and a dead forest.

Edmond Keung said:
I asked my customer if she wanted her latte for year or to-go. She wanted it in a to-go cup but she's having it in the house.
She said the paper cup would keep her drink warmer. On my second effort she agreed to have the drink in a ceramic cup. Where's the logic that the coffee is warmer in a to-go cup?
Luckily, Oakland customers are usually pretty savvy, though there are still places where you can see 2 different Starbucks from the same street corner, so...

1. Yeah the whole Macchiato debacle. But I've gotten to where I can look in their eyes and see either 4oz foam/espresso drink, or a big sugery plastic cup of dessert.

2. (the most unacceptable) Me: "Good morning!" Customer: "Large coffee." Me: (inner dialogue) "Right, one decaf, comin up."

3. Person making an order in between conversation on the phone. Usually I just smile and say "Oh that's ok, I'll wait til you're done". and then go rinse my milk pitchers and come back. I know it's slightly rude, but people sometimes need to be taught how to act in a civilized society.

4. "Venti" "Grande" "Frappa-" "24 oz." It bugs me, but usually I'm nicest to these people. Our job is to wean them off that crap and show them why we're better, not send them to the nearest coffee chain with their tails between their legs.

5. My favorite interaction is still:
customer: Which coffee's the strongest?
me: depends what you're lookin for, that coffee has a stronger taste, but that one has more caffeine.
Customer: which. one. is. stronger! It's a simple question.
me: um. well, like I said-
customer: man, you make me pay 2 dollars for a cup of coffee and you won't even answer a simple question! (to my coworker) I don't like his attitude, I just ask him a question and he just gives me sass! I just wanna know which one's stronger!
me: that one. That one's stronger. Strongest coffee in town. Enjoy.

6. Can I have an iced cappuccino?
No you literally cannot have an iced cappuccino (though I bite my tongue and don't say that out loud)
hi jenny i sometimes get these customers who insists on getting their cappucinos very hot,and as you that the standard temperature is 80 degree,for them they expect 100 degrees hot capuccino.how would you attend to them? ineed your answer dear jenny.
I would explain to them that only breweed coffee should be that hot to be drunk immediatly and that milk burns at a certain temperature, but (can't believe I'm saying this) offer to steam it as hot as you can, without scalding the milk.

kiragga moses kenneth said:
hi jenny i sometimes get these customers who insists on getting their cappucinos very hot,and as you that the standard temperature is 80 degree,for them they expect 100 degrees hot capuccino.how would you attend to them? ineed your answer dear jenny.
I had a customer who would come in every day and order a scalding hot mocha. She wasn't ignorant, she just...liked it that way. It was still frustrating because it kills the microfoam after a certain temp, and made my rosettas a little blobby, but you know, some people just like what they like. Try to inform your custies as much as you can, after that, not much you can do but give em what they want.

kiragga moses kenneth said:
hi jenny i sometimes get these customers who insists on getting their cappucinos very hot,and as you that the standard temperature is 80 degree,for them they expect 100 degrees hot capuccino.how would you attend to them? ineed your answer dear jenny.
oh I didnt think you guys could make a Vanilla latte
Two things.
1. A woman came through our drive through and ordered a large iced caramel latte with extra caramel and 10 shots of espresso.

2. A man came up to one of my co-workers and out of the blue asked, "Do you struggle with pornography?"
not a great opening question.


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