Hey, I wanted to share about an incident that happened last week. Lately there have been a rash of robberies and hold- ups in our area. I have had my concealed carry for quite a few years now and hoped I would never have to use it.... Here is the proof that being proactive, aware and not ashamed to defend myself paid off. I hope that this story inspires more people to stand up and refuse to be a victim or risk becoming a statistic..

http://www.khq.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?vt1=v&am...'A barista foils robbery with Christmas pistol&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

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Guessing from your statements in the video, I can only surmise that people are starting to be driven towards radical behavior because of the economy. It's a shame because it sounded like the perpetrator was remorseful about the deed. But you were spot-on in drawing your own weapon. Kudos to you for remaining cool, calm, collected and not shooting the guy.

If only more states would pull their heads out of their butts with regards to weapons laws, perhaps we'd see lower crime rates.
Amen, amen, amen. I beg you to stay safe, and thank you for standing up and taking your safety in your own hands. The police are there, let them do their job. But as responsible gun owners, it's time we do ours. Thank you for not pulling the trigger. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so happy that you are safe.
Way to go Michelle!

Although I haven't seen the video, kudos for having the confidence and cool to safely resolve the situation.
Good job! Calm and collected - clear thinking! Hope that never happens to you again!
Thanks for sharing your story! All too often the news media gravitates around tragedies and fails to mention not only the positive aspects of ccw permits, but also the psychological benefits to the general public and business community when a crime is warded off. If more citizens were able to take action like you did, perhaps the criminals would think twice!
Great job keeping your head cool and yourself safe. It's good to hear the up side of these stories!
Precisely. I was worried about media flack and there has been none whatsoever. I hope that others will use this as an example and not be afraid to stand up. We work too hard to involuntarily give hand-outs.

teresa said:
Thanks for sharing your story! All too often the news media gravitates around tragedies and fails to mention not only the positive aspects of ccw permits, but also the psychological benefits to the general public and business community when a crime is warded off. If more citizens were able to take action like you did, perhaps the criminals would think twice!
Wow freaking scary. This story is bananas I am glad it ended well and you are safe and okay.
Kudos to you for handling the issue calmly rationally and correctly. You rock.
Congratulations, Michelle. But, I hope people realize that you were only putting your own life at risk here. This could have turned out very differently in a busy coffee shop.
I'm glad you are alive and well. Your gift of "Barista" gab played a big role here. In fact a bigger role than the biggest gun behind your counter. My only question to you would be this one Michelle, do you think you could have gotten that young man to leave with out pulling a gun on him?
Marshall, thank you for bringing this post back around to something more real than a news clip. I'm just as much of a gun fan as the next guy or gal. I enjoyed a spell with the NRA and wore there marksmanship ribbons with pride. Later I served in the armed forces and received more gun training. I will always believe in and support the Second Amendment . Will I ever keep a hand gun or sawed off shotgun under the counter for protection? No. No for the reason you bring up Marshall. The money in my till is not worth the risk of my or my customers lives. God forbid, when or if I ever pull a gun I will also pull the trigger.
Just my shop owner 2 cents.
Great job! If there were more people like you, idiots might think twice before they victimize innocent people. You are a great roll model for carrying concealed weapons. Keep telling your story and it might get through to those who oppose our stance to carry.
Jay said it well..."you were spot-on in drawing your own weapon. Kudos to you for remaining cool, calm, collected..."
Awesome job!!! Glad you didn't have to fire your gun. I hope that kid finds some help.

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