Ghirardelli Chocolate
I was looking for opinions on what you think is the best POS system for a small but busy espresso bar & cafe chain?  I know this post or something like it has been posted before, but I'd like to hear some new opinions and see if there is something new out there that didn't exist before.  What we're looking for is a touch-screen POS system.  We need one station at one location.  We need three stations at our other location.  And that one needs to send food orders to the kitchen by video and has the space to have a good-sized "food" menu with options like "no mayo", etc..  Integrated credit card swipe.  Access from home?  All the registers talking together, i.e., we can make updates at home and it goes to all four automatically.  We would spend more on a better system or one that will stay "current" longer.  Thanks!

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You probably won't get much more info than what was posted here:
and here:

And the outcome of both seemed to be between coffee shop manager, and Selby, and they seem to both be great with different people preferring one over the other for smallish individualized reasons. A few people said Aloha was fine but I doubt that they'd used the other two systems before, and I've used Aloha before, and think that they are terrible.

One thing I'd add is that I called up a Coffee Shop Manager rep to ask questions, and we are also planning on hooking up a screen to the food prep area to post orders. How they do it is you pay an extra 300 bucks for additional software, and you can use any computer system you want. You can also buy a screen from them, but it's cheaper to just hook up an outdated computer you're not using (you have to make it PC compatible though) Maybe this thread won't be deleted if we steer the conversation towards this.

For instance, one thing I was thinking about was instead of having some old dinosaur computer tower under the food prep table, mounting an ipad with a pc conversion installed. I don't know that much about ipads, but surely there must be some way to get the pos software on it? Anyone know?
I think there are two or three Coffee shop POS systems out there. I'm using Coffee Shop manager. Going on two years. I don't know half of what it can do. My new mgr. is studying the manual so we can take advantage of other bells and all.
If I was opening up a new shop I would take your list of criteria above and contact each of them and let them know what your looking for. They all are very helpful. When we invested in our system each station cost 5K. Today it may be less given the economy and all. Again, you can sift through all the comments you will get here and I do suggest you do because the end user will tell you he is happy or not, but do contact the providers of these systems directly for the horse's mouth information.
Happy searches,
Most of us in the POS world have this capability. CSM and Us (SelbySoft) both work with barista monitor systems. Most companies (including us) have moved away from using a separate computer for the barista monitor system because of the cost (you have to have another computer, it has to be updated from time to time etc). We currently do this system by using the second video capability of Windows. So, you still have the barista monitor but no additional computer.

There are three ways to position the barista monitor:
Touch screen: more expensive for bumping and usually can't be placed where everyone is able to touch it!
Mouse: Not very efficient and requires the barisata to have that on the counter.
Bump Bar: The best choice. You press the number corresponding to the order to bump it off.

The thing I like and promote on the barista monitors (regardless of pos company) is that they can be mounted so everyone sees them. Usually most of us in the POS world will flash the order in some way if it has gone over a specific time. When the monitor is mounted high enough so the whole staff can see it, it allows people to see that the barista might be in trouble.

I really, normally try to stay out of these conversations as I know it irks some people when a POS company toots their own horn (funny because I'm as passionate about POS as anyone is about coffee!). I thought I would comment on the monitor situation however.

christopher myers said:
You probably won't get much more info than what was posted here:
and here:

And the outcome of both seemed to be between coffee shop manager, and Selby, and they seem to both be great with different people preferring one over the other for smallish individualized reasons. A few people said Aloha was fine but I doubt that they'd used the other two systems before, and I've used Aloha before, and think that they are terrible.

One thing I'd add is that I called up a Coffee Shop Manager rep to ask questions, and we are also planning on hooking up a screen to the food prep area to post orders. How they do it is you pay an extra 300 bucks for additional software, and you can use any computer system you want. You can also buy a screen from them, but it's cheaper to just hook up an outdated computer you're not using (you have to make it PC compatible though) Maybe this thread won't be deleted if we steer the conversation towards this.

For instance, one thing I was thinking about was instead of having some old dinosaur computer tower under the food prep table, mounting an ipad with a pc conversion installed. I don't know that much about ipads, but surely there must be some way to get the pos software on it? Anyone know?
I'm sure there is a way. If it is not up and running now it will be soon. Many computer geeks, ( I used to be one ) love to take on a challenge like this. There is some time involved but it's not about making $ as much as being the guy that can be the first to figure this out.

Mike Spence said:
Most of us in the POS world have this capability. CSM and Us (SelbySoft) both work with barista monitor systems. Most companies (including us) have moved away from using a separate computer for the barista monitor system because of the cost (you have to have another computer, it has to be updated from time to time etc). We currently do this system by using the second video capability of Windows. So, you still have the barista monitor but no additional computer.

There are three ways to position the barista monitor:
Touch screen: more expensive for bumping and usually can't be placed where everyone is able to touch it!
Mouse: Not very efficient and requires the barisata to have that on the counter.
Bump Bar: The best choice. You press the number corresponding to the order to bump it off.

The thing I like and promote on the barista monitors (regardless of pos company) is that they can be mounted so everyone sees them. Usually most of us in the POS world will flash the order in some way if it has gone over a specific time. When the monitor is mounted high enough so the whole staff can see it, it allows people to see that the barista might be in trouble.

I really, normally try to stay out of these conversations as I know it irks some people when a POS company toots their own horn (funny because I'm as passionate about POS as anyone is about coffee!). I thought I would comment on the monitor situation however.

christopher myers said:
You probably won't get much more info than what was posted here:
and here:

And the outcome of both seemed to be between coffee shop manager, and Selby, and they seem to both be great with different people preferring one over the other for smallish individualized reasons. A few people said Aloha was fine but I doubt that they'd used the other two systems before, and I've used Aloha before, and think that they are terrible.

One thing I'd add is that I called up a Coffee Shop Manager rep to ask questions, and we are also planning on hooking up a screen to the food prep area to post orders. How they do it is you pay an extra 300 bucks for additional software, and you can use any computer system you want. You can also buy a screen from them, but it's cheaper to just hook up an outdated computer you're not using (you have to make it PC compatible though) Maybe this thread won't be deleted if we steer the conversation towards this.

For instance, one thing I was thinking about was instead of having some old dinosaur computer tower under the food prep table, mounting an ipad with a pc conversion installed. I don't know that much about ipads, but surely there must be some way to get the pos software on it? Anyone know?
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

Mike Spence said:
Most of us in the POS world have this capability. CSM and Us (SelbySoft) both work with barista monitor systems. Most companies (including us) have moved away from using a separate computer for the barista monitor system because of the cost (you have to have another computer, it has to be updated from time to time etc). We currently do this system by using the second video capability of Windows. So, you still have the barista monitor but no additional computer.

There are three ways to position the barista monitor:
Touch screen: more expensive for bumping and usually can't be placed where everyone is able to touch it!
Mouse: Not very efficient and requires the barisata to have that on the counter.
Bump Bar: The best choice. You press the number corresponding to the order to bump it off.

The thing I like and promote on the barista monitors (regardless of pos company) is that they can be mounted so everyone sees them. Usually most of us in the POS world will flash the order in some way if it has gone over a specific time. When the monitor is mounted high enough so the whole staff can see it, it allows people to see that the barista might be in trouble.

I really, normally try to stay out of these conversations as I know it irks some people when a POS company toots their own horn (funny because I'm as passionate about POS as anyone is about coffee!). I thought I would comment on the monitor situation however.

christopher myers said:
You probably won't get much more info than what was posted here:
and here:

And the outcome of both seemed to be between coffee shop manager, and Selby, and they seem to both be great with different people preferring one over the other for smallish individualized reasons. A few people said Aloha was fine but I doubt that they'd used the other two systems before, and I've used Aloha before, and think that they are terrible.

One thing I'd add is that I called up a Coffee Shop Manager rep to ask questions, and we are also planning on hooking up a screen to the food prep area to post orders. How they do it is you pay an extra 300 bucks for additional software, and you can use any computer system you want. You can also buy a screen from them, but it's cheaper to just hook up an outdated computer you're not using (you have to make it PC compatible though) Maybe this thread won't be deleted if we steer the conversation towards this.

For instance, one thing I was thinking about was instead of having some old dinosaur computer tower under the food prep table, mounting an ipad with a pc conversion installed. I don't know that much about ipads, but surely there must be some way to get the pos software on it? Anyone know?
Thanks Joe, After 16 years of doing POS with SelbySoft, I feel that we finally hit our stride when we found the coffee industry 7-8 years ago. I'm excited about the directions the industry is headed and the ways that we plan on helping with some of them. Bx is where we usually find customers that match what we are all about as well - it's why I sponsor the site!

BTW, are you coming to Seattle for the Coffee Fest? If so, stop and say hi or I'm sure I'll see you at a Bx function.

Joseph Robertson said:
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

If we wanted to get second hand equipment(2x touch screens, 2x cash drawers, 1x monitor for barista and bump bar, 1 computer) what should we be looking for and what should we stay away from? And how much can we expect to pay for the software with the ability to update 2 cafe's menus from out of the office?

Also, in the future being able to have your customers order on the way to your cafe through iphone or internet and have it charge to their prepaid cards and have the receipt automatically print and have the order show up on the barista's monitor would be AMAZING! Thanks Mike for chiming in on this discussion.
At this point I plan on being there. Two industry professionals that were here in Stevenson for the Roasters Guild show who I know you know provided us with 4 passes to the event. The Seattle event is one I try hard not to miss. Looking forward to chatting in person with you Mike.

Mike Spence said:
Thanks Joe, After 16 years of doing POS with SelbySoft, I feel that we finally hit our stride when we found the coffee industry 7-8 years ago. I'm excited about the directions the industry is headed and the ways that we plan on helping with some of them. Bx is where we usually find customers that match what we are all about as well - it's why I sponsor the site!

BTW, are you coming to Seattle for the Coffee Fest? If so, stop and say hi or I'm sure I'll see you at a Bx function.

Joseph Robertson said:
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

Hi Ryan, Can you shoot me an email ( or phone 800-454-4434 and we can talk more about specific prices etc? By the way, we have a method of doing web orders (can be accessed through an iphone as well). This allows the order to be placed and then it automatically generates an order (timed if need be) and prints at the appropriate spot!

ryan mcdougall said:
If we wanted to get second hand equipment(2x touch screens, 2x cash drawers, 1x monitor for barista and bump bar, 1 computer) what should we be looking for and what should we stay away from? And how much can we expect to pay for the software with the ability to update 2 cafe's menus from out of the office?

Also, in the future being able to have your customers order on the way to your cafe through iphone or internet and have it charge to their prepaid cards and have the receipt automatically print and have the order show up on the barista's monitor would be AMAZING! Thanks Mike for chiming in on this discussion.
Cool - I'm guessing Matt will throw a 10,000 member party :)!

Joseph Robertson said:
At this point I plan on being there. Two industry professionals that were here in Stevenson for the Roasters Guild show who I know you know provided us with 4 passes to the event. The Seattle event is one I try hard not to miss. Looking forward to chatting in person with you Mike.

Mike Spence said:
Thanks Joe, After 16 years of doing POS with SelbySoft, I feel that we finally hit our stride when we found the coffee industry 7-8 years ago. I'm excited about the directions the industry is headed and the ways that we plan on helping with some of them. Bx is where we usually find customers that match what we are all about as well - it's why I sponsor the site!

BTW, are you coming to Seattle for the Coffee Fest? If so, stop and say hi or I'm sure I'll see you at a Bx function.

Joseph Robertson said:
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

I do have a card swipe need that I have not found a solution to yet. I will talk in depth at the show if I get to see you there. Basicly I would like my customers to be able to swipe their cards over a scanner to pull up their acct. A scanner that works in conjunction with the system. Just something to ponder on. This would be especially benificial at a drive thru station. Point of interest here, I no longer am bound by my current POS provider, we could not afford their support package.

Mike Spence said:
Thanks Joe, After 16 years of doing POS with SelbySoft, I feel that we finally hit our stride when we found the coffee industry 7-8 years ago. I'm excited about the directions the industry is headed and the ways that we plan on helping with some of them. Bx is where we usually find customers that match what we are all about as well - it's why I sponsor the site!

BTW, are you coming to Seattle for the Coffee Fest? If so, stop and say hi or I'm sure I'll see you at a Bx function.

Joseph Robertson said:
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

You mean like when a customer comes up, either swipe (magcard) or scan (barcode) the users card? That would then pull up the account and show you the last order? Then on close out deduct the amount from the card?

We have done that for years. . . I usually tell people it's a matter of "training" your customers (horrible way to say it I know!). I'm a fan of it because in a busy environment it can move the flow along .

I believe (off memory here so bear with me) that CSM does this by going to the register screen, customer and entering the id - that then pulls up a standing order for them?

Are you thinking of mounting the cs outside so the customer does it? I have had a customer do that but it was a little involved depending on the weather. I'd love to talk more about this at the show! Our ideas have to come from our customers . . . I don't own a coffee shop :)

Joseph Robertson said:
I do have a card swipe need that I have not found a solution to yet. I will talk in depth at the show if I get to see you there. Basicly I would like my customers to be able to swipe their cards over a scanner to pull up their acct. A scanner that works in conjunction with the system. Just something to ponder on. This would be especially benificial at a drive thru station. Point of interest here, I no longer am bound by my current POS provider, we could not afford their support package.

Mike Spence said:
Thanks Joe, After 16 years of doing POS with SelbySoft, I feel that we finally hit our stride when we found the coffee industry 7-8 years ago. I'm excited about the directions the industry is headed and the ways that we plan on helping with some of them. Bx is where we usually find customers that match what we are all about as well - it's why I sponsor the site!

BTW, are you coming to Seattle for the Coffee Fest? If so, stop and say hi or I'm sure I'll see you at a Bx function.

Joseph Robertson said:
Thanks for your chime and your time here. I for one know what you mean about passion for your business. My passion for coffee is only matched by my passion for people. People like you who feel the same. I plan on opening more coffee shops so this cutting edge information you have here is exactly what I'm looking as a business owner.
Thanks again,

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