I would like to compile a list of the best, most relevant coffee-related blogs and websites out there. These could involve professional baristas or just enthusiasts with valuable insight. They might be about technology, or coffee philosophy, or technique. They may just be great thoughts from someone in the coffee industry.

Who do you read?

I'll start: www.jimseven.com



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Great Idea Paul but I'm not sure BX has enough space for all the great current and upcoming sites out there. I studied many coffee web sites and company's for two years before we opened our coffee shop/roastery.
I buried myself in links and data.
That said, I think it's a great idea especially if you add a comment next to each as to the focus of the site or why you like it.
Baristaexchange is awesome of course, its truly a good resource for abnormal questions. Coffeegeek.com answers a lot of random questions i have, www.espressosupply.com is fun to look threw and wish i owned more stuff. And for some reason youtube has actually helped me out on more than one occasion. Its a good visual resourse when words just wont do(like how do you pour a tulip, or does this hand grinder really grind fine and uniform enough for my espresso machine)
Jay Caragay's blog:

Maybe this is cheating, but TampTamp is amazing, and this listing from their site is pretty on-point:

Barista Sites

* Barista Exchange
* Barista Guild of America
* Coffee Geek
* Coffeed
* Home Barista
* TampTamp Inc.

Coffee Blogs

* Jimseven
* Meet the Press Pot
* On the Road to Epiphany
* Shotzombies
* Sprudge
* The Coffee Collective Blog
* Tonx
* Chemically Imbalanced
* Twitchy

Coffee Shops

* 1369 Coffee House
* Abraco Espresso
* Aldo Coffee Company
* Bard Coffee
* Beaner Bar
* Cafe Grumpy
* Dottie’s Coffee Lounge
* Espresso Vivace
* Everyman Espresso
* Gimme Coffee
* Gorilla Coffee
* Joe the Art of Coffee
* Kaffe 1668
* Ninth St. Espresso
* Octane Coffee
* Oslo Coffee Company
* Ost Cafe
* Red Horse Cafe
* Southside Coffee
* Think Coffee
* Ultimo Coffee
* Variety Coffee & Tea

Coffee Stuff

* Coffee Trip
* Espresso Parts NW
* Espresso Supply
* Reg Barber Espresso Coffee Tampers


* Barefoot Coffee Roasters
* Barismo
* Barrington Coffee Roasters
* Blue Bottle Coffee Company
* Counter Culture Coffee
* Dallis Coffee
* Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea
* Irving Farm Coffee Company
* Metropolis Coffee Company
* Novo Coffee
* Plowshares Coffee Roaster
* PT's Coffee Roasters
* Ritual Roasters
* Square Mile Coffee Roasters
* Stumptown Coffee
* Terroir Select Coffees
* The Roasterie
* Verve Coffee Roasters
* Victrola Coffee
* Wrecking Ball Coffee
* Zoka Coffee Roaster & Tea Company
Phil Proteau, who is also on bX, has a great blog too.

Thanks Mike

Mike Sabol said:
Phil Proteau, who is also on bX, has a great blog too.


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