
Baristas for Obama

Not to get too political over a cup of joe, but lets show some love for Barack!

Members: 46
Latest Activity: Oct 30, 2013

Kal Penn supporting Obama at Blue State Coffee

Not the best quality video- but this is from Kal Penn's tour through RI shortly before the primary on March 4th.

We keep hoping Barack will stop by the store, but he seems to be otherwise occupied for some reason...

Discussion Forum

Looks like we win

Started by Banks Thomas. Last reply by Chris Apap Nov 5, 2008. 2 Replies

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Comment by Matias Zeledon on August 1, 2011 at 12:40pm

I would like to invite you to our Coffee Course, from Seed to Green, in Dota/Costa Rica. 


The course is 7 days long, from Sunday to Saturday, and is totally hands on, you pick and mill your own coffee.


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I am always online to answer any questions you might have.




Comment by Suzanne on November 21, 2008 at 8:29pm
Okay...I'm a roaster for Obama. Tolerance for those unlike ourselves is cool here, though. I'm just so darn happy about the election!!
Comment by Tim Noble on September 10, 2008 at 1:57pm
Lipstick... on a pig... the horror! Because its worse than calling yourself a pit bull.
Oh, wait. That isn't what Obama said at all. He was talking about McSame's economic plan. Not that you'd know that listening to the talking heads.
Comment by Banks Thomas on September 4, 2008 at 8:15pm
I'm worried, Palin is pretty hot, McCain has that going for him. With some people that is enough
Comment by Tim Noble on August 2, 2008 at 8:58am
Lance, your comment would be almost laughable if the current administration and the 21% still following it weren't so painfully ignorant of the similarities to fascism that it has brought into the federal sphere.
Collusion with the corporate media, loyalty oaths for attendees at GOP political rallies, locking the opposition out of briefings with government agencies, politicizing the Justice Dept., etc. etc.
Now, what exactly is the backing for the statement you made, other than that you heard Sean Hannity spout it in one of his sputtering fits?
Comment by rob on June 25, 2008 at 10:18am
Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran... McCain publicly states his intentions to bomb Iran --->

THIS is why we must vote for hope and change as opposed to fear and another Bush term.
Comment by Lance on June 17, 2008 at 4:40pm
At best Obama is a Marxist, at worse a Leninist.
Comment by Banks Thomas on June 3, 2008 at 5:58pm
Looks like we made history tonight. It's 8:51 and we only need 4 more delegates and we win. McCain is currently giving a very bad and boring speech. Congratulations to all who helped with this campaign and who voted for Obama.

Obama 08
Comment by Tim Noble on May 21, 2008 at 7:44am
WOW, Hugh. "Blue" mean give-me? Really? I find that to be a pretty ridiculous statement, looking at the Oil men in office and the oil companies making $40 billion in profits for 3 months' work.
Oh, and they're still lobbying for and getting their tax breaks. under this administration, we've seen our civil rights eroded, we seen as uncivil and as secretive a Presidency as we've ever seen under our flag (they brought loyalty oaths to the campaign trail, don't forget), and we've seen the greatest rift between the rich and the poor since the great depression. You're wearing rose-colored glasses, Hugh. That's one thing, but to call those who see it and protest "blue" or wrong, is bordering on lunacy. Your comments regarding Obama's experience are also patently false, considering he's been working in the public good for 20 years, and Bush was a talentless scion of a political family that ran multiple businesses into the ground, was investigated by the SEC 3 times that we know of, and was a governor of the state with the highest drop out rate in the nation. Yet you approve of his "experience"? Please. To say you're not making a fair comparison between Bush and Obama is overly kind to you. You're reaching for straws to justify your ignorant position on a Democratic candidate that you would never vote for. Obama is intelligent, a gifted speaker, statesman, and populist, and you don't have to get on board the Obama Express (wink), but you should remember the old saying- Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Politically speaking, that is.
Comment by Banks Thomas on May 7, 2008 at 7:13pm
We need to help the people in West Viriginia. You can help by going to and signing-up to make calls to WV. Yes We Can and Yes You Can Help, please help change the world.

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