This is my second PLC to be replaced at my expense! Feeling discouraged as this keeps happening! Wondering if anyone is having similar issues!

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Hi all,

Am I the only one on the planet having issues with a faulty PLC?!!!

3 weeks now this has been going on! Diedrich apparently has one 'qualified' tech as I was told! She's not in till 1 pm everyday this week as she's helping an Australian customer, and with 'the time difference'!!!..she won't be in to help other customers till 1 pm mountain time!!! What about other customers like me? Just a one of many questions I have for Diedrich at the moment!

She asked me to buy a new PLC 10 months ago when my graphics on my screen started acting weird while I was in a middle of a roast! I did. The PLC was replaced and I purchased a new one along with purchasing a new router etc. Now, it's happening again! This time she requested the PLC to be shipped to Diedrich! I did. She shipped it back saying it worked perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with it! Now what? She said 'unwire and rewire PLC'. Did that too. Problem still there. All I can do is sit and wait till she's in at 1pm MT.

Apparently Diedrich decided to switch to a new operating system a couple years ago, as Microsoft refused to support the old system any longer. My roaster is R12 and 4 years old. New system costs $5000,00 +$1500,00 cost on top of that for a techie to install it as they told me, + travel time etc !!!

I'm trying to breath. It's just frustrating.



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