Counter Culture is hosting Nelson Melo and Liliana Pabón, owner-operators of Finca Las Acacias—one of the pioneering organic coffee farms behind our
La Golondrina program—for a series of special meet-the-producer events next week in North Carolina and Washington, DC. Nelson, who has been farming since he graduated from college in 1984, is the co-founder and elected president of the 68-member Organic Producer's Association of Cauca. At each event, Nelson and Liliana will give a presentation and lead a discussion about their life as farmers, organic agriculture,
La Golondrina, microlots, and more!
• 6:30 p.m., Monday, February 23 –
Counter Culture Durham Training Center
• Noon, Tuesday, February 24 – Luncheon at
3Cups in Chapel Hill
• 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 25 –
Counter Culture Washington, DC Training Center
Should be an amazing opportunity to talk with long-time organic farmers.
Congrats to all who participated in/attended SERBC, too. I was unable to make it (chained to my desk), but hope to attend ... some ... day.