Njall B




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, barista trainer, coffee enthusiast, consultant
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
New Zeland
USA,, Portland, Seattle, New York and Chicago
About Me:
I have been competing at the NBC and WBC.
im a Certified WBC Judge.
Today im working as a Barista, consulting, training and other things.

Comment Wall:

  • Ben Gleeson

    Hi Njall, Thanks for being my first friend on Barista Exchange!
  • Dismas

    When ever you want to come out.

    Great picture of you in Barista Mag. I will read the article later.
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    hi!!!how are you doing my friend!!!!!!
  • Mike White

    ready to party NY style?
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    Hæ Njáll:D gaman að sjá þig...var að uppgötva þennan frábæra hiem;) Hildur sagði mér frábæru fréttirnar af einum/einni litlum/lítilli á leiðinni, til hamingju:D....
  • Ragga

    Hvað er títt, einhverjar fréttir af undirbúningi mótsins, komin dagsetning??
  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Er búin að liggja yfir öðrum leiknum sem þú bentir okkur á um daginn og ég sukka bigtime - er búin að fara á hausinn í þrígang - ekki segja Þórunni frá!
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hello my friend
    Back from Nicaragua and it was GREAT!!!!!!! Hope to see you soon - are you doing good?
  • m'lissa owens

    Hello! Did you see the pictures inside the magazine yet?! There's a great one of you, me and Bjorg!
  • Jónína Tryggvadóttir

    hæhæ, hvað er að frétta af ykkur? Hvernig gekk með árshátíðina?
    Allt rosa gott að frétta héðan, keppninni lauk á sunnudaginn, getur séð mynd af sigurvegaranum á blogginu.. Þyrfti helst að útbúa fyrirlestur fyrir þá sem vilja heima um það sem ég hef lært og séð hérna! hlakka til að deila því með ykkur:)
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey Njall
    How are you? Have you been travelling lately or?
    Hope to see you soon
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Have a nice trip
  • frank battista

    Likewise, my friend. It really was a great educational experience for me. Enjoy NYC. And have a safe trip home. Let me know if you need a place to stay there. (NYC not Iceland of course.)
  • Jenni

    we went to the beer garden tonight,
    it wasnt the same without you!
  • Jenni

    by the way,
    amazing photo!
  • Ed Kaufmann

    Next time you are in NYC or I am in Iceland, we will have even more fun! Take care.
  • Jenni

    how's the baby????
  • Njall B

    Hey ALL at last and sorry for the slow info.

    Im a dad :)

    the baby was born on the 6 of july and is healthy :)
    it is fun to be a dad!

    check out our Flickr - familyframnesvegur
  • Bjørn Helberg

    Hi Njall,
    Glad to hear that you have become a dad!
    Best of luck to you and your family:-)

    Bjørn, Tromsø
  • christos manousidis

    I wish all the best to your new coming baby. There is no bigger happiness than this. Believe me, i know!
    You gone to need a lot of espressos!!!
  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Innilegar hamingjuóskir með dömuna hún er yndisleg. Ég er nú bara ekkert frá því að hún líkist svolítið föður sínum! Hafðu það gott með fjölskyldunni . . .