Gabriela Hueck




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee grower
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Managua, Nicaragua
How many years have you been in the industry?
4 years
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
The Barista World is very interesting... I would like to know more people in this industry.
About My Company:
Las Marias Estate is a coffee farm located in Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua.
Total Area: 40 hectares

Type of Coffee:
* 100 % SHG, Arabica, washed
* Average Production: 400 sacks (69 Kg.) (150 Lb.)
600 cwt. "Oro"

Average Height: 1265 meters above sea level

Average Rainfall: 1500 millimeters

Average Annual Temperature: 17 – 24° C

20 permanent workers
80 temporary workers

Comment Wall:

  • Pablo Castaneda

    Bienvenida a BARISTAEXCHANGE, que bueno que hayan mas productores de cafe. Espero disfrutes estar aca, vas para el coffee fest in DC???

    ciao ciao

  • Gabriela Hueck

    Hola Pablo, gracias por la Bienvenida... Nos estamos involucrando mucho en la Industria Barismo-Café.

    Desafortunadamente, no podremos asistir en el Coffee Fest... tenemos planeado ir al Campeonato de Barismo de Costa Rica (a finales de este mes). Mi esposo irá a la NCAUSA y luego iremos al Espero verte por allá...

  • Fede Cabrera

    Hola Gabriela,

    Bienvenida a Barista Exchange, es un placer que se vayan sumando mas productores al sitio. Seguramente los baristas de paises no productores tendremos muchas cosas para aprender de Uds!

  • christos manousidis

    Bienvenida a Barista Exchange, sorry but i don't speak Spanish. Welcome, i think that you are some of the reasons that we drink good coffees. See you around.
  • Gabriela Hueck

    Hi Christos:
    I'm sure that you're right jaja. Nicaragua produces one of the best coffees in the world.
    Regards, Gabriela

    Hi of my roomates in college was from Greek origin..he is from the Bahamas...his name is John Mosko...we went to Tulane University together...yes we are in a country wher e politics is a topic for most people...but honest we are toooo busy doing things ...producing coffee and making things happen...we do not worry about the farms the colaborators are worried about their security, their work, the environment, their education and the fact that we need to protect our communities...we are very happy people here working together...politics and things that we cannot change we do not worry about...we will be having a facebook page for each farm or maybe here so that you realize all the work and programs that we care to you and thank you for your concern...keep in wife Gabriela and me try to not think about politics also because our inmidiate families are from totally opposites sides...but we love each other...
  • Fede Cabrera


    Lo bueno de este website es que hay mucha gente de quien aprender! Espero poder visitar Nicaragua a mediados del año que viene, te mantengo informada.

  • Pablo Castaneda

    Que bueno chica, si la verdad tenemos que darle el valor que se merece a nuestros cafes. Espero que tu cosecha te vaya muy bien. Que tal te fue en el Salvador??? Espero que todo bien . Sigamos platicandonos entonces.

    Muchas gracias
  • Karen.V.Manfut

    Gaby! Ha sido más que un placer trabajar con vos, espero podamos seguir en contacto. Muchos saludos!
  • Gabriela Hueck

    Igualmente, amiga....suerte.
