Michelle Campbell

Waynesville, North Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Waynesville, North Carolina, USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
(6+ years with SCAA)
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
Catering and Events Manager, The Waynesville Inn, Golf Resort & Spa

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  • Instaurator

    He Michelle - did you check out the song on my baristaexchange page? That's my son Dan - he goes under the stage name Daniel Lee kendall. I've got that cd for you with some of his other old songs on it. Where do you want me to send it to? I look forward to seeing you in Minni.....
  • Brian Muller

    Michelle, it was great to meet you in St Louis. All of you made me feel quite welcome. I wish I could have arrived in time to compete. What a great venue! D.C. was also a blast. You put together a great time.

    If you get near VA Beach Va come by. www.phoebuscoffee.com

  • trish rothgeb

    hey girl
  • Josh Ferguson

    how do you have time for barista exchange....you and the gang did a great job in denver. see you at the great lakes.
  • trish rothgeb

    like gelato on the Rialto Bridge in Venice!
    We lead charmed lives.
  • Matt Milletto

    Michelle, it was great seeing you in Vegas! Hope you get a chance to chill after the last two regionals.
  • Greg Lefcourt

    You do great work Michelle! Nice to meet you in CO. Looking forward to seeing you in the great white North, eh?!
  • David

    Sorry i missed an awesome event in Denver. Rumor has it that kaldi's crew is heading north.:) see ya soon
  • Tony Serrano

    No sleep till Berkeley!!!!
  • Frank McGinty

    Hey Michelle, I sent Josh F. an email about the GLBC, we'll do whatever we can to help out. Josh and I will keep you updated.
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey Michelle I have tried to send you an email but no answer - where can I reach you best?
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey again I am so sorry but I have not received the mails. Could you try again to: lene@behagdinsmag.dk and if it still doesn't work then I will fix a fax :-) Thank you so much Thanks thanks thanks thanks
  • Greg Lefcourt

    Hi Michelle. I tried to mail you, don't know if it worked. Can you please tell me how I can go about "walking-on" to the USBC in MN? Any info you could give me would be great! Thanks! -G
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ


    Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I sent you an email last Monday and still haven't heard back from you. Did you get my email? How do competitors know when/if they are scheduled?

    Thanks for all your hard (busy) work. -J.
  • Trevor

    Thanks again for everything this weekend at the GLRBC. It was a great time and I can't wait to compete again. Keep up the good work.
  • Jake Randalll

    Thanks for everything you did this weekend! I will probably see you in Ithaca, NY.
  • Erik Williams

    I just think you're super. Thank you.
  • aaron ultimo

    Thanks for running the marathon, Michelle! It was good to see you this weekend. I sincerely thank you for all that you do. You can't be thanked enough. See you in Minneapolis!
  • Brian Muller

    Michelle, We met in St Louis right at the end of the day on Friday. I just saw your "glamour" shot on the Barista Mag Blog, WOW!!! Nice Picture!
  • Instaurator

    Hey I'll bring the cd with some of his old stuff to Minneapolis. I look forward to seeing you there! Cheers.
  • Jeff Vojta

    Hi Michelle! When are you coming to NC to visit us?
  • Jonathon Sepulveda

    Hey Michelle,
    I see your name all over. It is cool to place a face on the name. Thanks for everything you do in the name of coffee. I met a few of the scaa girls in D.C. I can't recall there names but they were very nice. Well, I just wanted to say hi and thanks. take care.
  • Instaurator

    Hey Michelle if you go here you can download a couple more of Dan's songs if you like: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=348984830
    He had a professional producer offer to record a song with him next week
  • Chris Y. Gaoiran

    Dear Michelle,
    YOU ROCK! Thank you for making my first WRBC an exciting time. Next year, at WRBC 2009, I'll be glad to work with you all over again.
  • Sasha King

    You are rad Michelle!
  • Lem Butler

    Once again you rocked out another USBC! Man it gets better each year. I can't imagine the hard work you put in day in and day out. When do you get a trophy for the hardest working woman in the coffee industry? I guess the Michelle button is a start. Such a beautiful smile! Can I get more Michelle time at the Southeast this year?
  • aaron fierros gual

    dear michelle I iwill appreciate if you add me has your frend, i hope you rememberme we meet in berne, i was the 2005 mexican barista champion
  • Lauren

    Hello Michelle,
    I have been unable to find the official date for the 2008 NWBC, Do you know?
    Thanks :)
  • Lorrie McCullaugh

    Dear Michelle,
    If you don't add me as your friend, I'll cry.
  • Chris Y. Gaoiran

    Total epiphany: I was telling a friend about my experience working with you at WRBC, how it felt kind of Director-Stage Manager, and of course she tells me about what you did before coffee--amazing!
  • Frank McGinty

    Hi Michelle,

    Frank from Kaldi's in St. Louis. Tricia just let me know about us hosting again in 2009, I very excited to judge again. Along those lines, i was wondering if you know when and where the NERBC is going to be in 2009. I have family that living in New York City and would love to go up there and judge and see them. Just checking.
  • Alex McDaniel

    Hello. Just stumbled upon your page. Long Beach... home of my favorite book store next to Powells. Acres Of Books! One of my good friends used to live on 7th and Cedar. Used to visit all the time. I miss that town... but where is the good espresso in LB??
  • Alex McDaniel

    Wow! Looks like a great place, nice web site too. Thanks for the tip :)
  • Andy Newbom

    hi Michelle, heard the news about WBC. They are losing the superstar of all time. You rock and are amazing. If you ever want to move up to the Bay Area, we have a standing invitation to you to join the family. Love and coffee lady!
  • Andy Newbom

    HI mich! whats new?
  • Andy Newbom

    I do remember those with fondness and gladness. Especially now that they are past. But I do miss all the cool kats and mostly you.
  • Jason Dominy

    Michelle. Still one of the coolest, hardest working professionals in the whole known coffee world. Period.
  • Shar Griffith

    hi michelle, when are you coming out to silver lake? would love to see you...or maybe i just need to take lilly to the aquarium by way of scaa offices. talk to you later.
  • Sean Marshall

    Hey there Michelle, are you going to be at the SCRBC? Would be awesome to see you there! Thanks for all the work you for barista-folk. You rock!
  • Shar Griffith

    i hope that you know what and when will be happening in short order. looking forward to it ;) would love to catch up over a cup. just let me know when you'll be around.
  • Kim Lovelady

    oh dearest Michelle,
    How I have missed thee.

    What's shakin' baby?
  • ThePete

    Michelle, you are my totally favoritest lady woman friend ever! Love ya!
  • Bj Davis

    Hey Michelle
    We wish you well. Hope to see you around somewhere.
  • Al Sterling

    Michelle... I'll miss your smiling face, even on my infrequent visits to the Long Beach offices. While I'm not close to the WBC activities, I can certainly see that your contribution to SCAA and in a greater sense to specialty coffee is very well appreciated. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do.
  • Andy Newbom

    the coffee world is a better place because of your wonderfulness and super hotness Michelle! My life is better and deeper and nicer cause of you. Keep on keepin on. Spend some time on the beach for the next few weeks and know that you kicked ass!

    Dear Michelle, I met you at the SCAA , hope that you remember me, I just found out that you are leaving and wanted to which you the best in whatever you do in the Future...I would love for you to be part of what we do in Ramacafe Conference where for three days we try to promote coffee at the producing countries to reenforce the other inniciatives that are around...next will be in Augost 31st of 2009 God willing. Good luck

  • Jason Dominy

    Michelle, you are still my hero, and will always be. A true legend, and the void you leave behind will not be easily filled, if at all.
  • Instaurator

    Hey Michelle I only just heard that you are moving on. The work you have done to convert what was a very amateurish event into a world wide professional series of championships is phenomonal. It is your efforts and dedication that have directly transformed barista championships for the better forever! You will always have my sincere admiration for your inimitable professional skills. Keep in touch!
  • Andrea Piccolo

    On behalf of Sammy I and we want to thank you for everything you’ve done for the barista community, competitions, the Specialty Coffee Industry and for us personally…
    You are one of the most professional, thoughtful and hard working people I have ever met. You strive to put your integrity first and have always supported the best interests of the baristas.
    Barista Competitions are not going to be the same without your influence… but we wish you all the happiness you deserve!!
  • trish rothgeb

    Michelle...what you doing this week? I'm in Long Beach.
    I miss you something awful, Girl.