Tumi Ferrer




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Reykjavík, Iceland
How many years have you been in the industry?
Since the autumn of 2006
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Icelandic cup tasters champion 2009, will compete in Cologne in july 26-28
Volunteered in the U.S. cup tasters championship in Atlanta 2009
Member of the Icelandic team in 2009 Nordic Barista Cup
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere in Europe, although, because of my fascination for South American literature, I could easily be tempted.
About Me:
Drinker of specialty coffee since the age of seven (although not knowing what it was until a few years ago, I just knew it tasted good :P), sucker for linguistics and experimental cuisine.
About My Company:
Read all about it here
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The fact that better coffee means a better world for everyone (now I hope this actually is true, or else I get REALLY sad)

Comment Wall:

  • Haffi

    Hæ Tumi sætikall :D
  • Kristín Ingimarsdóttir

    Halló æðisllegt að vera komin með en einn tímaþjófinn :)
    Ertu svo ekki búinn að skrá þig á fullt fullt af æfingum :)
  • Johannes

    Takk fyrir addið! :)
  • Dússý

    já sæll og sömuleiðis! jú heyrðu, höfuðborg norðursins er bara algjör snilld, ansi hrædd um að ég verði hér eitthvað lengur en ég ætlaði mér til að byrja með..en ég sé til, en stendur suðrið ekki alltaf fyrir sínu?
  • Dússý

    jú verður maður ekki að gera það? jú annars er ég alltaf á flakki helgarnar sem ég er ekki að vinna, þannig vonandi hittist það á eitthvert þemapartí:)
  • Steve MacDowall

    hello Tumi, greetings from the east coast of Canada - Steve