

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
How many years have you been in the industry?
Since 1999
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I am working for Caffe Ladro in Seattle.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I will travel anywhere anytime. Except next Tuesday I have a dental appointment.
About Me:
Other then coffee I like to cook, read, hang out with my family. I like to do lot's of other things but because of time and money I keep it simple.
About My Company:
Caffe Ladro has 13 stores in the Seattle area.

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  • JJ Steik

    eegads....it's a cold day to be making gas! (no, not THAT kind of gas!!!) how you doin' bossman? Sheri said there was a nasty wreck in front of the shop this morning, like 4 ambulances , people on stretchers and all!! I think it brought us some business!!!
  • JJ Steik

    dude - I guess it was some dude that got hit by a train!!! not so good for business I suppose. bummer ~ I hope he's o.k....I guess he caught some major air!!
  • )on Lewis

    Back at you... 08 should be the best yet.

    I can't wait to see your new space.
  • trish rothgeb

    I can't wait until Spring so I can spend more time in your shop...
  • kara d. ("kd")

    I know. It has been all consuming having Lexi here, in a good way. I want to come by this week as I am in AZ again this weekend. I guess you'll just have to put me on the schedule in Sharpie to make me commit to a time/date! :-)
  • Sara Nichols

    Haha yeah I know. Who would have thought this dinky town would have so many coffee shops??? Scary
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    tnx!!! man i remeber you in oslo !!!
  • Dan Griffin

  • Gustavo from NUCOFFEE

    Sr. Dismas, Summer in Brazil is year-around FUN !
    Our great coffee tree's are asking when are you visiting them agian ? See you soon....
  • scott@herkimercoffee.com

    we've never met but share some mutual friends.
    i'll come visit some time.
  • Sandy Hon

    Yeppers, started working when i was 15.

    looks like you might wanna start considering investing in Rogaine.
  • Sandy Hon

    Funny boy. Caffeine making you cranky these days??
  • Steve Lanphier

    Hi and thanks for adding me as a friend, I will look forward to coming to see your shop the next time I'm in Seattle in a couple of weeks probably-we will have to talk Brazils.
  • geir oglend

    Dismas, how the new shop? Next time I'm down visiting my son @ UW, I will come by for a nice coffee.
    All the best in the new year.
    geir oglend
  • Ensei Neto

    Hi, dismas.
    Happy 2008, my friend!
    How are you doing?
    What´s the news?
    The summer? Very very hot and finally the rain starts...
  • Bruno Souza

    Somebody invited me by mistake, I think.
    By the way we're just receiving a container with lots from Nu Coffee, Fazenda Boa Sorte and one very nice lot from Carmo Coffees it's a 6th place in the Emater competition, the same you judged last year.
  • Ragga

    Hi there, long time nooooosee
  • JJ Steik

    sweaty, understimulated, aroused....all MySpace moods or have I just had too many shots today...?!?
  • Jason Casale

    your doing another project huh
    stickmen coffee.
    no more hotwire huh.
    Well I hope all is well with you and your nuevant safron speciality drink. I will try it again at another show if you make it again. I wish you much success with the new gig.
    I am sure I will see you in future sometime.
    Hopefully the Denver trip was cool to.
    Take it easy
  • Ginny Wang

    Hello~Dismas ~

    I'm here~c c c c c.... ....
  • Darren Reynolds

    Met you at Visions, shows, etc. Congrats on the spot in Fremont! Coool part of town - I wish you much success. If your travels bring you through Wenatchee feel free to drop in!
    - Darren Reynolds
  • Mike Ferguson

    Great space Dis...and of course the espresso was tasty. Thanks.
  • brett hanson

    As soon as my boy gets over his first cold, I am gonna crash your new spot! Keep the machines warm - I'm thirsty brother.
  • Tera Schmeling

    What's up Dismas? How are you doin? Sounds like you opened your own coffee shop? Do you still work with Zoka? How are the competitions going for you? Still doing those?
  • Tera Schmeling

    Well yep, I've done some judging, that was a lot of fun actually! The pictures are from an event in NYC - how could that NOT be fun? I actually have gone more mainstream with the consulting and training and equipment sales...its something I had always done for people I have met through my cafe (I have one too, its called Brewed Awakening!) and through a company I use to work for but I decided to branch out and started my own company...its called Cafe Technologies. (www.cafetechnologies.com) Its great because we are meeting people and working with people all across the U.S. to help get them open. We offer a training course here in Eugene or we can go on site to the customers location and train their staff...so training or even just equipment, espresso machines, coffee brewers etc. I think its great you have your own shop! I hope its successful for you! So have you had anyone do the barista exchange at your shop?
  • Sandy Hon

    Dizzy!! When will we ever lock eyes on one another again???

    choke, gag.
  • Jeff Greiner

    Hey Dismas,
    Looks like things in the center of the universe are going well!
  • Mike Ferguson

    Looks like I don't have an email for you, unless it hasn't changed in 4 years. Send me a note so I have it. Whose coffee does the bakery/coffeehouse on the corner use?
  • trish rothgeb

    I want hot chocolate!
  • Chuck Jones

    I'm heading up this weekend, did you get my e-mail?
  • Alex Negranza

  • Chuck Jones

    save me for saturday night bf.
  • kara d. ("kd")

    I'm bored..(not really, I'm just procrastinating.)

    Didja know that I saw Something About Mary being filmed in Rhode Island when I lived there on/off for a year?

    I bet you laugh really loud at that movie.
  • Brian Gregory

    Some love from the O-town crowd. Fremont is like a cool little compact Olympia. Yea Fremont!!!
    Glad to see you on here.
  • Jason Casale

    Dismas hey let me know if you still need people and what your hiring time frames are I would consider it an honor to work with you.
    Seriously please let me know.
    I am going to be moving to Seattle this year some time.
    I am trying to work out the particulars.
    Thanks Jason
  • Nolan

    Dismas, Did you get a chance to check out that yirg?? I'm not so stoked on the Guat right now, I think I'm going to have to tweak it a little. Let me know what you think!
  • Scott Baldwin

    Dismas, hey man.. stopped by the cafe today. Had a great Capp. and bought a bag of Yirg. Was hoping to catch ya working but your barista said you had the morning off. Ohh boy does a Farmer Brothers Truck look funny sitting in front of the numerous coffee shops in Fremont. ha ha. Hope to catch ya next time I swing by. Take care.
  • Scott Baldwin

    By the way.. I couldnt wait to get home and bust open the bag of Yirg. It was filling the cab of my truck with such great aroma. Reminded me of what quality coffee smells like. And I must thank you for allowing me the chance to get back to drinking Varitals again and enjoying my coffee and not just choking it down to get my morning caffeine. The Yirg was all I expected and more.
  • kara d. ("kd")

    Hi Diz...long time no see...all my fault. I miss ya!

    I'm heading to the sun for the spring break week, so I will catch you when I'm back..hope you are doing well!
  • Nick Cho

    Nice profile pic today Dizz. Work it, Mr. Stickman!!!
  • Anette Moldvaer

    Hey, Stick! Not bad, how's the shop?
  • geir oglend

    Dismas, are you going to be around this coming weekend, May 2-3-4
    My youngest son attends UW and is part of Husky Crew and it's Windemere race day on the lake.
    I'd love to come around and taste some of Stickman brew?
    Hope to see you there.
    geir oglend
  • Sandy Hon

    hey toots!
    I missed you at conference this year.
    just wasn't the same without you.
  • brett hanson

    Thanks so much for the jammy-jam. Cheers!
  • Juli Goodloe

    you're ridiculous, boss man. it's way too hot out!!
  • Andy Newbom

    Dismas is crazy

    crazy cool. whats up Dis? Hows biz? Hows the coffee flowin?
  • Sandy Hon

    so....how are you? has your hair grown back yet?
  • Kris Davidson

    Hey Dismas! Thanks for sendin my gf back with java. I can't wait till she gets back to try it!
  • Craig Kerrick

    Hi Dismas, finally found some independant and good coffee in Hong Kong. got to talk shop for an hour yesterday with the barista Paul before my friends dragged me away to a theme park. Hey weren't you going to dress up in a foam rubber coffee bean outfit once?

    take care
  • Benjamin H Wilkinson

    I think we have a mutual friend in Jonathan Hays? Congrats on all the all the accomplishments. I hope to meet the original WBC someday