Steve Lanphier



United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, supplier, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Banks, Oregon
How many years have you been in the industry?
Professionally for about 13 years but I have been playing with speciality coffees since the early '70's
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
As a trainer/roaster/all-round coffee geek I have had the opportunity to work with people at all levels of experience and commitment. I have worked as a Barista for a very busy shop as well and I am a proponent for the whole "3rd Wave movement" in the speciality coffee world, Fair Trade, C.O.E. Sustainability are all important parts of this and I am able to speak to these issues.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Yemen. PNG, Sumatra, Java, All of S. and Central America.
About Me:
Prior to entering the speciality coffee world, I was a chef for over 20 years, working in S. California and Portland, Or for various resorts and hotels as well as being sous-chef and catering mgr at Jake's in Portland. During this time I was always experimenting with coffee blends, buying my beans and playing with various combinations until I had it "just right". Eventually my experience as a chef led me to conclude that roasting coffee was something I could do too...sure enough, I was right. From then on, I have absorbed everything I could learn about coffee and espresso and the science involved in the making of perfect drinks and pass that on in training new baristas. I love to travel and go to origin whenever possible. I have been to Papua New Guinea while working for Portland Roasting to kick off the building of a new schoolhouse for the people of the Kinjibi tribe that we were buying direct from. I have also participated a judge in the Cerrado Quality cupping competition in Brazil 2 years ago.
Now I work with Bruno Souza and Beccor (Brazilian Estates Coffee Corp.) importing and offering the finest Brazilian Arabicas along with choice coffees from around the world.
About My Company:
Beccor-Brazilian Estates Cafe' Corp. is essentially a cooperative of farmers from three regions in Minas Gerais which produces fifty percent of Brazil's coffee: South Minas; Cerrado and Matas de Minas.
The Cerrado coffees are known for their intense aroma with notes between caramel, nuts and slight citric acidity. A fabulous Body between moderate and medium-heavy, and Flavor of sweet chocolate notes.
We work with the producers and roasters to directly import the coffees that best meet the Roaster's profile, enabling farmers to sell their coffees directly to the roaster.

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  • Jason Dominy

    I love Georgia, too, even though I am in Charlotte now. I tell you, right now I am diggin our Dilworth Papua New Guinea. It's just right for the weather, and even though I am not normally a dark coffee lover, I love one that still has a good, deep sweetness to it. I also had a Rwandan today that we are sampling for a special coffee that was real good! How are things out West?
  • Sean Grant

    Hey Steve...As a matter of fact thats who I'm going with. A group of other roasters and myself are going over with Mike & Ujwala. I'm looking forward to this educational trip. I'll get back with you upon my return.
  • Bruce Milletto

    steve yes the site is a bit addictive but wait till there are a few thousand members and matt adds more bells and whistles - then yikes !!
  • Liddy

    Hey, things have been great here! We had a great December and we are about to get hooked up with some great Faema machines, so i am super excited about that! Hope things are good in Portland!
  • Brian Conroy

    hey Steve, Happy New Year. Hope your doing well. I haven't spoke to you in a couple of weeks. Have a great Latte. Talk to you soon.
  • Ensei Neto

    Hi, Steve.
    Happy 2008 !
    Talk to you soon, my friend.
  • Gustavo from NUCOFFEE

    Hi Steve, Great to have you on-board with our great coffee beans from Brazil !
  • Mike Love

    Hey, Steve
    have we meet before?
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Hi Steve. We are 15 minutes outside of downtown in Roseville. We'd love to have you up for a visit. I know all those shops you listed, and we are good friends with Sartory.
  • Thomas Hodges

    Looking forward to our "thrice" a year reunion Steve!
  • Pacificocoffee

    Do you keep any of your coffees at the the Anex
    in the San Francisco Bay area?
  • Todd Plummer

  • Dismas

    Steve sounds great. Joel is supposed to be by today but, that doesn't mean you still can't drop by.
  • Steve Lanphier

    I look forward to pulling some shots with you soon.
  • Pacificocoffee

    Hi Steve that would be great!
  • Doug Becker

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for introducing me to the group.

    I've been to Grounded once. Nice place.

    I left a message and an e-mail for Ken. He has not gotten back to me. I'm sure he is just busy. If you happen to talk to him, ask him to get back to me please.

    Thanks again,

  • Pacificocoffee

    Thanks Steve, I got the "Stuff" today. LoL ;-)
    Talk to you next week.
  • Steve Lanphier

    and you should be receiving more shortly to give you enough to play with.
  • Danny Bresciani

    Thanks for the add.
  • Steve Lanphier

    My pleasure...I'm a long time fan of Nuova Simonelli and am right now enjoying a beautiful macchiato from my Oscar.
  • Cynthia

    Hi Steve. Thanks for accepting me as a friend. I can see this site taking up a lot of my time. It's work related though—right? ...
  • Steve Lanphier's also tax deductable and it whitens your teeth too, so how can you resist?
  • Michael Buhler

    are you saying that as friends of kenzo, misery loves company? will he (hopefully) see this? lol

    thanks for the greeting :)
  • Steve Lanphier

    You DO know Ken...well Giddyup.
    If Ken is the man I think he is...he's probably on this all day anyway...hi Ken :)
  • Jeff Taylor

    Coffees arrived as soon as I hung up the phone. figures! :O) I'll cup them when I get back next week.
  • Steve Lanphier

    Ehhxcellent...Have a good trip, talk to you when you get back.
  • Ed Viser


    Thanks. We are all dong well over here. Shamrock is going strong after 7 months. Where are you at anyway these days???
  • Moto-Espresso Coffee Carts

    Hello Steve,

    Bom dia, tudo bom? Please- let's have a dialog about Brazil. I have a house in Salvador da Bahia, but we are now living in Monterey. I'd like to hear about your coffee exploits in Minas and of course you're welcome to Monterey.
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hey Steve,

    Thanks for your interest! I`m sending a brief summary of my project by mail.

    I hope you find it interesting.

    Best regards,
  • Lisa Keyte

    Hey Steve
    thanks for the welcome and the yirg! I need to check on my Brazil supply and get back to you.
    Looks like I need to find a photo for this site to replace weird shadow guy over there. I like yours.
  • Ingibjörg Jóna Sigurðardóttir

    Hello Steve.

    No, I´ll be going to SCAE and WBC in Copenhagen this year.
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hello Steve, thanks for your message. I`ll keep posting news/requests at "Social Projects". Best regards, Federico
  • Tera Schmeling

    Well hello there Steve!!! Absolutely we should be friends after all we live only 2 hours away from each other!!! A cupping would be wonderful! So you know Ken huh? Yeah, Pablo's thing sounds very interesting...did you check out his website? His plantation looks amazing! So you import green beans??? Do you sell all over the U.S.?
  • Tera Schmeling

    Alberto is great too!!! So is Sergio!!! Great guys!!! Well very cool, I'll be sure to refer people to you who are needing green beans!!! We work with the end users mostly though but of course some of them want to get into roasting...its always the next you make it to Eugene often?
  • Steve Lanphier

    Not as often as you would think, maybe I should plan to visit soon, what is your schedule like next week?
  • Jason Dominy

    Steve, how ya doing man?
  • Kevin Cuddeback

    Hi Steve, I'll be your friend. Don't bug Mike, bug me instead. BTW, since I got you on the line, what's the deal with logo'd cupping spoons?
  • Danny

    Hi Steve, Singapore's coffee scene is definitely picking up with the likes of Starb****s, Gloria Jeans, and local chains such as coffee club, TCC, etc. However, it is a very sad thing that Barista are not well recognised here and gets paid miserably. On top that, marketing has created too much hype regarding single origin coffee by tapping into their sexy sounding names such as Jamaican Blue Mountains, or Sumatran Java etc. As in my blog, I aim to increase the awareness of the profession of Barista in my country and the art of coffee making.
  • comforteagle1965

    How are ya buddy? Hope life s good. I opened two new locations and I have two new products in development so I have been busy. Tell me what your up to when you get a chance. chow
  • comforteagle1965

    Hey! OK, OK, Back by popular demand the helmet will come back! I know more good things will come your way. Your a positive guy and positive energy produces more. Talk to ya later. D
  • Mike Cannon

    Hey, Steve! Hope everything is going well with you. It always was a pleasure to bump into you in the halls at Portland Roasting. Keep well, and take care!
  • Steve Lanphier

    Hey Mike, It's good to hear from you and thanks for the add too. I've been hanging at Spella Caffe, 9th & Alder..I'm there most mornings. drop by and I'll pull you some shots.
  • Charles Weber

    I love your photo Steve... hehe
  • comforteagle1965

    Hey Steve! yes, lost your phone number! Call me, let's meet down at the warehouse. :)
  • comforteagle1965

    Darin @ 503-871-5282
  • MDU

  • Mike Cannon

    It was a pleasure running into you at Coffeefest! One of my dearest friends has been making a habit out of visiting Spella Cafe; I couldn't tell you how jealous of her I've been! I'm going to make a special pilgrimage down to Portland to get a cup from you one of these upcoming Wednesdays, and I can hardly wait!
  • Sarah Dooley

    wow! Thanks for joining so fast, can't wait to see what you put up to view Steve.
  • Brian Conroy

    Hi Steve, give me a call. Lets have coffee.
  • Rich Abker

    Love them Brazils,

    Very recognizable after taste through back of the throat and nasal passage!
    They can really be enhanced by certain mild beans in a blend.