Anne MF Boatner


United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
How many years have you been in the industry?
working on three
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I have some second place marbc2008 winning skills.
Also, I'm good at rhyming.
Also making cookies.

I hate the word "froth." It makes me want to throw up.

Also, important disclaimer for people I meet at these coffee things: I am typically really horrid at replying to your messages/comments/whatever. But I like them and I will do it eventually. Just don't diss me on the radio or whatever if I don't comment back in what should be considered a reasonable amount of time, okay?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
you can take me anywhere!
See, I grew up on a mountain so I'm pretty much capable of anything.
About Me:
When I'm not making coffee for the masses, I specialize in:
being the youngest employee of anywhere i work
eating felafel
making toast
walking down the street
using my imagination
listing to all kinds of music
pretending to be a robot
making friends
pretending to be in imaginary bands (does anyone want to be in a hip hop group with me?)
About My Company:

(i am also still a big bear employee at heart.)
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
liz clayton

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  • Dan Griffin

    liz clayton? never heard of her, i bet shes crazy!!!!!!! what are you doing for work at the moment, did you move to the arlington store?
  • Dan Griffin

    oh my, i love the big bear!!! joe ludes is my soul mate, i mean this. i will be down soon to hang with him and jeanette.

    you are welcome to soup every sunday for the rest of your life. also, we have now started taco tournement tuesdays. god only knows what is going to be going down when you hit the scene.
  • Rich Westerfield

    Congrats on getting a gig so quick. Big Bear got themselves a great barista.
  • Rich Westerfield

    We'll see you in Ithaca.
  • Brian Muller

    Anne, the guy I am thinking of is Mike Boatner and he is in Colorado Springs. I thought he was at the Pentagon. Any relation? Brian
  • m'lissa owens

    DID I MISS YOU???!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you're having a great time!
  • Ben Helfen

    I missed you too! Dammit! That's what i get for being slow to check my bX...
  • Jason Dominy

    Anne, how was the ATL?
  • david nigel flynn

    Bag 1(Ipanema 33%, Fatima 33%, Kuta Espresso 33%):
    1st Pull: 16 seconds
    -nice sweetness on the nose
    -crema was ok looking, kind of light might have been the shot time
    2nd pull: 30 seconds
    -still sweet(chocolate and fruit) even at 30seconds
    -little bit of spice on the aftertaste
    3rd pull: 24 seconds
    -really nice on the nose
    -tastes alot like toscano
    -a little sweeter/ different sweetness
    -lingers more- nice sweet fruity after taste
    4th pull: 21 seconds
    -cherry and chocolate for sure
    5th pull: 21 seconds
    -Nick: "its gotta be the kuta"- "really nice"
    -Aaron: "nice acidity"
    -Final thoughts: A nice cherry sweetness with some chocolate notes. Color wasn't to die for and it didn't
    have super great crema retention but it held up well at different shot times (very forgiving). Overall a really
    nice espresso.

    Bag 2(Ipanema 33%, Fatima 33%, Dolong 33%)
    1st pull: 17 seconds-wayyyy to fast
    -sweetness is sort of in there
    -bbitter ashy finish
    2nd pull: 23 seconds
    -more savory
    -aaron sayss "steak"
    -I say tomato stem
    -starts off nice but then quickly turns super dirty ashy soily etc and not in a good way
    3rd pull: drop- 8 seconds, 28 seconds
    -nice savory start, but ends ashy
    4th pull: drop- 7 seconds, 25 seconds
    -nice coloring
    -not quite right on pallete
    -sweetness and savory
    -better after taste but still not good
    -best pull for this espresso
    5th pull: drop-6 seconds, 23 seconds
    -veggie savory on the nose
    -bad finish again
    -Final thoughts: A difficult spro- hard to dial in. Has a nice savory sweet thing but it quickly turns gross
    probably not one you should use. Good color

    Bag 3(Ipanema 33%, Fatima 33%, Floriza[India] 33%)
    1st pull: drop 6 seconds. 24 seconds
    -savory sweet
    -intense on the pallette
    2nd pull: drop 9 seconds, rul long
    -nice bleu cheese taste-aaron says thats the salt and sweet combo
    3rd pull: ? woops
    -savory sweet, in your face
    -pepper steak
    -color not as good as the 2nd spro
    -Final thoughts: Really nice but maybe alittle too intense. Maybe try this one on a lighter roast (it was at 48).
    Has a great combination of savory and sweet
  • david nigel flynn

    cheers homey, didnt have your email so I figured id post it here. hope it wasnt top secret
  • Mike Sala

    You may be good at:
    being the youngest employee of murky coffee big bear
    eating felafel
    making toast
    walking down the street
    using my imagination
    listing to all kinds of music
    pretending to be a robot
    making friends
    pretending to be in imaginary bands
    But can you KEEP IT REAL?
  • wiggles

    so what's the deal with murky, sugar?
  • Mike Sala

    Fuck yeah, I'm already compiling a mix of French hipster/club music and hiphop for the party that has to occur. But I mean, we're talking 4 weeks, so it'll probably be outdated.
  • wiggles

    i couldn't get in to compete out of region either, but that just means that you should come up with me and bring the party. possible hotel room share, for real as well.

    my new store's more miles davis then punk rock, but the coffee rocks so hard. it's not however named big bear- RAWR
  • Liz Clayton

    I will be in Ithaca. Are you staying with me at the barista resort? I'll work on your admissions personnel, and my bad attitude regarding your career choices.
  • Liz Clayton

    Absolutely! I think there is room in the car — I am leaving Thursday in the afternoon. However we are sharing the car with people from Milwaukee — they may be made of dairy products, I just warn you.
  • Liz Clayton

    Oh, good — I'll hook you up with a job, friends, and an electric pancake griddle too if you want em!
  • Liz Clayton

    When the heck are you coming? I decorated for you.
  • Katie Duris

    big bear trips brighten dull days. merci, merci. see you soon at sticky fingers, i'm excited to try the new spro.
  • Josh Rosenmeier

    20 oz drinks are the worst kinds of drinks......ever
  • Josh Rosenmeier

    Right on! I look forward to that then...hows big bear???
  • wiggles

    thanks for sleeping with me, boatner...
  • Sam Penix

    Thanks for shinning my_____.
    can't curse on BX
  • Josh Rosenmeier

    I like hummus, and french presses, alot...I have a bear dilemma at my home right now, they like to eat my garbage and make a mess out of it...but in pictures and not on my property, i like them too Delete Comment
  • Sam Penix

    Are you going to the usbc? Real life friends to the rescue! do you have an apt. I'm moving june 1st. My huge room will be available. Are you going to work at El Beit ?
  • Liz Clayton

    what? you're buying el beit?
  • Matt Menzenski

    check your messages
  • Sam Penix

    How the F are you?!!? you missed the best pillow fight in Minneapolis.
  • Mike Sala

    yo anne mf boatner, how you livin? have you been exploring new and exciting cheeses recently, or are you just basking in the glory of whole milk cappuccinos? sorry for the punctuation and poor typing, i hate french keyboards.
  • Katie Duris

    i'm getting excited about this big bear barista competition....
  • Mike Sala

    Unfortunately I will still be in the land of the French Roast for your competition. Maybe I can video via webcam. When are you moving to New York "fucking" city?
  • wiggles

    where the hell have you been my whole life?
  • Sam Penix

    haha what the F train ? Sticker migration... the 8th wonder of the world!
  • wiggles

    you mean mfing burning river, black cat pulling, single origin french pressing, beer drinking in the park, bicycle riding, oldest public open air public market in the country- cleveland ohio? word
  • wiggles
  • Mike Sala

    Yo, way to support the Washintron, DC coffee community. Also, why is there nearly zero big bear showing on barista exchange?
  • Jeremy Sterner

    Anne!!! How have you been?
  • Mike Sala

    Boatner, I'm going to be in New York City next weekend, let's hang out...but I'm not going to Hoboken, just throwing that out there.
  • Jeremy Sterner

    Good to hear you are doing well. Yeah, I will try and be in Pittsburgh. It will be great to see you again!
  • Mick Miller

    Yes ma'am! And since you're technically NERBC this year, all I need to do to have a chance at placing is break both of Sterner's hands.
  • Mike Sala

    Abo, you ready for Pittsburgh?
  • Chris/Dale

    nice meeting you this week

    and good luck next week yo
  • Mike Sala

    Change of plans, I'll be in Pittsburgh come Friday evening...oh yeah.
  • Joe Marrocco

    What'sGoin' ON?? Good to be "friends" with you now. I guess this makes it official. No, but seriously,... Thanks for everything this weekend. Your support, help polishing, smile and good vibes were amazing. I hope to see you in Portland for the USBC!! (Yeah,... that's right,... I'll be there!!)
  • Heath Henley

    Great to meet you this weekend. Thanks for the chatty info. I'll let you know how the cuppings go! I think I'll be posting updates on my blog:

    Good luck at the NERBC!
  • Dallas Fowler

    aaaaannnnnne whatchado
  • Caitlin Corcoran

    great meeting you this weekend!!
    are you going to be in portland?
  • Jeremy Sterner

    Great seeing you this past weekend, Anne. I have already started planning for next year... Lets do this. J
  • Mitch

    Anne! I'm so sorry that I didn't get back to you immediately! The worst thing happened: My computer got a virus, I lost wireless connectivity, and then all my files were deleted. (The latter, being a fault of my own.) Needless to say, it's a little difficult to get into touch with me... But my communication shall be revived soon. (Oh, so soon...) Later, love!
  • Mike Sala

    So, you coming to visit ONC (jjb) anytime soon?