

Ypsilanti, MI

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Ypsialnti Michigan
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Head Roaster and Quality Control for the Ugly Mug Cafe. Sometimes i compete and sometimes i judge.

What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere with great spro and love for coffee.
About Me:
Beer and Macchiatos!
About My Company:
Ristrettos and Cherry Bombs.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Everyones index finger smells the same.

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  • courtney marie

    dude, check out my video :}
  • Luis Zaman

    Whats up dude, whats new at Ugly Mug? I haven't had a chance to stop by in a long while!
  • Luis Zaman

    Scott and I are heading to Ugly Mug today, you working?
  • Luis Zaman

    Killer 'spro as usual! Keep me posted on what's going on at Ugly Mug.
  • Malorie Evens

    oh man, I did but it didn't save. I guess I was trying to play it off like I owned my own shop....
  • Scott Polick

    Thanks for letting me in! Hey, when you have some time, check out our (Luis and my) webpage/blog. I've got some action shots of your cafe!
  • Bryan Wray

    You should go to this... http://www.coffeegeek.com/forums/worldregional/uscentral/401449#401449, mainly just because I haven't been able to make it over to Ypsi in months and haven't been able to geek out about coffee with you in a while, but also, I went last year and it was a freakin' blast. If you ever travel west to K'zoo let me know and I'll hook you up with some 'spro and beer at The Strutt /Dino's Coffee Lounge (name in transition).
  • courtney marie

    awe, yeah !
  • JIm Saborio

    you are my hero.

    my woman and I need coffee and you help us.

    you are my miro, and I miss you... oh lord, do I miss you.

  • Alex Pond

    yeah I remember, we had drinks at the chapel. Thank you so much, it was really amazing, hope you're doing well.
  • Kurt Stauffer

    Not to toot my own horn but I thought I actually did a good job representing why we do what we do in this video: http://rapidgrowthmedia.com/features/rgtv012209.aspx
  • JIm Saborio

    You are a sick man.
  • Trevor

    Yeah, that would be great yo. What time are you all planning on?
  • Ryan Knapp

    can't wait to see you all and hang!
  • Trevor

    Yo, sorry I missed you guys last night. I was pretty bummed. Of all nights yesterday was my craziest. We definitely need to chill before fest. Thanks for the spro, sweet stuff man. Thanks for saving me some beers by the way. I didn't expect that.
  • Ryan Knapp

    yeah it was fun times, look forward to hanging in Chicago.

    Also, the espresso was killer!
  • Laura

    there are no words.

    and i have no freakin clue how you guys found your way out of grand rapids.
  • Laura

    shit. so good.

    you should make your eight hour drive back to gr this sunday. we're going to holland to play on a nuova siminelli.
  • Laura

    take that rewind it back.

    next sunday.
  • Luis Zaman

    I hear I just missed you guys at Madcap, sad. How's Ugly Mug? I've gotta take a trip out your way soon, I heard something about a new place called Mercury out your way. Maybe I can talk Scott from getting his head out of the books and coming down for a field trip =D.
  • Joshua Longsdorf

    i get in tuesday eveningish. you should call me before then. oh and I'm gonna bring you guys some of our featured single origin.
  • Laura

    dont play me like that.

    you competin or what?
  • Trevor

    Yo, your not on the competitors list. What's up with that son?
  • Steve Kessler


    Hey Man! It was great bumping into you again at Coffee Fest. Great job on that Sidamo, we pressed it this morning. You and the Mug folks are stand up people and you guys have some fans in Milwaukee!

    Roaster / Wholesale Manager
    Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co.
  • Luis Zaman

    Alright, true story. I checked my mail this morning on my way to class, and saw I had the new barista mag (via the back flap) and left it in the mail box. Hesitating, thinking - what if some Ugly Mugger or Madcapper was on the front cover. I get back at 1:50am, pull out the mag from the box and holy shit. Good deal yo, I'm gunna come by with that mag and expect some autographs for when you guys are even more famous :).
  • Jason Dominy

    Twas very cool to meet and hang out with you this past weekend in Chicago. Keep up the good work up there, and best of luck getting Zak out of trouble!
  • Jason Dominy

    True that. True that. ;-)
  • michael Phillips

    thanks miro, always pleasure to have you in town. Next time we gotta find a moment to go get a drink.
  • Ryan Knapp

    i got your text and sent on the message. fun times hanging out. laura and i were just checkin' our photo shoot pics. haha, get roasting so you can come hang in Portland
  • Ryan Knapp


    your sure you still can't swing the trip?
  • scottlucey

    LIQUID SWORDS! Thanks for the love son.
  • tif

    totally! i'm trying to plan an excursion back to the home state to visit you guys and some other coffee friends in other parts of the mitten.
  • courtney marie

    miroooooo, we're coming to visit today !
  • tif

    miro, i'm gonna be in michigan the weekend of april 18th. i'm going to a wedding but also am planning on stealing a car and visiting ugly mug. i'll keep you posted!
  • Bryan Wray

    When's your b-day again? And are you doing anything sweet that someone should travel across the state for? Barista jam planned or anything?
  • Ryan Knapp

    miro...let's hang sometime soon...one of us needs to plan a cross mitten trip
  • Jesse -D->

    My last name is Darrow. IF I catch your package in time I'll throw in some swag too. I don't know if it went out today or not. Production was short staffed so it may not have gone.
  • tif

    i got my chemex from intelli actually. it was only $5 more than their press so i said what the hell.
  • tif

    okay so here's the deal. check it:
    my megabus comes into ann arbor on the 16th. i'm trying to get a friend of mine who lives in ypsi to let me crash with her that night and just have my ride come get me later the next day. however, she has been known to not return phone calls until two days after i need to talk to her. maybe i can have a back up plan with one of your couches? or the back room of the shop? i'd have to find my way from ann arbor to ypsi but i've had harder problems to solve than that. i can offer whom ever's couch it is my undying love, a beer or two and maybe even a meal.
  • tif

    let's plan this as if my friend never calls me back. i'm neurotic and like to cover basis. so can we just plan on me crashin somewhere the 16th and if i can get a ride from ann arbor, even better. then, if i don't need the help, it will be a relief to all involved.

    you jonesin' for anything that is strictly chicago? cuz i'll hunt it down for ya.
  • Luis Zaman

    So, I just had a coffee shop in the area make me a press of the Panama, good stuff dude. I'ma have to agree with Ethan, I got the yogurt sort of tang to it. Really really bright sweetness though, really clean. I dig it man. I'm excited to try it again in a few days!
  • Luis Zaman

    And yeah, I went to the counter with your coffee, and asked for it hahaha. They took it pretty well surprisingly.
  • Luis Zaman

    They are pretty chill here, just a little flirting with the barista is all it takes :). I'm giving it a second round, to be honest though, its probably been like 3 years since the last time I had a marshmallow. They also brew it a tad hot, straight out the cup warmer wand on the espresso machine, so I'll blame it on loosing the nuances.
  • Luis Zaman

    When should we come down on saturday dude? Let me know, I'll pass it on. I think they are going for something early afternoonish.
  • Jesse -D->

    hey Miro. Did you get to try the coffee?
  • Eric

    heres the rendering of the final one minus the company name on there
  • Jesse -D->

    We got them yesterday, and we have a "fun cupping" today so they will go in the mix. Can't wait to try them, they smell awesome. I'll let Gabe know you said what up! Thanks a lot man, I'll keep you posted!
  • Luis Zaman

    Congrats dude!! Not quite little Miro's running around yet, but pretty close.
  • tif

    oh that's awesome.
    i'm sure i will be working at some point that weekend. and even if i'm not scheduled, i'll be at the shop bummin around. definitely come in and check the place out! get a hold of me first and we can set up a time.
  • Luis Zaman

    Marshmallows!!! Finally.