If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I am a rookie barista at Cafe Indigo, a small cafe in a locally owned bookstore. We serve Cultiva Coffee.
About Me:
I have a culinary background and I have been into coffee for awhile. I have recently got the opportunity to work at a shop that is dedicated to serving quality coffee. Every day I am learning more and more about coffee and I am very excited about it.
I typically boil my filter in oxyclean. It's natural and takes it back to bright white with really no flavoring. I would suggest boiling it in plain water after boiling it in oxyclean water just to get any residual cleaner out of the filter... i'ts then good to go for a while.
It's my design! :O)
Someday when I open my own cafe, that'll be the logo. haha I don't have a name picked out but already have the logo.
Thanks for the kind words. If i ever get around to making a screen print of the design I'll make sure to start selling them. And no I'm NOT going to charge $30 bucks for it!
Tamara Vigil
Mar 23, 2009
Mar 24, 2009
Dallas Fowler
It's hott tam and damn adam!
Mar 24, 2009
Chris DeMarse
I typically boil my filter in oxyclean. It's natural and takes it back to bright white with really no flavoring. I would suggest boiling it in plain water after boiling it in oxyclean water just to get any residual cleaner out of the filter... i'ts then good to go for a while.
Mar 26, 2009
Sara Travis
Someday when I open my own cafe, that'll be the logo. haha I don't have a name picked out but already have the logo.
Thanks for the kind words. If i ever get around to making a screen print of the design I'll make sure to start selling them. And no I'm NOT going to charge $30 bucks for it!
Mar 30, 2009
Jesse -D->
Mar 31, 2009