Dave White


Olympia WA ~ Its the Water

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, supplier
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Olympia, Washington
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I work at Espresso Parts NW as a graphic designer/art department.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Easy question... You'd think most might say the coffee, but I say the people first then the coffee. Coffee & Espresso folk are the greatest.

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  • ben brown

    Hello, Dave. Hope the Oly's treatin you well. Pretty grey and wet up on this side of the sound, but you know the drill. Just wanted to drop a quick line to say HELLO!
  • elvin

    Did you open the bottle of Mead I left for Brian D.? Does he Know? :)

    Yes!!! Apple Tree buyin' ... we need to get on that don't we.

    Do you have a place to plant your Orchard? ---e.
  • Darren Reynolds

    We've got a sweet show on Friday night so hopefully you can check it out. Got my roaster today! it'll be a while before i can fire it up tho. I'll give you the tour of the roast hut.
  • ben brown

    There' a mighty fine waterin hole in my basement, you're welcome anytime. Just let me know you're coming!
  • elvin

    I hope you know I was kiddin' about drinking Brain's bottle.
  • Darren Reynolds

    No worries. (Although I've always thought an avalanche would be a nice way to go, I understand if you don't feel the same way...) Next time you'll likely get to sample our own beans!
  • Darren Reynolds

    Sweet! I like surprises. I think I told you that we're going to Brazil next week! Hopefully I'll have some sweet shots of farms etc. for you when we return.
  • Darren Reynolds

    Dave..you rock.
    Thanks for the care package. That exceptional Las Termopolis got me through the trip to Brazil. Check out the Caffe Mela Blog (http://caffemela.wordpress.com) for down low on the trip to the farm.
  • Jeff Greiner

    Hey Dave, whats the Haps with you?
    Will be rockin the Joint at SCAA next, then Vegas and Hawaii. All in all, not a bad few trips.
    See you in Minneapolis? Or do you ever make your way up into the Kent area? If you are headed this way, we could shoot a game or two of pool and have a brew sometime.
  • Ryan Baughn

    I saw the pics of the GS...very nice. I would love to find one to refurbish and put on my kitchen counter...if you ever come across one let me know!

    Good to stumble across your page...

  • Brian Gregory

    Dave...you'll always be my Blanton's Savior. Ah the glory of single barrel, when do you want to partake again?
    Thanks for the friend invite, maybe I'm just shy.
  • Brian Gregory

    With Cicada stumbling distance from from your place of employment, I think it's a no-brainer, What's next week look like?
  • Silas Moulton

    Haha, it certainly is the water.
  • Mike Cannon

    Hey Dave! Love the pics, especially our beautiful wooden portifilter handles! See you around.
  • Jason Casale

    hey dave thanks for adding m as a friend you rock.
    how was scaa
    I hope it went well for you.
    you guys rock
    keep up the good work.
  • Liz Clayton

    just like old times! (get it)
  • See You At Coffee

    i think coffee... leads to community...leads to networking... leads to good things for all involved... yah?
  • Chris DeMarse

    It was great meeting you, too. We'll hopefull have the video up and going in a month. We all have three or so jobs like you, so things move a little slower with coffee video magazine. BTW, what is going on in Seattle in September? I'm intrigued.
  • Sasha King

    Dave it was great seeing you around this weekend! More cider soon!
  • Heather Ringwood

    look at you - featured member!
  • elvin

    NWBJC! Hell Ya! I'm in on it.

  • elvin


    check out my new Franken-Project.
  • Chris DeMarse

    unfortunately, i'm taking a lot of time off this summer and don't have the cash flow to fly all the way out from indiana, but hopefully i'll come out there sometime in the next year just to hang out and get spro'd up.
  • Chris DeMarse

    I know this is cheesball, but I actually know this girl Bekah who makes bags out of used coffee sacks and gives some of the profit to social justice causes. If you're interested, her site is www.refugeebags.wordpress.com
  • Oliver

    I would love to help out with the Barista Jam!
  • Chris DeMarse

    Hey Dave,
    do you guys sell tamper handles separate from pistons?... i dropped my tamper and the handle is jacked but the piston is pristine.
  • Chris DeMarse

    how much do the laser engraved compressore handles (both tall and short) run?
  • Chris DeMarse

    I went to the site and clicked on the tamp handles link, but it didn't go anywhere. Is there a better way to look them up?
  • Jason Dominy

    Dave White, what's up????
  • Jason Dominy

    Things here are good. I thought about you and Banjo this past weekend. My wife and I were hanging out in the mountains of NC, and I found myself in a BBQ place listening to some good, local bluegrass, realizing how much I loved life. At least now. ;-) You ever get into the Avett Brothers?
  • Chris DeMarse

    I checked with my wife to see what the cash flow looks like... we've been remodeling our house, so I might have to hold off for a few weeks until I can save some tip money, but I'm sure I'll have no problem ordering over phone when I do have the cash flow.
  • Chris DeMarse

    Dave. Hope things are going well with you. Got my skull/bones tamp from you guys... it rocks. I might be coming to Coffee Fest Seattle if I can book a flight that's reasonable. We'll see what happens
  • Shiloh Nelson

    I love the idea of branding the tamp. We will have to talk at coffee fest! We have some ideas!!!
  • Darren Reynolds


    Thanks for the dope apparel! See you at CF.

  • Adrian Badger

    Hey Dave, one of your photos depicts a small, two-sink rinsing station... is that a custom job, or does espressoparts sell it? See you at CoffeeFest. - Adrian.
  • ZekEaZoiD

    Good to be home!, but It's sooo beautiful up there i miss the foliage already. Thanks for everything Dave! Coming to the store was absolutely one of the highlights of the trip.

    Shouts out to the whole espresso parts crew, and the sickest booth at Coffee Fest... Y'all kicken that coffee ass!!
  • Benza Lance

    Nice to meet you man! you guys fuggin rock in up there straight hardcore! Hopefully next time I'm up i'll have some extra cash so I can have you etch me something on that pimp ass lazer engraver...
  • Tony Serrano

    Old Timey bad ass! Thank you for the support and smiles, my man. Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to what y'all are doing in Oly. peace
  • Andy Newbom

    the Finca 408 is some sweet magic

    the team was pretty much bowing down to your whole crew and heaping praise a heavy! thanks for hosting em!
  • Chris DeMarse

    hey man,
    quick question. I dropped my skull/xbones tamp on the concrete and dented it. I noticed that the finish is more an oil than a urethane.. i was going to sand the bumps out and re-oil it, but didn't knwo what you use to condition the wood... what should i use?
  • ZekEaZoiD

    any new and exciting projects in the works??
  • Dave White

    Nah... not really. I mean the new website will be in the works soon. Other than that adding in the rest of the Mazzer "E" grinders and such. Michael however just ripped apart another GS2 and is cleaning and descaling boilers. I don't know if I'm jealous I don't do that or relieved that I don't do that.
  • ZekEaZoiD

    all part of the process =) can't wait to see it fully restored. ...the guys had a meeting about the laser project a few days back,it'll give you some cool stuff to play with again in the near future im sure.
  • Toner

    out of the big stink comes great beauty_ I'm not busting..
  • Chris DeMarse

    do you guys sell the bean auger that goes on the rotating burr for the mazzer E? Would it fit another grinder (like a compak k10 wbc)?
  • Steve MacDowall

    Hi guy and greetings from Canada
  • Robbie Britt

    Great meeting you this weekend. Thanks for your help with the carts! Hopefully I'll see you again in Portland.
  • Heather Ringwood

    nice bling in your banner ad ;)
  • scottlucey

    hell yes! hugs back at cha. can't wait to share a beer, I'm getting into portland sunday, let's hang if possible/when you get there.
  • Jay Lijewski (TacomaPenna)

    Thanks bunches, Dave!

    Yes sir. I do pick a bit. Never took any lessons and don't know any traditionals but it sure is a ton of fun.