Klaus Thomsen




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee shop owner, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Copenhagen, Denmark
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
We provide training in coffee, barista techniques, green coffee sourcing, cupping and roasting. We have two coffee shops, one in Copenhagen together with our roastery and one in Roskilde.
About Me:
Been a barista since 2001.
Was so fortunate to win the World Barista Champion 2006 in Bern
Now a partner in The Coffee Collective -Coffee Roasters and Coffee Consulting in Copenhagen Denmark
About My Company:
The Coffee Collective is a specialty coffee micro roastery and coffee consulting company.

We live and breathe with coffee. Since we love to brew, taste, talk, and learn about coffee we have decided to dedicate our careers to the world of coffee.

We have one collective goal. And one that we are quite passionate about: To provide people with an exceptional coffee experience.

It is a goal we seek to achieve through great taste quality. A goal which involves improving the lives of our friends in the coffee producing countries.

This is why we do more than purchase coffee. We cooperate with farmers on a global scale and together we strive to develop a sustainable production and improve the quality of the coffee.

Comment Wall:

  • Matt Milletto

    Welcome Klaus! Your experience is much appreciated on this site.
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Thanks. Looking forward to see it develop and grow.
  • Ryan Willbur

    Klaus! Good to hear from you. Intelli is wonderful in LA. Deaton's roasting works is about to open in a month or so... Soon we'll be roasting wonderful coffee here and not shipping from across the country. I hope to be in Copenhagen this summer... I really need to come see you and the Collective.
  • Aaron Duckworth

    Dang it Klaus! Where's my duck? HA! Probably made it to origin by now...
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Yes, the duck. Where might it be? No emails or pictures yet? I gave it to Deaton when he was in Ireland and he brought it to the Mathew Algies barista jam, I think. But from there I don't know where it's gone.... Mysterious....

    just visit us to play with our synesso...

    i've seen so many things from u...
  • Dismas

    Hello Klaus. Everything is great thanks. I hope you are well. I am hoping to make it to Copenhagen this year but, I won't know for a few more months. My new shop is going well.
    I hope everything is going well for you and the Coffee Collective.
  • Ben Gleeson

    Hey Kaus, Whats the weather like in Copenhagen??
  • Ben Gleeson

    I mean Klaus.. sorry
  • nik orosi

    when ever i visit your site,im into crying, wish im more near to copenhagen so i can use your coffee in my shop and two that im opening soon, or tim's coffee. you are just so good that sometimes ( to be honest most of the time) i think ill never come closer to you for a centimeter. keep on doing good job for all of us around the globe
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Thanks Nik. That's kind of you to say. You should come visit us and go up to visit Tim too. Who knows, maybe you'll end up opening your own roastery! :-)
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    hi!!! klaus Everything is great?
  • chiara nicolini jiskra

    Hey Klaus! Barcelona is grear thanks! How are u doing? I have exams... but hopefully almost over!
    Hope to see you soon! Say hi to Siga D. Too!!
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    hi, thanx for the invitation;) nice to see you again!
  • Emily

    Heya Klaus! all is good! Just had an extended Christmas break. Oscar is great (yes you got the name right!) just had his 2nd birthday. Hope you guys and the coffee collective are going well, I'm keeping up with your travels on your blog. Please say hi to Sigga Dora for me!

  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey Klaus
    Yes you know me I do not like to brag :-)
    Really looking forward to come and see your new locations
  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Hej Klaus! En stor komplement för det underbara Guatemala kaffet som jag fick prova hos Sigga Dora om julen . . . Keep up the good work! Lycka till och en stor kram till Sigga Dora.

    hey klaus...good to find you here, we have been thinking of you since Luisito Cappuccino won the NICA's championship...we are on our way to Denmark...can you help him out?
    je je I have meet many of your friends...how is Troels doing? tell him we are here at the exchange...I hope you received the pictures I sended
    I have them on Facebook ...look for me there...best to you my friend...Henry , Gaby and Cornelio Henry Jr.
  • Helles Belles

    Heh Klaus, just wanted to say hello to you and Sigga Dora. I managed to get a coffee collective t-shirt somehow at the Nordic cup and it's a firm favorite, so the name is getting out and about in the Uk too. Hope things are well with you both, maybe see you in Iceland?
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Tak for sidst - I var super!
    Kan I lide jeres køer?
    Vi glæder os til at se jeres kaffebar i pinsen og få en mega god kop kaffe - ses
  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Are you going to Minneapolis? Arturo is leaving tomorrow for visiting you. Good to hear from you.
  • Jónína Tryggvadóttir

    Hej med dig kære Klaus:) Jeg glæder mig vildt meget til at besöge jer! Tillykke med det hele! Det bliver desværre först i juni som jeg kommer til Köbenhavn men tiden går så hurtigt forbi.
    Jeg er ellers lige kommet hjem fra Nicaragua og på vej til London om to dager, funfun:)
    Kærlig hilsen til Sigga Dora og de andre danskere jeg kender;)
    Vi ses snart, har det godt.
  • Joe Hsu

    Hi Klaus,
    Good to hear from you and looking forward to see you guys in such great wonderful city: Copenhagen
  • Anette Moldvaer

    Ha! So do we! :) I'll send you a little something in a few weeks, I think...
  • Jason Prefontaine

    Congrats on your opening !! Looks great Klaus, I've been following everything on Flickr. You guys look like you're having a blast, and doing all the right things. Keep it up !

  • Anya

    Hi Klaus, I'm very excited about checking out your cafe when I head your way for the WBC. Yay!
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Less than a month till the WBC now! Can't wait to see everyone again :-)
  • Barista of Mexico

    hi Klaus, i hope you are ok, remember you have a friend in Tijuana for whatever you need. please contact me if you are going to visit Mexico.
  • Raul

    hey Klaus remember me i ll see on your hometown right 25 days from now see you there take care
  • Raul

    hey klaus you now were i could find like a marzocco over there it might help
  • Kyle Glanville

    KLAUS! Can't wait to see you buddy! Cph 2008!
  • Carl Sara

    Hey mate. Looking forward to catching up ina couple of weeks. Here's to the Mother Russia! lol

    Hope your keeping well.
  • Andrew Barnett

    Hello Klaus !

    Thanks for the message . Looking forward to seeing you very soon . Arriving in Copenhagen on June 16th . Staying at Hotel Centrum . I'll make sure to bring beans with . Would love to taste offerings from the Coffee Collective . Take care my friend .
    All the best ,

    Mobile + 1 707 477 9261
  • Gary Whiteley

    Hi. Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to show me and several others The Coffee Collective's new shop during the WBC. I was part of the cafe crawl the came by, loved the shop and the fact your could walk right around the machine and the roaster. Nice to meet you and thanks for the Demitasse! bye!
  • Deaton


    Now we get to chat on Barista exchange, Facebook, wordpress, mobile phone, fax, email and I will never tire of you, life is GOOOOOD!!!!
  • aaron fierros gual

    hello sir please add me, as your frend. would yo come to mexico for the 7th mexican barista championship on september?
  • Blaine

    Hi there. I'm going to be in Copenhagen to see a friend who plays football there. Was just wondering where the cafe is that you are based at? Would love to come by and see what you guys do. My friend plays for Brøndby, not sure of the city at all, so not sure where he is based. Anyway, would love to visit!

    Hello Klaus , good to see you here , I had lost touch with you, how are you doing?
    We are doing very good here , Gaby is specting a baby and Cornelio Henry is growing , he turnred 2 sept. 30th.
    We are at the farms, La Virgen Estate where you were a couple of years ago.
    I hope we could see you soon and maybe we can do something here as we talked before , no we purchased the farms from Mario and Gaby will be trying to set trips from people abroad to come and learn the production process and also do some trainning , cupping and more.

    Send me your comments
    You could write us at ...
  • Steve MacDowall

    Hello Klaus and greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Zoe Delany

    Hi Klaus, Congratulations! we hear you are going to be a dad:) D&Z
  • Zoe Delany

    Hey, I am training hard for the Aust Barista Finals next week end and Dave passed the WBC judges certification! We have booked for Atlanta so either I'll be competing or Dave will be judging. Are you coming? :)
  • Zoe Delany

    Hey Klaus, thank you for your support. I came so close to winning! got second by just10 points. It's all good though, I'm still really proud to have come so far. I am so excited to try again next time. Dave has tought me so much. Hope you are all well over there. regards, Zoe