Ben Gleeson


Central Coast NSW


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Qualified Barista and Barista trainer, I have experience in Cafe management in award winning espresso bars. These days, I roast coffee and train Baristi, I have won awards for my coffee - which is cool and was the National tea infusion champion last year. I love coffee and enjoy the industry. I love playing 'tweaking' espresso machines, grinders and anything coffee related.. I'm a lateral thinker - whatever that means? Artsy, creative, mysterious..
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Asia, US, South America, Europe..
About Me:
I live on the Central coast of Australia, and run a barista training school and Wholesale roastery. I'm living the dream.. and as is with life, most dreams a good - some great - the occasional nightmare! I am married to a sexy woman and have 2 wonderful little girls.
About My Company:
We roast coffee, we drink coffee, and we train coffee!
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The Lifestlye

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  • Jackie Carpenter

    hey thanks! ya all our mine except one, one is my friend Shiloh :) i love doing them haha makes it exciting!
  • Zane Braun

    Ben! lovely to see you if but virtually. how's it goin up on the coast? must have the training market cornered.
    love to drop in on you on the way through sometime... is that your elektra?
  • Jami

    Ben, Loved the pictures! =)
  • C.J.

    heck yes! i actually used to live on the gold coast....
  • Cara Ramm

    i sure would! thatd be just dandy. :)
  • C.J.

    it was a couple years ago, great place, but the fun had to is it over there?
  • Alvaro Sanchez

    In Singapore and the trip begins, he he.

    Thanks for the countdown. I'll keep you posted with what's going on

    Cheers mate
  • Aleks Shineleva

    lets "do"!:) australia, ai? that's pretty awesome
  • Aleks Shineleva

    please do:) that would be great
  • Kara MacDonald

    Just sittin around waiting for peeps to make some yummy coffee. New store, still a little slow. Waz up with you?
  • Kara MacDonald

    You work weekends too? Meeting with the editor egh? Not too shabby Ben. Always good to 'Be published'. Was just making new pastry tags myself. Ahh the good life. My day off tomorrow will be filled with lots of press and alot of laminating. So much fun. I have to work sunday, but will have plenty of time for the super bowl. Can't wait for american football to be done, bring on rugby season. Yes, the wallabys are soft and cuddly, but bring on the all blacks. We have to band together to beat the springboks this year. Can't say what I want to say. You dig the rugby?
  • Alvaro Sanchez

    HEY! I'm alive, just been busy and couldn't log in for some reason. I'm in Bandung and I get to play with a brand new IR Diedrich roaster using awesome Indo coffees.... SO COOL!!!

    Hope you are well I'm on skype look up my internet addy.

    Hope you are well mate talk soon :)
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hi Ben,

    Greetings from Argentine ... would you give me some surfing lessons if I make it to Australia?

  • Fede Cabrera

    At least you have great places if you decide to learn ... I`m surrounded by endless praires!!!

  • K-SAKI

    Its in Minnesota.
  • Cara Ramm

    i actually am! hope you are too homie.
  • Instaurator

    Hi Ben All is going well I am heading to Melbourne next monday, tuesday, wednesday and back home thursday. Then on friday i am going to Merthi Mountain India to check out the robusta harvest and watch them rub the parchment with their hands every three hours or so. When you get down to Sydney next time call in. We've just installed a new water system and the coffee tastes unbelievably better. It's like someone is taking a mask off it. Very clear, distinct and clean. And I'm also looking at new machines....see you soon!
  • Jami

    Hey Ben... I've been busy lately... we're getting new things in our shop everyday as we are starting to get a really great customer base... I've been sampling teas and working on frozen drinks - which we've delayed bringing in a long as we could =)
  • Gwen

    Hi! Australia's pretty rockin' and I'm happy to have friends anywhere. What's the coffee scene like?
  • Gwen

    At home I've got a French Press, which I love more than words can say. I'm not sure exactly what kind of machine we've got at the store, but when I find out I'll let you know. We switched to a new dosing method a few months ago. We were doing the overflow and then level method, which was pretty consistent. But when we got the newer machine we switched to a two click method. The shots are a little less consistent but they're almost sweeter so it's working well. I can tell you this about the machine, you can over-ride the automatic settings and flip the whole thing into a manual mode. You can also manually fill the boiler which we haven't had to do yet. I'll keep you posted. How long have you been operating on machines? I would love to learn, in my "free" time.
  • Gwen

    We sort of have an espresso machine guru so as far as tweaking machines I'm a little helpless. What you're doing with machines sounds really cool. Someday I'm going to have to get more intimate with some espresso machines. Cleveland is maybe three or four hours north of Columbus, which is the capital city of Ohio. It's a nice day trip. Do you have any roasting experience? It's something I've always wanted to learn, but I missed the last roastery position we had when I was visiting family in Virginia.
  • Tisha

    Nice to meet you, Ben.
  • Todd Burbo

    Hey Ben, Chicago's scene is pretty great. We (Intelligentsia) are sort of the big player in town, but there's also a great little micro-roaster called Metropolis, and they're definitely worth checking out.

    How's it looking in Australia? From our perspective, it looks good- we recently hired an Aussie to roast in Los Angeles for us, and he's great. l
  • Tisha

    My full name is Tisha. It's not short for anything. I have only heard it a few times. Pretty unique.
    Where in Australia are you located? Hows the coffee biz there?
  • Todd Burbo

    His name's Deaton Pigot. I'm not sure what he was doing down there, but if you know him, I'll tell him hello.
  • Gwen

    Ok, so after a grueling weekend at work I finally got you the stats on the espresso machine I work with day in and day out. It is a 1995 La San Marco Mod. 85-16m-2. Freq. 60Hz. Pot. 3kw. Press. max 2 bars. Hey if you think about it, maybe you could explain what these things mean; I'd love to know. You will not believe what a work weekend I have had. Starting Friday night at around 7 we had non-stop snow flurries until 10pm Saturday. A total of twenty four inches of snow. We actually had to shut down shop early on Sat, but you wouldn't believe the number of people who came out for coffee in that weather! Mostly people on foot since the roads we nearly impassible unless you had an SUV with four wheel drive. My mom actually had to rescue me from work; my car was completely snowed in, in the back lot. But life goes on and coffee culture continues. I'm due for my shift now but I look forward to hearing from you.
    rock on,
  • Hope Atchison

    "Oh me! Oh life! Of the questions of these recurring..." (Can you name that poet WITHOUT looking it up?) I think HE was right about how life is. :) But things with me... well, they're great. Thanks for asking. What about you? :)
  • Gwen

    The blizzard is gone now. Thank god. People were able to dig themselves out so far, so life goes on. It was just St. Patrick's day so, there were many green beer-guzzling "Irish" celebrators out and about today; generally making the roads unsafe and causing mayhem. Thanks for the info on my espresso machine. Apparently the design is older than I am. But again, life goes on. I'm confused however, about bars still. Is that referring to the amount of pressure of the water going into the portafilter through the grouphead? That's really the only thing I can think of. Ah well. Thrilled to hear back from you.
  • Alvaro Sanchez

    how are you Ben? I'm sorry i've been so hard to contact, hope alls well, and no, not dead so far... been out of reach but now I hav e the net again... finally! I'm on skype if you have we should chat sometime, look me up under my email address. Cheers man enjoy!
  • Gwen

    Tell me more about this national tea infusion challenge. I don't think I've heard anything like it. Cait and Wes are going to the international tea convention Las Vegas soon. I can't wait to hear all about it. There are going to be some pretty swanky teas there.
  • Alvaro Sanchez

    Ben!! How are you mate?
    I need to find out where to get a 1kg roaster from. there was a guy called Will something :) that imports Topper to Australia, do you know him or anyone?
    Anyway, I am floating around improving the coffee of the world and hopefully starting some of my own with some people. hope to hear from you soon, my email is I lost your number which is why I am contacting you this way! mine is +94771230883 for now.
    Cheers keep up the great work.
  • Carl Sara

    Thanks Ben. I cant do it myself... but can try a few people. flick me an email with some details.

  • Gwen

    That tea set looks fabulous. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch in eons. I broke my ankle pretty severely last may. Then I got a promotion and have essentially been super busy ever since. I was involved in planning a barista jam in Chicago this past fall, which took up tons of time, plus I was training new hires for a store we opened the same month. It doesn't help that my computer is ancient either. I've been trying to plan my move to England for over a year now. I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a nice specialty coffee shop in London. But, let me ask you this, are the foreign labor laws as strict in Australia as they are in the UK? I'm looking at a working-holiday visa since that is the easiest way to get my foot in the door. I can't imagine I'd have much luck finding an employer willing to write me a work permit without meeting me and seeing me work first. Sighs. Well I hope you are well and cheerful. :)
  • Mo Hautala

    I don't think I am going to be able to make the competition in April. Three of our best baristas will be attending though. . . Speaking of Australia, we just had a new, well-experienced barista come from Australia. He's living in WY with his girlfriend he met here in the states while on a school exchange. His skills as a barista are remarkable, you must do things right on that side of the planet. haha.... Happy roastings "mate".
  • Gwen

    I don't think I'm going to the WBC. I am trying to get to Harrar though. I've always wanted a trip to origin and might have the opportunity in February. It all depends on if I get my ducks in a row. :)
  • Kevin Cash

    give me a ring when you'll be in the area. I'll show you a few spots plus I've got my Linea hooked up at the house. Look forward to meeting you in April.

  • Justin

    Hey Ben what brings you to the C-Bus? Here is a short list just off the top of my head in my sleepy state of 3 shops in or near downtown. Let me know where you'll be or if you'll have transportation and I can get you an expanded list. Columbus has a nice offering of independent coffee houses with nice atmosphere and individual personality.

    You'll definitely want to hit Cafe Brioso (14 East Gay) in the heart of downtown, they also roast in shop. A Touch of Earth is inside the North Market (59 Spruce St) on the North West border of downtown, they carry CrimsonCup and another very good local roaster (sorry the name is escaping me) and the staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Luck Brothers Coffee (1101 West 1st) is a nice little place in Grandview which is just a bit North West of downtown and prides itself on featuring different beans from small quality roasters throughout the US.

    Let me know when you'll in town and maybe I could meet you and treat you to a coffee somewhere.
  • Justin

    I'm happy I could be of assistance :) I've been missing the coffee world a lot since getting laid-off and am excited once I've become comfortable with my current job, to find a coffee house that will let me put in a few hours on my off days so I can keep improving my barista skills and knowledge. Remind me as time gets closer so I can be sure to have some time off.
  • dcforman

    Hey Ben! Unfortunately, coffee scene in Columbus is still pretty young, for how big C-bus is. I'd check out Cafe Brioso, they pull shots on a pavoni lever and roast in-house. If you want to make the drive, you should come out to my shop. We're getting ready to venture into the roasting side of business, should be up and running by then. I'd loving to have you out for a cupping. We're about 25 minutes from the airport. Let me know!
  • Gwen

    Oh no! Have you already gone back to Australia?
  • dcforman

    Hey man! Hate to say it, but the shop's closed up on monday afternoons. I'm still stuck out here cleaning and I won't be able to make it back into c-bus until around 5 or so. I would check out Cafe Brioso, they're at Gay and High. Call me if you wanna knock back a few later. 7404049329.
  • dcforman

    oh yeah, and i hate to renege on the whole cupping thing, but we're still waiting on our roaster to arrive. Never thought it would take this long.
  • sam corra

    hey ben sam here, ok address is, cafe yala, citsa, reid capmus, po box 826 canberra, act 2601, sorry about the email you got today, elaine wrote it i don't know why she put it was from me, any way i been hastling her to contact you guys so i glad she finally did, if you could also chuck some pricing info in for us that'd be great, anyway we'll see how we go, ill talk to you soon thanks for that
  • Gwen

    Hello Ben! I'm sorry I missed you in Cleveland, I'm also sorry that you had a rough time locating good coffee in C-bus. It's really a lot of chains. And my friends in Cincinnati tell me they've lost their last neat local shop. Ohio is sadly Starbucks-riddled. I;m actually in NYC for a few days. My sister is graduating from Parsons and just installed her senior show yesterday. She made this enormous house with little rooms with bears in them. It's was very cool. I don't have any pics of the exhibit yet but if you want to peek into the rooms here's a link. Cheers dear. I'm gonna hop the subway to Gimme! coffee now.
  • Nat Paolone

    Hey my friend its great to hear from you! Yes its been too long!

    I am in Hanoi this week training, then to a small city of Hue. We need to talk about heaps of stuff.....!Whats new?
  • Nat Paolone

    Dude I hope asap! I am really happy for you Ben, goon on ya.
    Your photo of the latte pour is nothing less than awesome.

    I am busy as well but not with the high-end stuff, but instead created a barista culture from the ground up in Vietnam and Cambodia working with limited equipment.

    The best machines I work with is the Wega Polaris and GB5. But the La Marzocco in Asia are fitted with large flow valves so the extractions are too fast even when grind is adjusted so its hard to get it right.

    I'll write soon.

  • sam corra

    hey ben,
    yeah coffee was really good, everyone enjoyed it alot, what was what though? which was the silver and which was the black? i personally liked the silver a lot off our expo bar megacreme at work but i have a little expo bar Brutus at home and a mazzar major grinder and i had a play with the black last weekend and it was exceptional. at the moment what were working on is opening an exclusive coffee club that will run friday saturday sunday, it'll be by booking only, feature cakes and pastries from world renowned pastry chief, and we are looking at running two or so signature blends, we've told alot of people and its attracted alot of interest so hopefully we'll get it happening in the next month or so, i no it's not the 30 or so kg a week but it might be a start any way, but i will be in contact with you cause i would like to get some coffee for personal use plus in the coming months i have a comp and a demo so ill need some nice coffee, i might even push for one day a week we run your signature to attract interest for the club, but you'll here from me soon alright cause i want 2 buy a few more kg's of you
  • sam corra

    ben i need some coffee!! i dropped you a msg today but i will try again tomorrow, but if you get this before then please try and give us a bell so when can have a chat, cheers
  • Nat Paolone

    My dear friend Ben! Good news, I will be in Aus from Oct.3rd to the 10, flying to Gold Coast but I will fly down to Sydney and we must get together! Please make some time, I only have 2 or 3 days in Sydney. What is your mobile, and home phone number please. I may call you on Skype.
    Will be great to see you dude.

  • Nat Paolone

    Hey Ben that sounds awesome! I really want to come up to your place and endulge in all the good stuff you have there. Talk soon mate.
