Mike Cannon


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Seattle, WA.
How many years have you been in the industry?
Since 1997. When Starbucks had only 1412 stores..
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Newest addition of the Neptune Coffee family! 2nd place finish at the USBC Brewers Cup in Houston, TX.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Give me the green hills of Ireland and a cloudy-dark Guinness.
About Me:
Optimus Prime.
About My Company:
Neptune Coffee is a super rad shop nestled in the Greenwood area of Seattle. I operate/own a small website called Superhariobrothers.com that has helped promote my manual brewing activities.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
So many wonderful, passionate people who're connected by a common denominator called love.

Comment Wall:

  • Kelly Ziniewicz

    Hey Mike welcome aboard!
  • Oliver

    Hi Mike I look forward to meeting you. Are you working in Production and as a Barista?
  • Oliver

    Cool, your working with an awesome group of people. Where did you work before Olympia Coffee Roasters?
  • Jaima

    hey mike =) how's it going? things up here have been so busy lately, but hopefully we can run into each other sometime soon... either for some amazing coffee, or for a good beer (i brew at home too)
  • Sasha King

  • K Med

    Hey Mike! Can't wait for round two... on your turf!
    But in the meantime I'll have to come in and get a shot of that delicious Big Truck.
  • Nicely

    Thanks yo! It was great to meet you too! That is totally the thing I'm taking away from my 1st real Coffee Fest weekend. I met a bunch of really awesome people. I hope to be able to stop by and visit you sometime while you're working. How'd you like the weekend overall?
  • Aimee J Biggerstaff

    dude what time?? I'm out at 12:00. I'm gonna be hanging out at OlyCoffee on Saturdays it looks like to learn the ways and get back into working bar.
  • Steve Lanphier

    It was great to see you at CF, Ill stop by next time I'm up there. Thank you for the kind words too, I look forward to seeing you some Wednesday soon.
    Got some fantastic coffees from Carmo that we're cupping right now-let me know if you want samples.
  • Andrew Milstead

    Word. where you working these days?
  • Andrew Milstead

    Im holding the fort down at a stumptown account over on the eastside in Kirkland. Its pretty sweet so far, nice and busy :) I have only been living in the area for about a month and a half now but it has been treating me really well. I will have to come up and check out the roastery sometime.....im sure it's pretty neato.
  • elvin


    Thanks for the support at the NWRBC... and way to Throw Down man!
  • Mo Hautala

    Thanks a latte for the add! Hope all is well. Take care. =]
  • Kevan Walker

    Mike, I have no doubt you can go far in this industry. And thanks for asking about Quest Rodding. It is the most glorious sport anyone could imagine. Freedom! Speed! Silence... simotaniously as one man weilds his Quest Rod. Thrusting and Prodding the forest floor, not ever tangling in the wild rose bush. What is Quest Rodding, you ask... I cant say with words. But we do have one in the office at Mud Bay Coffee Co. wanna see?
    Kevan Quest Walker
  • Tyler

    thanks, good meeting you, i will keep you posted with the moka pot pours
  • william kevin emmons

    i'll see you at the next one
  • Ray

    Thanks for making the trek down from Olympia. It was a great time.
  • Toner

    you are awesome! you make the best coffee and you aren't obnoxious about it or anything... YOU GET 4 GOLD STARS!
  • elvin

    hahaha... we are now BX friends :)
  • will frith

    you rocked with your pours! the competition was stiff, too. my pours were shit, and i don't even know how mine advanced to round 2! luck of the rock-paper-scissors contingency. next time i see judges deciding like that, i'm totally out. it was tons of fun! can't wait until the next t'rowdown! (or the next espresso you make for me!)
  • Oliver

    Hey man, you forgot to call me!
    I only check this thing like once a month.
  • Jaima

    Too kind! You know you can take the girl out the game, but you can't take the game outta the girl :) i had so much fun playin with coffee again! and was SO fun to see everyone! next time... i practice three times... then i'll take it for sure ;) lol
    thanks for havin me down mike! you're good company! XOXO
  • Bre

    nantes is my ring tone! nice ta meecha also.
  • Michelle Week

    It's awesome to meet people like you! I'll be keeping my eye out for you in Oly, seeing as I go to school up there and all.
  • Michelle Week

    Killer! I love free things!
  • Jared Gum

    Greetings Mr. Cannon!
  • Jared Gum

    Happen to find out the time of that show?
  • Ian Shaughnessy

    i can feel it, coming in the air tonight...
  • Michelle Week

    Ooo, I can't wait! I need to get some practice in!
  • Andrew R. Tucker

    Hello friend! It was a pleasure meeting you too! Thanks for the excellent coffee the other morning, I Sooo want a Clover in the shop now... So tasty! Anyhow, I am sure we will see each other again, I will be @ Coffee Fest this fall.. See you soon.
  • Jared Gum

    Mr. Mike Cannon

    I did pour the heart of a dragon at the latte art comp. the only problem was that nobody had ever seen the heart of a dragon and thus I lost.
  • K Med
