Chris DeMarse


Gas City

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Muncie, Indiana, United States
How many years have you been in the industry?
5 years
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I am coffee obsessed. I spend a lot of time studying both coffee extraction theory and practicing consistent and efficient methods of extraction. I love digital scales, conical burrs, and custom tamps... what can I say?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere where I can learn from people who know more about coffee than I do.
About Me:
i love this industry
About My Company:
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The willingness and passion for both learning and sharing knowledge of all aspects related to growth in quality.

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  • Dave White

    No problem... Go to the hardware store and score some Bowling Alley wax. That should work great. In any case let me know how it turns out for you.
  • Nick Griffith

    No definitive answers yet.
    And I haven't been able to make it up our local hills to try for myself either. Someday.
  • graciano

    For sure you and anybody else with are welcome to Boquete, as Rachel told you is the rainy season but you still can see a lot at this time, some farms at the lower elevation already began the harvesting so you could see some activities already. My cel. phone is (507) 66787724, please give me a call anytime, if you need help with hotel reservations or any else to arrange down here let me know, it'll be no problem to back you guys up around here.
    Also is no problem visiting my farm or others in the area. So welcome to Panama and keep in touch.
    Very best,
  • graciano

    I'm just arriving to Panama, which days will you guys be in Panama City, I'll be there since Oct. 8th, so let me know where you'll stay ( hotel and fly references), so we could meet first at Panama City, it's a lot to see besides the Panama Canal visitor center which is really interesting if you never had seen this before.
    Please let me know what you decide.
    Very best,

  • Rachel Peterson

    Sorry for the delay responding, I was on a trip and got sidetracked. Please call Daniel, he's expecting you sometime on the 10th. His cel phone # is 011-507-6675-0585. Otherwise call the farm # which is 720-3202 and ask for my dad (Price). Hope you have a great trip! Graciano can take you to see several farms as well since he'll be in the area.
  • Shar Griffith

    Hi Chris, I just entered the realm of bx. it was nice meeting you in MN. will you be going to portland next year?
  • scottlucey

    I got mine from Avenue 18, which is in Canada.

    I just noticed though, that Barismo is selling Hario products. They are offering the 2 cup hario if that's your fancy.

    get one!
  • Rachel Peterson

    Hi Chris,
    I'm sorry you didn't make it to the farm, but Daniel's baby was born right around that date anyway, and I called the farm to find out if you'd made it and was told it was raining cats and dogs. Next time...
    Regarding coffee in Panama, remember we're way behind (most origins are) in terms of education and preparation of specialty coffee. For starters, most coffee shops use seconds since the bulk of specialty coffee is exported...roasting, brewing, you name it...everything needs to be relearned. SCAP is working on it though, and hopefully next time you come visit the coffee in coffee shops will be better.
  • Rachel Peterson

    I will definitely keep this in mind and thanks so much for the offer.
  • Jesse_Aram

    When I am aroiund you guys I always want to spend more time learning and sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed another brief rendezvous with the Muncie crew. Maybe I can even bus your dishes at the next barista competition? Your sig drink idea sounds awesome! May you continue to receive the utmost divine inspiriatoin. Much love, Jesse
  • Jesse_Aram

    But when I get to bus your crockery ...I get to ILLEGALLY sip your drink on the way back to your table. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Its not nice, its a SINISTER PLAN of self-sustainability.
  • Trevor

    Hey, thanks for the water info. I'm looking into this. I'll keep you posted. We're getting close. We'll need to plan a delivery date soon. I can't wait to hold that GB/5 3g EE in my arms. Ok, it might be little heavy but we'll roll with it. cheers.
  • Trevor

    Hey, was just calling you back. Sent you updated floor plan. You can look it over but I didn't label anything on the bar. I'll work on that so it will make more sense. The overview is 3 espresso grinders, blender, hot water boiler, and bulk grinder(not pictured) on back counter. POS and pastry area on bar closest to front entrance. One hand wash sink and one rinse sink. Thats the jist of it. Do you know what the cost of that cirqua system is?
  • Trevor

    Hey, do you know anything about the Bunn H5E hot water dispenser?
  • Kelly David H.

    And as much as I agree with you, the problem comes with the fact that you still had to wean people off of those big lattes. It still took time for them to get used to what we consider good. Plus, it takes time to educate so in the mean time, they get their "super lattes". Like I said in my blog and you said in your response, it is our job to get them to appreciate good coffee.

    Another thought to go with this is why not serve a 24oz latte to get them into your shop in order to re-educate them instead of letting them go to "chain" coffee houses that will never tell them different....just a thought. Either way, its the American dream that screws up our thinking into bigger is better no matter what whether it is truly right or wrong.
  • Ryan Knapp

    Is it less than a week you'll be in GR for hook-up and jamming on the GB-5.
  • Trevor

    Chris, thanks for coming up, doing the install and hanging out. It was a great time.
  • tom

    I'm not in Lincoln... I'm in York... and it's quite refreshing. I drove through a little piece of hell getting here... white-knuckled driving through 3 1/2 hours of freezing rain, and then some blinding heavy snow, and then a little bit of foggy night.

    How'd the Espresso toss up go yesterday? Anything surprising?
  • tom

    We did recently get a couple of new green PNG beans. Are you thinking our CoE El Salvador?
  • michael Phillips

    As much as I may be wishing the rumors of my competitorial demise were true, the sad fact is that I will have to pony up and go try to not embarrass myself infront of a collection of peers and friends... sigh. I trust you and your faithful legions of espresso warriors will be in attendance?
  • michael Phillips

    how many of your folks are tossing hats in in? Our team is a bit smaller this year for sure.
  • Nick Griffith

    It would be amazing if that was an accurate depiction of the US. I'm expecting mr. phillips as well.
  • Jonathan Meadows

    Congratulations on 4th place bro! Sorry I wasn't able to stay for the finals.
  • Matt Milletto

    Chris, good to see you in Chicago. Congrats as I heard you did well at the competition too. - Matt
  • Jason Dominy

    Man, I just wanted to tell you how proud I was of you. Just amazing, and it's cool to see how you've progressed. I am very proud of all your hard work and passion. Cheers!
  • Dave Delchamps

    Hey man, heard you did pretty well this weekend, thanks again for the tip on the cappuccino, see you in Portland
  • Deferio

    Winning fourth place makes you look skinnier...
    but it makes your head look bigger...!
    Dude, congrats again and earned it, bro!
  • michael Phillips

    hey CHris as it turns some guy I work with took 2nd place and will be in portland with some room to spare. If I find anyone on the look out I will pass them your way though. Glad your heading out sir.
  • Zak Rye

    hahaha! totally scary, right? dude, you were awesome and it was literally inspiring to see how much progress you've made.
    see ya next year, day 3.
  • Zak Rye

    dude, come pull a fake-shift. rock the synesso all day!
  • Jesse_Aram

    Got to see you set it off twice. Great job both times and congrats on placing. Thanks for the FRUIT FORWARD espresso shots during practice. When is Demarse blend available from the AWC? What farmhouse ale inspired the siggy drink?
  • michael Phillips

    My good man, I had to say thanks. Your help this last weekend was very much appreciated. enjoy Ireland and come visit when you get back.
  • Jared Truby

  • Jared Truby

    Come in hot to the Cruz and learn to surf if you already haven't and we'll slang all the coffee you can drink. You haven't had a facemelter out for that.
  • Brian Davey

    We are just following the dreams put out by passionate baristas like yourself. You give us the ideas we just help them come to life. Thank you for keeping that forward movement alive. The shop is always open if you are out in the NW again. Have a spare room if needed as well.
  • Dave Delchamps

    Hey man, just wanted to say that I watched your performance and loved it. Congrats on making the semis. Also that your tip for cappuccino helped me place in the finals at SERBC. Sorry I didn't get to join you guys in Portland. Hopefully I will next year in Anaheim.
  • tom

    Business as usual around here. How's freakin' Ireland!?
  • Ross kunze

    Thanks for the tip Chris.
  • Zak Rye

    yeah dude,
    we'll be here and miro and i both have saturday's off so just let us know when you'll be through and we'll meet ya up at the cafe and toss ya on bar.
    awesome man, see ya this weekend!
  • Zak Rye

    cool dude. we'll see you up here!
  • Trevor

    Yeah man, I'll be getting at least one case of 12. If you want one I'll make sure I set one aside for you. It will be a couple weeks before they get here. Let me know.
  • Brian Davey

    Well right now we have nothing but now that I know we'll see what we come across. See you soon.
  • joel

    dude! your from muncie!
    im taking the internship there hopefully.
  • joel

    so are you not there now?
  • joel

    so being that you were master of espresso extraction and whatnot, what are your opinions on how to best prepare the alliance world coffees signature espresso?
  • joel

    im working on this whole new way to make coffee, ill tell you if i get it.
    as for water temp., our machine doesnt have any mechanisms with which to measure it, so i tried measuring it with a milk thermometer as it was coming straight out of the gasket, it only gets up to 180, is that just the machine? or is it because of my tempurature measurement method?
    this whole "messing with espresso" deal and figureing out what tastes best, is it really just a matter of opinion? like lets say i want (not that i do) a 1 ounce shot in 35 seconds with 35 grams of coffee because it tastes good to me, is that really all that i need to do?
    because in attempting to pull shots your way (28-30 sec., 18-19 gr., etc.)
    i got alot of different ones that i thought were all wonderful espresso.
    or is it more about consistancy? like choose a version i like and then get that every time.
    feel free to tell me to stop pestering you with super long questions if your ever in a "i dont feel like giving espresso 101 lessons" mood.
  • Jesse_Aram

    Hey Chris thnx for the kind words. Haven't heard anything back from them yet, but I hope to soon. Sorry for the delay my OS & browser are having Bx issues, so I haven't been on much. Hope to see you soon!
  • Sam bo

    all is well here in ill-waukee. you should check out the milwaukee vs chi-town throwdown on fri.
  • Andrew Baker


    How is your continuing experience with the K10 doserless?

    One thing I wondered about was that I heard that the RPM is 400 - not the 300 of WBC edition. True? And does it matter? Are you or your colleagues coming out with a detailed review?


  • Andrew Baker

    Thanks Chris for your thoughts.
    I assume your are providing Compak with feedback. So do you anticipate that this issue will be dealt with before Compak takes this model into commercial production? If so, how?

    It would be interesting to know if the dosage consistency issue related to the soft clumping that you have identified exists on the other high end doserless grinders such as the Robur E or the Mahlkoenig K30? I am sure you would know but I think the Mahlkoenig K30 had soft clumping issues and that the manufacturer put in a screen to deal with soft clumping. Not sure how much it helped, although there seems to be fewer gripes on the blogs after the fix. I also have no idea of whether the soft clumping observed impacted volume consistency.

    Lastly, do you have a view on the chute, and whether it retains excess amounts of stale grinds when used in a home environment. (On my mini-mazzer, I can easily brush the chute and sweep old grinds away. So it does not really matter whether too many remain trapped in the chute.)