Scott Baldwin



United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, service tech/repair, supplier
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Seattle Washington
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I would love to travel to any country or city that helps me gain more knowledge about coffee and coffee culture.
About Me:
About Me: Well, I have done a little bit of everything in the coffee industry.

Lets take a stroll back a few years to 2002. I worked for Stirling Gourmet Flavorings, and was working as a warehouse manager/part time sales. While my stay there I would roll in every morning, barista for every one in the office that day, make my own drink and take the lonely walk to the warehouse to make sure that everyone in the entire world that ordered flavorings that day recieved their product in a timely fashion.

While working there and doing trade show after trade show.. I ran in to some Southern Folk by the name of Ambex Coffee Roasters.

Come to find out they were opening up a Wholesale side to their manufactoring of the roasters and putting one to use to make some coffee. Long story short, offered me a job.. I took it.. I moved two weeks later.. had my stuff shipped and it arrived a week later.

So while my stay at Cinnamon Bay Coffee Roaster in Clearwater Florida was short but eye opening. I not only inherated a great tan and some coffee knowlege to last me a life time. I also was the Sales Manager for their local accounts.

So after the first hurricane of the year and numerous emails and phone calls home. I decided that Florida wasnt for me. I needed to end up back at home where I belong. (they always say that you will never be able to leave washington for good)

So I moved home and went to work for Starbucks. Yes.. Ironic I know. From Small Batch roasting to Mass Quantities! But there I was just a push-button barista. But mainly took pride in my upselling skills in the drive thru where pastry sales went thru the roof! And the tips never showed for it.

So money there was a tough subject when it came to paying the bills so on to the next job where it had nothing to do with coffee what-so-ever but it made me some damn good money to help me afford to pay for my habbit of drinking the stuff.

So granite countertops installer.. not to interesting.

So that got old quick and my passion was starting to burn. My brother in law gave me an add in the paper telling me about a "Coffee Company" looking to hire a salesman. So what did I do? Did what I do best. Sold my self and started to work for Farmer Brothers Coffee Company. A company based out of Torrance Cali but had a branch in Redmond.

There I was in charge of filling in on routes of salesmen that went on vacation, got sick, or just needed carpool. So I did so while doing some barista training, cold calling, machine maintnence, and customer relations on the side.

Than after two months of that crap.. I decided to apply to the place that I love for coffee and love to make my third place.

So Finally after a year, I now work for Caffe Vita. And this is the best job in the world with the best people, coffee, atmosphere ohh and did i mention coffee?

If you havent tried it and call yourself a coffee enthusiast, you are only kidding yourself.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
This industry is so very welcoming and everybody is willing to help everyone else out. Everyone that I have meet in this industry is so kind and pationate about what they bring to the table. To me this industry is working so hard to educate the public about such a misunderstood agricultural product. And the more information we share and gain together the more we can inform the public that coffee isnt just your source of caffeine in the morning.

Comment Wall:

  • Nicole Michaud

    YAY Scottie!
  • Nicole Michaud

    Hey Scottie!
    I am super busy, I love it though and it needs to happen because the devil would have a field day with my idle hands!
    How are you doing?
  • Anna Gutierrez

    Hi Scott!

    Sorry I missed you on your tour as well...and thanks for the nice compliment! "The legend I am," huh? I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing, especially depending on who you're talking to. ;0)

    Definitely make sure you come by and visit me the next time you're at Dillanos. It sounds like you're doing great in the industry.

    Speaking of Kate and Eric, how are they doing? The last time I saw those two was at Coffee Fest Seattle 2006 when they had a nice get together promoting their new company...I can't remember the name of it though.

    Take care,
  • Joe Davis

    Congrats on the position man... maybe now you'll make enough money to get a real haircut!

    just joking... stay up.
  • Coffey Girl

    Hello! Thanks for the comment- it's not that I cannot find a job here, it's that I'm not looking in Seattle. I'm looking to move to Vancouver, BC this fall and therefore will start my research now so that I can hopefully have a job in the industry when I do's all part of "the plan." :-)
  • Coffey Girl

    P.S. I just read more about your new position...think you will love Vita...I know I do. I'll keep an eye peeled for 'ya.
  • Nicole Michaud

    Hey Scott!
    I am so happy you are back to specialty coffee. How has the new job been treating you?
    I am doing pretty awesome. Keeping quite busy. I will for sure be up there for Coffee Fest but do not have any plans for before that. AM thinking about starting a West Coast Tour in January starting in Seattle and working my way down the coast visiting friends (yes, a skater included!), will let you know how it progresses.....
    Do you know someone working at Vita named Dora? I met her dad on a train to Chicago a few weeks ago....
  • Joe Davis

    I do not know Skips email. Probably something Check their website, he's contact info might be on there.

    Hope your job is going well. Oh yeah, and get some real music up on this page, geez...
  • Greg Ingram

    Hey Scott,

    I'm good! Thanks for saying Hi!

    Just trying to get some Summer going! Hard to do in Rainy Portland!
  • Greg Ingram

    Hey Scott,

    Send me your address and I'll see what I can do!
  • Joe Davis

    He is one of their service techs, so you could try to get to him that way. I have his business card somewhere, but it is packed away along with all my other business stuff that I have no need for... yet.

    School is good: Hot muggy weather, lots of studying, and, well, I'm sure you could imagine the rest... haha!
  • Steve MacDowall

    hello Scott - greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Becky

    Greetings from Northwest Iowa! I'm a small coffee shop owner and am just getting into this social networking bit. Any tips would be great. BTW love your page and the music!!
  • Melissa Allison

    Hi Scott -- Thanks for the reminder about Caffe Vita's cuppings on the Coffee City blog. I'm also hoping to write about Mason's Sumatra trip when he and Mike Hebb get back. -- Melissa