Jonathan Meadows


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, barista trainer, coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Dallas, Texas
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Latte Art, Espresso extraction theory, Milk theory.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
About Me:
I am a coffee Traditionalist. I have been drinking coffee since 2001, but only in the 3 years have become very interested in the specialty coffee industry.

I was finalist in the 2010 SCRBC Competition and will compete at the USBC in April, 2010.

I own Cultivar Coffee & Tea Co. along with Nathan Shelton. We are based in Dallas, TX
About My Company:
Cultivar Coffee & Tea is located in Dallas, Texas. Pioneered by Jonathan Meadows and Nathan Shelton who appreciate every coffee for what it truly is and are committed to taking whatever steps necessary to highlight the amazing, unique character in every coffee. We are committed to both quality and sustainability, bringing both ideals hand-in-hand; bringing a new level of care, attention to detail and socioeconomic responsibility to the world of coffee.

Jonathan has competed in the United States Barista Championship and placed 5th in the 2009-2010 South Central Barista Competition. Both Nathan and Jonathan compete regularly in latte art competitions and in coffee events around Texas.

We source only the best coffee we can get our hands on and believe that our job as coffee roasters is to highlight the sweet spot in every single coffee that we offer. We roast and cup every coffee in celebration of the the hard work that coffee producers have put into their crop year round, respecting the processes that have gone before us and the preparation and consumption of the coffee that will take place once it is in your hands.

Because of the hard work that goes into producing coffee; from origin to roaster, we are committed to educating our customers on properly brewing the coffees that we roast, whether we are supplying a cafe or just the coffee you drink at home.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
People coming together to enjoy good conversation over a good cup of coffee

Comment Wall:

  • Chuck Gutilla


    It's great to hear from you. I remember you very well from that training class at White Rock. I really appreciated your enthusiasm and interest. Apparently you made great use of those websites I emailed to you. :o) Alliance World Coffees looks like a great concept. Congrats for hooking up with them and for persuing your passion for God and coffee. What could be better? I also enjoyed reading the account of your trip to Intelligentsia. It seems you also have a talent for writing.
  • grant yeamans

    what friend of mine with NO h in his name wants to cater coffee this sunday? or at least help me load.
  • Jesse_Aram

    Jonathan, thanks for finding me. I look forward to seeing you and the crew soon. You gonna get a barista comp routine together for Chicago? I'd love to see you rock it. In 8-10 years after my kids are older, I'll have to hit you up for a trip to New Zealand for an espresso inspirational tour de sheep. ALL BLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • grant yeamans

    Coffee here in In. just isn't the same w/o you bro!
  • charlotte

    oh... and if you are coming to chicago, when will you be here? metropolis is having a party at their new roasting facility on friday night that i may go to. so you should go if you can. did you buy tickets to CF yet?
  • Max Gonzalez

    Hey Jonathan, It was a pleasure to meet you in Atlanta. When ever you are ready to get back to Texas, hit us up. We can always organize an event if you are visiting, or get something together once you establish your base in Dallas. Cheers.
  • Jonathan Aldrich

    i just googled mountain water process and the best hit i got was your question on the forum here in october. lolz
  • Will Adams

    I can spot talent! He is talented!!
  • Ashlind

    Hey that guy who was asking about future events, what is his name and contact info? I lost the damn note card. Thanks for coming and i'll be in touch w/ your owners soon.
  • Lorenzo Perkins

    Way to be at the SCRBC this year. I'm really glad you showed up and represented Dallas so well. Also stoked on the fact that you'll be in Anaheim. South Central baby!