Sam Jones


Victoria, BC


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, coffee shop owner, barista trainer, coffee roaster, home barista, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, supplier
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Vicroria, BC Canada
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I am a really lucky guy I think. I have a wonderful wife and 3 fabulous kids. I also love my work and my buisness treats me well. What more could a person want?
I figure that if I did not own a coffee company I would need to be a lawyer to afford my coffee habit. So see? I am lucky!
About My Company:
2% Jazz is really a fun business to own. I love my work! The rest of it is all about coffee.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The future, the fun and the fashion.

Comment Wall:

  • Matt Milletto

    Sam, great to see you on bX!
  • Matt Milletto

    Sam, I recommend starting with the "Talk Coffee " forum, checking out the Blogs, and finding friends in the Members section. Each section has a great search function, and I think you will get the hang of the site ... :)

    Also, don't forget to list 2 % Jazz in the Coffee Shops section. All of which can be found in the top navigation.

    Let me know if you have questions or need any help.

    - Matt
  • Zack Simon

    I love you, Sammy Jones, with all the passion of my soul.
    Well, and your coffee. That's OK too.
  • geir oglend

    Hi Sam, someone said you took a job over at Folgers, what's with that? geir.
  • Zack Simon

    I think work's going to take precedent again this year, unfortunately.
  • Joshua Del Sol

    Ahh Sam! A voice from the outside!

    Little girl, named Pepper, all 14 toes and fingers are in tact. Both wings are coming in nicely and she has her mother's horns.

    Prego brain has given way to baby brain. I'm back to work on Tuesday after three weeks off. Bittersweet, but we're out of cash... I'll swing by for a drink soon. Thanks for the thoughts.
  • Ken Gordon

    I'm going to call you well before I open... I need to pick your brain.

    Wanna meet for Spro? Beer?

    I'm drinking your Yirg as I type this, SO much fruit!
  • Andrew Khoo

    I swear I wasn't sleeping in the photo! I like your website btw
  • Ken Gordon

    Close... I can smell the coffee!
  • Ben Cram

    Hi Sam,
    We will be installing the new roaster in about 2 weeks. As you predicted the vent ducting is the hold up. Thanks for all your help and advice.

    Rob said you had some helpfull critique on the espresso blend. I would love to pick your brain in a few weeks. (After a blending workshop at coffee fest and the Deidrich course.)
  • Ben Cram

    P.S. The big bottles of Howe Sound Brew would again be offered as brain picking fees.
  • Ben Cram

    Yes, I'll be there Friday morning. You?
  • Ben Cram

    Going for a half day blending workshop, and some cupping experience. I'm going to try to develop a few new green bean contacts as well. Drinks are definitely on. My cell is 250 8897800 and Rob is 250 5162241. or email "" and it will go to my phone.
  • Ben Cram

    Hey Sam,
    can the Synesso Anfim combo be split up?
  • Ben Cram

    Just the Synesso. Thanks.
  • Ben Cram

    Hi Sam,
    I tried your phone but got a not in service message.. ?? It's the same number I used in Seattle. I think I should talk to you before I make an offer. I don't want to waste anyones time. (except yours so far :) ) I will try you again tomorrow and if it doesn't work I will get a hold of you at your shop.
  • Bruno Ferrer

    Hey Sam Nice pictures!! Great Coffee Shop very different and fashion, cool stile!!Great people too!!And The Clover Machine!!
    So Sam, I saw picture of a competition, did you participated? I just pass through the regional here in São Paulo Brazil!!! I've got the second place! And it's going to happen the national competition next December!! I'm training for my presentation and signature beverage! I liked your coffee spirit so I'm adding You in my friend list, ok ?
    So have a nice coffee!!!
  • Adrian Badger

    I'm following your Press discussion with interest. I'm opening in a few months and trying to determine if I can handle just press coffee instead of getting a big drip machine. I will have some "salespersons" as clients who will want to take the large takeaway cartons of coffee to clients. I hope I can handle that kind of quantity with a counter full of french presses!
  • Steve MacDowall

    great photos - greetng from Canada - Steve
  • Ben Cram

    Sam, are you a dad (again) yet? The cell number I have for you doesn't work. (If you were trying to block my number you were successful.) I wanted to ask how your vacuum bagging for green beans is working. I am thinking about getting a vacuum sealer and wanted to pick your brain. (Yes I like to pick your brain often... I suppose that might be why your cell number stopped working for me?)

    Best wishes to your family for the birth.
  • Ben Cram

    If you google Tim Wendelboe and check out his blog it has an article about cupping vac pack versus jute bag and some great shots of his storage with shelves and shelves of vacpacked green. He writes that some origins started to taste past crop as quick as 3 months.

    Totally unrelated question. I just cut the bottom out of one of my pf's and I'm wondering what to look for in the extraction to improve distribution and tamping. I want to start using it to train staff. It pulls some ridiculous crema. Whole new texture to play with.
  • Ben Cram

    Any news?
  • Ben Cram

    Hey Sam,
    It seems we have both asked Reg to do some unique engraving for us. Where did you get the idea from? What do you want to use it for? Just curious cause I was thinking about it for a print advertisement.
  • Ben Cram

    I have a friend who runs the art department tech. for U of Calgary who can probably do it and loves to play with projects like that in his spare time. I'll contact him today. Terry Z has done it before as well...
  • Ben Cram

    Would you order Cafe Imports this week? I'm thinking between 6 -8 sacks for myself. I'm flexible depending if and how much you want to get. I have a current price list, if you want.
  • Stickman

    Wait a second...Is one of those Mirages for wee Sticky-boom-boom?
  • Stickman

    Come on....Pleeeeeeeeeease!
  • Jesse -D->

    The mirage is a great machine. I have never had any issues at all. I have used a number of different mirage machines, including a speedster, models with different mods like bump switches etc. never any issues. Defiantly get the foot pedal, and I would get a scace if you don't have one already. If La Marzocco is the Cadillac of machines then Mirage is a Ferrari. No bells and whistles, just what you need to get it done with precision. Good luck!
  • Stickman

    No, you're right but I've always wanted 5 and my dbl Linea would look quaint beside the Mirage...And the GS2 on the back counter.
  • J.P. Oughtred

    Ill keep my eyes and ears open pal. How much 7-9 g's? I saw the mirage in portland awhile back they look tight. For sure i'll come check it out. I'm away for a bit here but I'm back on the 10th see you sometime after.

    word to mirage.
  • Aaron McNany

    Besides the Mirage's great aesthetics, it's a tight machine. It's very user friendly. Temp is easy to adjust and shot volume (thought I only use continuous pull) is also easy to adjust. Are you definitely getting one? I want to see some pics in your place!
  • Adrian Badger

    hey sam, I saw you mention that you're getting rid of your synesso. I'm about to buy one soon and wonder what makes you decide to ditch it?
  • Ben Cram

    Hey Sam,
    Terra wants to volunteer as well. We're not big on baby sitters so if there is something she can do with a 5 month old riding her hip let me know.
  • Chris Tellez

    hey sam,

    do you know james doran?

    He's a regular at my cafe in collingwood ON. and he's mentioned you several times
  • Chris Tellez

    We are coffeee in collingwood. aha. Small town ya know? But were doing well. We won the central comp. So you'll be seeing us in October.
  • Chris Tellez

    yeah! And james doran told me to tell you that he;s the guy who made a "day in the life of" movie about you. and he's the mushroom guy.

    ring anything?
  • Nuova Simonelli

    Thank you Sam. We are just having fun. Hope to see you soon.
  • Chris Tellez


    He said it was a shot that would make you happy.
  • Rob Kettner

    Thanks man! I appreciate that
  • Mary Killmon

    I'm a part of a new coffee shop opening in Petersburg, Virginia, USA. I am in search of a talented barista to move to Petersburg for at least 6 months to train and work at our new shop, Demolition Coffee Co. We also own and opperate a renovated warehouse of 111 apartments. We are willing to provide an apartment and pay for a good Barista. If you are interested or if you know anyone else who would be right for this job, please let me know. You can send a message through Barista Exchange, or my regular email
    Thanks so much,

    Mary Killmon
  • Joshua Taves

    is their an email address that I could send you my resume at? thanks for your time.