Jared Mockli



United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, barista trainer, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Portland, OR
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I began my career in the specialty coffee industry as a part-time employee at an espresso drive-thru while attending college. Since that time, I have managed traditional coffeehouses, and coffee bars in gas stations, high end tobacco shops, and health food stores.

Prior to coming to Bellissimo, I managed a high profile coffeehouse in Seattle. During my tenure, sales at the coffeehouse nearly doubled and I gained a reputation as one of Seattle's best baristas. In 2002, I was voted "Best Barista in West Seattle" by readers of the West Seattle Herald and one of "Seattle's Favorite Baristas" by the readers of the Seattle Times. In 2003, I became the Executive Director of the Seattle Barista Academy, where I was responsible for the design and implementation of the school's curriculum, in addition to daily operations. I believes strongly in the importance of quality coffee coupled with great customer service when building community between patrons and staff.

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  • Shea Hagan

    Hmmmmm, I wonder where thet pic was taken? Maybe a bronco game? Ha!
  • Jeanette VanBelle

    wow, that doesn't look like you without the beard! I got your note the one time you were in there. Now I have had to go back to my day job and live vicariously through the coffee shop. I am usually there on Saturday afternoons for several hours. Thanks for all the nice words. It is getting pretty busy at the shop. We are working on a concession down at Houghton Beach now too. It will be a chain!
  • Jason Calhoon

    hey jared what's going on man.. I hope to come visit soon
  • Jason Calhoon

    Ohhh I will be back for my parade!!! But a couple or 4 sounds good to me. And pulling some shots. What weeks in april do you have classes?
  • Jason Calhoon

    Sweet I'll work on the dates probably that next week would work...
  • Ray Hencken

    Hey Jared-

    Almost been a year now since class - time goes fast. Things are good in PA. Still working my butt off at the shop, building business and serving great coffee. I would love to make it back out to the Northwest soon. Courtney wants to take a trip out badly. I'll definitely be looking you guys up when we make it there.
  • AM

    I think it's time for a picture update.. football season is over, and to be honest I've seen better pictures of you.
  • Anj Ferreria

    hey! thanks again for a great coffee week! im back in sweaty old manila! Just in case you're in the area come by and visit our cafe!:) hehehe.. thanks once again!
  • Toby T

    hey jared... I had a great time at ABC this past week... I am missing portland already, can't wait to go back again haha... i will definately give u a call if i'm ever in town. If you ever come to vancouver, give me a call or msg!!!
  • Shea Hagan

    Hey man,

    Cool seeing you today. We should go drink pints of beer. I just tried out the finger squeeze technique and it rules! I got a nice fatty on my first go! Yeah come to my gig at Ash street on the 6th, I will rock your face off!
  • Alex McDaniel

    Just found your page... wanted to say Hello.
    take care! Keep em on their toes at the school!
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey man I will see you soon my friend..... can't wait it will be fun and maybe some more fun?
  • Ken Hall

    Dude, your portafilter is stuck up in my group head..... THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!
  • Tim Noble

    Hey Jared, How's PDX? I caught the Kills last weekend, and Kate Moss was there. I'm sort of a big deal, apparently. Philly is like Portland with nice weather. Oh, and it's not 3,000 miles from New York. Did you know that?
  • Jason Calhoon

    It was great to see and hangout with you guys in MN.
  • Adrian Badger

    Howdy Jared. Great ABC class last week. I really appreciated the awesome weather you guys imported just for us.
  • Joe Smith

    Hey dude, how's everything out west? I just got my first job as a freelance trainer this weekend in the cape. Thanks again for all of your help and advice.
  • Steve

    Jared....I cant thank you enough for all the direction you gave me last week at ABC...I cant begin to thank you enough for your openess and guidence, its immeasurable when it comes to teaching and consulting!
    Thanks again!
  • Alex McDaniel

    Yo yo, How goes it? Still keeping the seats warm at Kells? Just droping a line man. Hope you are do'n great. Ciao!
  • mike cubbage

    how would someone go about getting involved with bellissimo? Sure I'll see you at coffeefest. . . online resume at www.cultivate-being.com/resumecoffee.pdf
  • Sarah Dooley

    Websters Dictionary
    terd burglar= one who is obsessive (obsessing over; obsessed with) with terds. He or she (usually males) are associated with the disease. In rare studies the terd >burglar is in complete denial often not even aware of the habit which usually only occurs along with sleep walkers and bed wetters. Recovery from this rare disease is slim and re-offender rates are at 75%.
    The Society of Obsessive Grotesque Disease Control has documentation leading back to 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Apparently Sir Christopher had a secret obsession for the collection of terds even naming them after English & British war heroes.

    Wow, Jared I had no idea that you had such an awful disease! Don't worry Beta and I will never tell anyone...
  • Ben Lanoha

    What's up Jared?! I'm pumped about the impending opening of my shop, hoping to be able to put into practice all the awesome training I got from you out at ABC.

    Hope all's well.
  • Steve MacDowall

    Hello Jared, greetings from Canada - Steve
  • zhongshun cai

  • Ray Hencken

    How's PDX treating you Jared? Long time no talk. I want to get out there again soon. Hope all is well at ABC.
  • insanemily

    thank you so much for your training and expertise! it could be very possible that i am now even more obsessed with this whole coffee business, which you and the kind coffee geeks here probably understand the most haha
    thanks again, jared :D
  • Ben Lanoha

    Yo Jared!
    How's everything going, man? Hope you're doing well. I'd love to see you if you're in town. My shop's at 1035 E 200 S, just down the street from the University of Utah. I'm hoping to be open mid-January. Give me a call at 801-560-4060 and maybe we could hook up for a drink or something. later!
  • Kelsey

    thanks so much for coming up to Alaska! I'm sure we all wished we could just keep you for a few more days to perfect that blasted rosetta and to show you some sights. :)
  • Sheri Merdes

    Your training with us at Take 5 has already made a difference for our customers! Thank you so much - and remember your bragging rights of -30 below! You earned it! Now to have you return to Alaska at 85-90 and sunny (all day & night!). We're back to a lovely 25 above, great skiing/snowmachining/fun temps! Everyone is working hard on their shots and art, it's fantastic to see their confidence build each time. Thanks again, it was a blast.
  • Brianna

    Hey! Thanks very much for the awesome training. Although, I will admit I find it a bit depressing, since I can now recognize poorly made coffee... It makes it difficult to settle for anything less than amazing.

  • Sheri Merdes

    Hi Jared! My brain is fuzzy with all the info and I can't remember if we talked about getting steam tips with smaller or larger holes. The machine is being fixed -the steam wand actually broke at the thread joint when Al was taking it apart - oops. Got the vacuum breaker replaced and all's quiet! And I'm tracking what's happening with the gauge, it's all over the place at times. It vacillates way too much, even at idle, and it's a new as of 2 months ago. There are some wild things happening with the water mains pretty close to us, so it may be they are messing with readings - I'll know in a day or so.
  • Nichola

    Yer lookin' a wee bit damp there Jared. Nice to see you again. Keep in touch.
  • Kelsey

    Hey Jared, how is the Holiday Season treating you?
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey jared how are things haven't talked since USBC. Just wanted to say hi!
  • Sheri Merdes

    I saw! You have such icy snow though - all the way down to the beaches of Texas too! I'll take a few bouts of 30 below over icy road conditions any day .... call me crazy!
  • Staci

    Hi Jared, good to hear from you! I got your phone message today -- I had been hoping to open January 1st, but it's looking more like February 1st at this point. (Contractors!!!!) As for the fun part, I've been trying lots of really great coffee from lots of really great people and I don't know how I'll ever pick a roaster -- so difficult! I'm going to need a great barista (been practicing with my Oscar, but still -- I'm going to need a great barista) so if you run across any who are unemployed or unhappy please send them my way. Hope all is well with you and I'll update you next month when I have a place that you can actually visit and maybe some staff to train.
  • Kelsey

    The holiday season has been great. Although it's -40 degrees this week. HORRIBLE!
  • shei

    Hi! Jared, how are things going?hope all is well. Maybe it is a bit late, but better than never to say thank you very much for the awesome traning that you and Matt did. I really had a great time and i enjoyed learning things about coffee at ABC's.

    Wish you all the best!!!!

  • Courtney Baber

    Hey Jared, life is great in NC! It's going to be 74 here today! Unfortunately I'm stuck inside until at least 5. Definitely time to brush up on my barista skills before Gary puts me on the spot at Coffee Fest next weekend! Will you be attending?
  • Jason Calhoon

    What's up Jared? what's new ? how's classes going?
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey man things are going good! I've been pretty busy and have an offer to move locations and park outside of a bookstore like Powell's they have a ton of foot traffic as well as being on a very busy intersection. Come on out for some sunshine and happy days. How's classes going and things with you?
  • Jason Calhoon

    I'm trying and wanting too. Just depends on this location when I move and getting people trained and going before I can book out of town. That's cool things are staying busy for you guys. How are you and the Lady? Ashley
  • Sheri Merdes

    Actually, it's pretty nice out! About 30 - 35 or so and melting, yeah! The sun's above the horizon about 13 hrs now, makes a huge difference. We've had SOOO much snow tho (although not nearly as much as ND lately!). Shoveled the roof on the Courtyard the other day - it was thigh deep and nearly 1/2 the height of the building when we were done - we jumped off. A job and a half - you know how HUGE that roof is and how tall the building is!
    Take 5 is going strong, we've more than doubled our average sales in the last few months, trying to keep up on the demand is fun! We just had another practice meeting with 501 the other day - and have questions for you. I think Emily was going to post them here. We added Harney & Son's tea - and it's right up there with sales of espresso, almost beating them when we first added it. We're gearing up for summer, will be fun! I'm expecting to be super super busy - we're making a great name for ourselves up here - thanks to things like your expert training!
    We got all the certificates except Heather's (Norman). They'll be posted as soon as I get Heather's. We're waiting for North Pole Coffee to get the Bellagio items, if they don't soon we'll just go straight to Cafe d'Art ourselves.
    You must return sometime! And I need to be a good client and leave feedback.... ahhh I can't believe I forgot! Come up in the summer or fall - it's so gorgeous! Bring your sweetie!
  • Jason Calhoon

    Will do! Are you gonna be there as well??
  • Sheri Merdes

    Oh, forgot to say that I've challenged the team to create a "northern lights" art as our signature - we're close.
  • Joseph Hill

    Hey! Well today was the first time I made a latte since Saturday, but the Rosetta actually came out ok. Just need a little more practice. Thanks for all of your help! We all appreciate it.
  • Sheri Merdes

    Jared, I'll get ahold of Emily since she's the one who wrote down or remembers the questions we had at our staff meeting this past Sunday. I think you have Emily (insanemily is her barista name) in your "friends". When something's assigned to someone, I promptly set aside remembering details and just remember the overall! Our baker is out with mono or influenza and so I've been busy, busy, busy! Long 12,13 hour days baking. It just flies out the door with each cup of coffee!
    Heather's name is Heather Norman. Thanks!
    I have a girl friend up from LA this weekend and I'm taking her to Denali Park tomorrow - I've arranged for her to go dog mushing with my friends there - Jeff and Donna King. Jeff's won the Iditarod many many times. A fun day for sure. Then two dance workshops at the Courtyard (she's an instructor) Fri/Sat, a few other events and we're in for a fun weekend!
    See you in the summer!???? It's a good year to come up, cruises, etc are cheap!
  • Shea Hagan

    Dude, Hasselsack eats it ;) Tell me some more places to eat around here! I might have to drive down for some Kens soon.
  • insanemily

    hey jared! greetings from alaska :) i've got a few questions to run by you...

    a. we puro cafe the machine on saturday nights and we're closed on sunday. should we be running shots directly after cleaning or is it better to properly purge the machine and run shots monday morning while getting the grind set?

    also, what is your routine as far as closing down the machine each night? we're having some debates when it comes to leaving the screens on or removing them before back flushing or puro cafing and such. i have my own routine from previous jobs and i don't remember covering this with you so i just want to make sure i've got the right ideas.

    i think that's all for now :D the shop has been doing well-- we're seeing a lot more business and now that it's warming up and we have about 14 hours of daylight, everyone is coming out of the woodwork...quite literally! the latte art is coming along too...i'm still working on widening the rings but i'm always having fun with it.

    hope you are doing well and enjoying spring. nothing like drinking coffee at 6am on the porch swing this time of year haha thanks and i'll speak to you soon! -emily
  • Drew

    Are you at the Seahawks stadium? Ughhh no hope sir. Lol talk to you soon and btw my plan for coffee domination in New Orleans is moving along nicely.