

Costa Rica

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee shop owner, coffee roaster, coffee grower, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Heredia, Costa Rica
How many years have you been in the industry?
Family legacy... but I have only been around it for a couple of years.
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
We have a small coffee shop near an University, we we sell the same coffee we produce. We are coffee producers and coffee roasters
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
London, Italy! Neatherlands... France... El Salvador... Tailand...anywere!
About Me:
I have lived all my life around coffee, having a coffee plantation that has been inheritated generation after generation. In the last 4 years I started having more contact with the coffee world and discovered I just love it!!
About My Company:
We have a small state coffee farm. We grow, process and roast our own coffee. Now we are on the bussiness of running our own coffee shop
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The way coffee brings people together!

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  • Tiffany Johnson

    It was moving a little slow at first, but things are beginning to pick up now. Thanks for asking, How are things with you? I hope all is great.
  • Rita Kaminsky

    Hi Mabel- It's great to hear from you. i hope you had a good time in portland and you enjoyed the class. take care and good luck
  • Luis Rodriguez

    Hola Mabel, si un gusto la verdad... la escuela de nosotros funciona como un centro para desarrollar habilidades en el sector, los cursos de catacion basicos son de 4 días y los de tostado se imparten en 2 días, la verdad buscamos introducir a la gente a estas areas, darles bases teoricas solidas y buena base practica para que ellos sigan aprendiendo y pasen a cursos avanzados... supongo que en Icafe hay cursos donde pueda participar para ir aprendiendo y como catacion y tostado la practica frecuente hace la experiencia.. tambien tenemos la fortuna de usar cafes de todo el pais, la region y el mundo frecuentemente lo cual es muy util para mejorar las habilidades locales... cualquier otra consulta no dude en hacerla...un gusto!