Chris Hately
  • Male
  • Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
  • United Kingdom
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  • Dane McGreevy
  • Glenn Watson
  • Claire Matheson-Jones
  • Reg Barber
  • Chris Weaver
  • Coffee Kids
  • flyingthud
  • Dale Harris
  • Stefanos Domatiotis
  • Nick Cho
  • James Hoffmann
  • Stuart Lee Archer

Chris Hately's Discussions

UK Baristi!

Started Sep 8, 2008 0 Replies

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Chris Hately's Page

Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK.
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Despite having only been in the industry (or infact drinking coffee) since October 2007 I'm a total coffee obsessive. Since becoming a barista I've pushed myself to be the best barista I can be, learning everything I can from everybody I've met.

I have experience on a grouphead machine (a two group Wega Nova), and have a basic knowledge of how an espresso machine works, as well as a basic knowledge of modifiocations such as PIDs. My latte art is improving all the time, and I am fully set on entering regional competitions this coming year.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere in the UK, Western Europe, Poland, Italy, or the USA.
About Me:
I have been a barista for 9 months
About My Company:
Coolaboola Coffee is a small independent coffee shop. It currently consists of a single kiosk in the Newcastle metro system, but we are on the verge of having another unit open in Central Station. We're totally commited to giving the customer the very best coffee we can, and to doing justice to the beans our roaster (Union Hand Roasted) supply us with.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The community aspect

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At 1:05pm on September 14, 2008, Dale Harris said…
Happy Birthday t'yu
At 9:51am on August 5, 2008, Coffee Kids said…
Glad to see you on Barista Exchange as well, Chris. Hope all is well in the UK.

The Gang at Coffee Kids

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