Nice to hear from you again. In response to your query, yes, I am very interested in helping any way I can. What exactly did you have in mind?
Just as an update on what I'm doing here at college, I've finally found a professor who is interested in aroma chemistry and synthesis. Next fall, we should be starting on a study of the chemical linalool, which is a flavor component of hops (and roses in another chemical configuration).
Pablo Castaneda
take care
Feb 20, 2008
Mar 15, 2009
Brendon Parsons
Nice to hear from you again. In response to your query, yes, I am very interested in helping any way I can. What exactly did you have in mind?
Just as an update on what I'm doing here at college, I've finally found a professor who is interested in aroma chemistry and synthesis. Next fall, we should be starting on a study of the chemical linalool, which is a flavor component of hops (and roses in another chemical configuration).
Mar 17, 2009